Oxford English 2A Module 2 Unit 1I can swim单元备课.doc

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1、Oxford English 2A Module 2 Unit 1I can swim单元备课Topic: Im super -Sub-topic: Period 1: Supergirl is super! Period 2:I m super!【单元教学目标】语用任务:学生能运用句型Can you ? Yes, I can. / No, I can t. 进行问答,完成小调查,从而了解对方能力的相关信息。语言知识与技能:1、在Supergirl is super! 和I m super! 的语境中朗读、理解并运用本单元的核心词汇:run, write, swim, fly。2、在语境中朗读

2、、听懂并能应答本单元的核心句型:Can you? Yes, I can. / No, I cant.3、在语境中正确认读和书写字母Gg, Hh。语言情感:在Supergirl is super! 和I m super! 的语境中了解每个人都有各自不同的技能和特长,认识到自己和小朋友每个人都是superboy或者supergirl。学习策略:1、通过模仿朗读、师生问答、角色扮演等方法体验学习内容。2、通过相互问答,做小调查的形式体验学习内容。【教学技术与学习资源应用】PPT,黑板,视频支持【分课时教学目标】语用任务语言知识与技能第一课时在语境中扮演Kitty和Supergirl朗读对话,并进行问

3、答。在语境中能听懂,朗读核心单词:run write fly swim,并能根据图片说出以上四个单词。在语境中能听懂,朗读核心句型:Can you? Yes, I can. / No, I cant.在语境中正确认读字母Gg, Hh。第二课时在语境中运用句型Can you ? Yes, I can. / No, I can t. 进行问答,完成小调查,从而了解对方能力的相关信息。在语境中能听懂,朗读核心单词:run write fly swim,并能简单使用这四个单词。在语境中能听懂,朗读并正确应答核心句型:Can you? Yes, I can. / No, I cant.在语境中正确认读和

4、书写字母Gg, Hh。【第一课时教学设计】一、本课时文本内容【主文本】Kitty: Can you run, Supergirl?Supergirl: Yes, I can. Look! I can run fast. I'm super!Kitty: Can you swim, Supergirl?Supergirl: Yes, I can. I can swim like a fish. I'm super!Kitty: Can you fly, Supergirl?Supergirl: Yes, I can. I can fly very high. I am super

5、!Kitty: Can you write, Supergirl?Supergirl: No, I cant.I can run, swim and fly. But I cant write.【辅助文本】Fly, fly, fly,Can you fly?Yes, yes, yes,I can fly very high.Fly up,Fly down.Up and down,In the sky!二、教学过程(Period 1)ProceduresContentsMethodsPurposeI.Pre-taskWarming-up1. Sing songs. < I can draw

6、.> <The alphabet song>2. Review the letters and rhymes.唱歌曲,活跃课堂气氛,激发学生学习兴趣。复习已知的字母以及相对应的发音。II.While-task1. Learn the letters2. What can Kitty do?3. About Supergirl4. Supergirl can run. 5. Supergirl can swim.6. Supergirl can fly.7. Supergirl is super!8. Supergirl cant write.1-1 Read the lett

7、ers, words and sentence.Gg- girl Hh- hand2-1 Watch the picture and find out the things Kitty can do.T: Look! This is Kittys desk. What can she do?3-1 Raise questions about Supergirl.e.g. Is she tall? How old is she? What can she do?3-2 Watch the vedio and try to find out the answers.3-3 Try to be Su

8、pergirl and greet.4-1Have the students listen to the recording for “Supergirl”.T: What can Supergirl do?4-2 New word: run.4-3 Do the action: run fast.5-1 Complete the dialogue.5-2 New word: swim New pattern: Can you ? Yes, I can.5-3 Swim like a fish(do the action).5-4 Read in roles.6-1 Complete the

9、dialogue.6-2 Say a chant.6-3 Act out.7-1 Blank filling7-2 Supergirl is so super!8-1 Complete the dialogue in pairs.8-2 New word: write.8-3 Read in roles.初步感知字母Gg,Hh发音。操练学过的单词和句型What can she do?,为新学单词和句型做好铺垫,打好基础。用“超级女孩”的故事来创设情景,让学生自己来说说想知道的信息,调动学生的积极性,培养英语逻辑思维能力。带着问题去看小视频,培养捕捉关键信息的能力。说说做做,激发学生学习的兴趣,

10、用肢体动作帮助低年级学生理解词义,加深印象。用儿歌的形式调动学生,拥有去的方式学习新授知识。用演一演的形式让学生融入语境,巩固新授句型。进一步体会Supergirl is super!,情感得到了升华。III.Post-task1. Act out2. Mums questions. 1-1 Read the dialogue in pairs and act it out.2-1 Read the story in pairs and prepare the answers to Mums questions.IVAssignment1.Listen to and read the text. 听读文本。2.Talk about: Why is Supergirl super? 说一说:为什么说Supergirl超级棒呢?On the board 2A M2U1 Supergirl is super!Can you ?runwriteswimfly Yes, I can. No, I cant.


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