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1、公共关系新论 (理论与实务 )笔记 2010(New theory of publicrelations (theory and practice) note 2010)The first chapter of public relations theoryChapter one: origin and development of public relationsSection 1 what is public relations?Definition of public relations: public relations is a social organization using s

2、cientific media and meansof communication, with the public to build up mutual understanding, trust and support of dependence. We refer to this relationship and the activities involved in establishing such relationships, collectively referred to as public relations.The defining point of this definiti

3、on is:1, social organizations. This is the main body of public relations, with a dominant, dynamic role, organizations include political parties, government, societies, factories, shops, schools, hotels, the army and other forms.2, the public. This is the object of public relations. It isall other s

4、ocial organizations, groups and individuals related to the organization, and members of the organization.3, media and means of communication. This is the way and method of communication between subject and object of public relation. Media refers to newspapers, television, radio, websites and other m

5、eans of communication, referring to various specificmeansof communication, such as dialogue, interviews, meetings, activities and so on.4, mutual understanding, trust and support of dependence, which is the essence of public relations. Public relations reflect the two-way communication between the o

6、rganization and the public. Understanding refers to the openness and equality of both sides of information. Trust refers to understanding and understanding, and support refers to the consistency of the direction of both acts.The definition of public relations practice: specific public relations work

7、 or public relations practice called public relations practice. In other words, the concrete implementation and process of an organization's public relations is the practice of public relations.Functions of public relations:1, communication organization image2. Coordinate the organizational envi

8、ronment3, participate in organizational decision-making4, strengthen organizational unity5, to improve organizational efficiencyThe second section?. The conditions and status of public relationsPublic relations originated in the United States, and its objective conditions are:1, the development of c

9、ommodity economy has laid an economic foundation for the development of public relations2, the rise of the social public power has laid a social foundation for the emergence of public relations3, the development of the media has laid a scientific foundation for the development of public relations4,

10、the progress of democracy has laid a political foundation for the development of public relations5, modern management theory has laid a theoretical foundation for the maturity of public relationsIvy Lee: in 1903, the reporter Ivey. "United States" New York Times in New York created the wor

11、ld's first "propaganda advisory firm", namely public relations consulting, which is a sign of the birth of modern public relations. The core of his public relations thought was "telling the truth", and in 1906 he published a declaration of principles to the press. His contrib

12、ution was to make public relations a career, and to create principles and methods for public relations.Edward Berners: he made important contributions in promoting public relations subject, in 1923 completed the first monograph "Public Relations Department of public opinion" in the same ye

13、ar setting, New York University opened for the first time course of public relations. In 1952, he edited the textbook "public relations", which provided a complete discipline system for public relations. "Good for the public" is an important part of Berners's public relations

14、 thought."Effective public relations": 1952, by Scott of the United States. Katelipu, Allen. Glen. Bloom and Vincent co written a book, put forward the basic idea of the organization and public "two-way communication".The four pillars of modern enterprise: capital, equipment, tal

15、ents and public relations.The third quarter?. the rise of public relations in our countryThe reasons for the rise of public relations in china:1, ? Economic marketization?2, and? political democratization?3, ? Social harmony?The difference between public relations and tension:1, ? Public relations f

16、ocus on the long-term goal of the organization, the unity of interests and social interests, adhere to the overall interests of the socialist construction for the principle; and pull only from their own interests or the interests of the relationship between small groups of purpose through damage to

17、the organization and the social public interests,Fundamentally contrary to the principles of public relations.2, ? Public relation is a kind of organization and organization, organization and various public between public social relations, public relations staff on behalf of the organization; the La

18、tin American relations is facing the individual members of the organization, is a personal relationship in a sneaky way to hide.3, and the public relations work is to achieve two-way communication with the public by means of honest and honest external communication and perfect means of social servic

19、e. Pull ties, etc., is the use of personal relations, the use of legal and moral means to tackle key problems".4. ? Public relations play a "unity within the outside, outside development", and promote the healthy functioning of society and coordinated development. The "pull"

20、 relationship is a bad habit, a social norm of misconduct, which poses a serious threat to the socialist economic construction and social customs.The second chapter.?. The elements and procedures of public relationsSection 1? the main body of public relationsGeneralized public relations subject: soc

21、ial organizationClassification of social organizations:1, from the nature, social organizations are divided into political organizations, economic organizations, military organizations, cultural organizations and so on.2, in form, social organizations can be divided into formal and informal organiza

22、tions.3, from the point of view of profit, social organizations can be divided into for-profit organizations, non-profit organizations and government organizations. The government organizations here refer to the military, police and local governments at all levels serving the community and the publi

23、c.4, as the standard of public relations activities, social organizations can be divided into government organizations, manufacturing enterprises, organizations, businesses, service organizations, business organizations and social organizations.Narrow sense public relations subject: public relations

24、 organizations and practitionersThree types of public relations organizations: 1? a professional public relations company (industrialpublic relations companies, special business public relations companies, integrated public relations companies)2. ? The public relations departments within the social

25、organization (the highest leadership, direct responsibility type, other functional departments juxtaposed, departmental subordination)3? public relations organizations (Comprehensive societies, academic societies, public relations societies)Public relations practitioners should have the quality: pro

26、fessional ethics, professional knowledge, interpersonal communication ability, organization and coordination ability.The second section? the object of public relations?The meaning and characteristics of the public: the public is a general term for the objects of public relations communication, and i

27、s an individual, a group or a social organization that interacts with the subject of public relations. It is characterized by commonality, diversity, variability and psychological characteristics.Classification of the public:1, according to the relationship between the public and the social organiza

28、tions, they are divided into the internal public and the external public.2, according to the development stages of the relationship between the public and the organizations, they are divided into non public, potential public (also known as hidden public, future public), public and mobile public.3, i

29、n accordance with the degree of stability of the public to the organization, divided into temporary public, cyclical public and stability of the public.4, according to the importance of the survival and development of the organization, it is divided into the primary public, the secondary public and

30、the marginal public.Third? public relations procedures?Public relationsfour step approach: publicrelations survey,public relations planning, public relations plan implementation, public relations evaluation.Perspectives of public relations research: literature research, public opinion polls, and pub

31、lic relations forecasting.Public relations programs include the establishment of public relations goals, the development of public relations programs,and budgeting.The implementation of the public relations programmeincludes the choice of public relations tools, the implementation of public relation

32、s, media and public relations programmes.Public relations assessment includes: assessing the effectiveness of public relations work, working procedures for public relations assessment, assessing public relations activities, interpreting and utilizing assessment results.The third chapter.?. the basic

33、 principles of publicrelationsSection 1? the goal principle of public relations?The objective principle of public relations:1, reciprocity and mutual benefit, the public interest priority (mutual benefit is "positive and game")2, as a whole, social benefits are heavy (including social and

34、economic benefits, social ecological benefits and social spiritual benefits)3, both the science and art of combining (in "effective public relations" put forward in the book "7C S principle, the credibility, attribution, validity, clarity, consistency and continuity, diversity, differ

35、ence, art of the seven principlesfor the dissemination of the offer feasible standard)The second section? The practical principles of public relations?Four practical principles of public relations:1, true and trustworthy2, based on long-term (effectiveness of long-term and long-term plan)3, pioneeri

36、ng and innovative (innovation is a new combination of old elements)4, all public relationsThe fourth chapter, the public psychology analysisSection 1? Public needs and motivations?The concept of need: the need to be a person wholacks something necessary (something that can be material or spiritual)

37、and a psychological state of tension that arises within itself.Required features:1, the need for objectivity2, the needs of reality and development3, the need for selectivity4, the needs also have differences and commonalitiesMaslow's hierarchy of needs: physiological needs, security needs, soci

38、al needs, respect for needs, and the need for self actualization.Maslow needs the relationship between layers:1, no matter whether people realize their own needs, there are five different levels of needs in the human body, but the urgency of the various needs manifested in different periods is diffe

39、rent.2, these five needs are not met by everyone. The closer to the top, the lower the percentage of satisfaction, but the higher level needs are more valuable than the needs of the lower levels.3, Maslow to remind people not to rigidly adhere to understand the need to order, people have formed in t

40、he interaction between the various needs of the situation, even if the low level needs due to special reasons temporarily unable to meet or not fully meet the need for high-level, strength and not established so easily changed.The concept of motivation: motivation is the mental drive tolocate, cause

41、, promote, maintain, or inhibit individual behavior, and to drive an organism toward an intended goal. The formation of motivation depends on two basic requirements, namely, needs and incentives. Motivation is an intermediate link between need and actionMotivational characteristics:1, motivation has

42、 diversity2, motivation is directional3, motivation has complexity4, motivation is strengthenedThe second section? Public attitudes analysisThe concept of attitude: psychologist GOrr Bodo Te pointed out, "according to the experience and attitude is a kind of psychological and neural tissue of t

43、he ready state, affect its response to personal guidance or motivation." (attitude is the mediating variable between stimulus and response) (the main characteristic of attitude is its evaluation) (psychologist Rosenberg believes that attitude consists of cognition, emotion and behavior tendency

44、, also called intention)Function of attitude:1, cognitive function and attitude affect the subject's judgment and choice of external stimuli2, the adaptive attitude, predetermined individual response to the pattern of things3, the expression of evaluation function, attitudes affect the value of

45、human performance4, the self-defense function, the attitude of the main body self-defenseFormation and development of attitude: it is a psychological process from quantitative change to qualitative change. Kelman proposed the three stages of the process of attitude change, namely, the stage of submi

46、ssion, the stage of assimilation and the stage of internalization. People in order to achieve a certain material or spiritual satisfaction or performance in order to avoid punishment behavior called obedience;assimilation refers to people voluntarily accept other people's ideas, beliefs, their a

47、ttitude is consistent with the requirements of others; it means that the internalization of the views of others, attitude into their own value system, become a part of your personality.The third section? Public psychology?The concept of mental set: the so-called mental set, that is, psychological or

48、ientation or fixed trend". It is a kind of psychological readiness are people with specific objects incognition, behavior and social relations, the psychological state of perception, memory, thinking, emotion and other psychological activity and behavior activities play a positive or negative r

49、ole.The characteristics of mental set: concealment and spontaneity, fixity and change, standardization and synthesis.The basic form of stereotyping: primacy effect and recency effect, halo effect (also known as halo effect, stereotype).Fourth? the manifestation of public psychologyForms of public psychology: fashion and fashion, public opinion, gossip and rumoursFashion and the concept of fashion: fashion is a period of internal s


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