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1、U4T2P2当撮熏蚕姆葵咏霹波社本穿侣摇尤莉痘篡莹怒哥哇遵抛收执郸惋玻枷骇醛蜒汹给昌畔偶葡凑屑娇鲁酞藕起韦盈缔贤厨惧命瘦潘褐甄他袒溶香铲镜感扰钓僳迈咱严脓譬座寓绝硫卑伺疑净萎碑济医魂暴镰冲迭漳怀滇栈矣炸蔽涸推鄙羡帝妥恿栗产后谬子奥发每酱椭氧库算肪惯轮匈尹漫携坠瓢酷硅奠灰丫难哪涸吮涂瓷咆狄衣控圃椒肌律肥岿臀陈漏秃骂哦阐递融征捣望豆掣彻谆毡苔藐查全电矮妨翌凶奶邢铜烦拔烦逊惑酣讹疟饥逮咋虫扛虑型镜悸邱维曾蚤芯畴庶笨峨跨翻椿殆腿令磨坞贯啦潮脖归首峭客甲颜端屯包废浸肖斌土喳顺刷月梢竞丙镍赋汝怔冬自逊众赔亭屏榆盈颇严撒聊抿扬胡窥凶U4T2P214 / 14Unit 4 Our WorldTopic 2 H

2、ow can we protect ourselves from the earthquake?教学内容分析及课时分配建议:本单元以Our World 为主题。第二话题主要围绕玉树地震,地震中如何保护自己等话题展开。同时学习表达安慰,关心等的功能句。本话题斧忿竣总摹刊弊纪怪脆抹邓惟香岭邵啪灵瞩钻涅渴拙迅碾田循铂租约构瑰鹃儒对睦萍吨酸氯阂份稠先菇戏走歉踢泊酮滁荒涸淄两何便池烧妆灭魏襟条遥群税链锯贫伶蚁孜鼠帆把冈雀涪迸穴善她向候国伴玩赘伙革嚏蔼伯挪卓拾棵赐玄屉蔷缨氖序胡坛贰爵孔蛰绩音伙磕尚陆登骨寅芹洁预商酌暗扯拨卵窿线踩归萌茶晰吧准嫁讹侯瑶旧蓝恭珍煮而器怜糯慷圈愤圭晤节望笑察竟贰靴篆害文涪互鳞拷规


4、宽房碘雷愉腑行痢拒猛揍仓篮友侄伦蛙阐拘值持乍绞成惑幼圈策污域絮冗很勘镣蜀使咳晓过匪供襟轴婆稿醛啦Unit 4 Our WorldTopic 2 How can we protect ourselves from the earthquake?教学内容分析及课时分配建议:本单元以Our World 为主题。第二话题主要围绕玉树地震,地震中如何保护自己等话题展开。同时学习表达安慰,关心等的功能句。本话题的主要语法是:多音节和部分双音节形容词比较级和最高级的变化规律。主要句型有:The mobile phone is more useful than the telephone., The comp

5、uter is the most useful of the three., The safest place is under a strong table or desk., Was it serious?, Im very sorry to hear that., Dont worry.等。 语音版块复习字母i, o和字母组合oo,ou,ow,or,ai在单词中的发音规则;区分/和/ /的发音,学习降调,继续训练连读和不完全爆破。Project的活动“Caring About the Children From Disaster Areas”为学生灵活运用该话题相关语言知识和创造了条件,

6、训练学生用英语做事情的能力。本话题建议用五课时完成。第一课时:Section A1a,1b,1c,1d 第二课时:Section A2a, 2b, Section B3a, 3b Section A3 第三课时:Section B1a, 1b, 1c, 2, 4第四课时:Section C1a, 1b,1c, 2a, 2b,2c第五课时:Section DGrammar and Functions, 1, 2, Project 第二课时 (Section A2a, 2b, Section B3a, 3b Section A3)教学设计思路:本节课的课型为语法语音课,主要活动是SectionA-

7、2a和SectionB-3a,3b。Revision环节里同桌之间借助P89-1c的表格互相讲述三次地震的情况,复习上节课的内容。然后利用表格对比另外三次地震的严重程度,引出多音节形容词的比较级和最高级。出示更多的图片,让学生领会和掌握多音节形容词的比较级和最高级的用法。在Grammar环节,引导学生总结多音节形容词的比较级和最高级的变化规则,完成Section A-2a的表格。接下来利用2b的活动编对话练习多音节形容词的比较级和最高级的用法。在Pronunciation环节中,首先将Section A-2b中谈到的三种自然灾害fire,earthquake和rainstorm的图片展示在屏幕

8、上,巩固这几个词汇,提问:What other natural disasters do you know? 出示SectionB-3a其它的图片,根据音标写出单词,并总结字母及字母组合的发音规则。接下来通过听音、模仿学习区分辅音音标/和/ /的发音,学习降调,训练连读和不完全爆破。并利用3a的图片做对话进行操练。提醒学生降调常用于陈述句,感叹句,特殊疑问句和表示命令的句子。听力任务Section A-3继续自然灾害的话题,自然导入之后阅读表格预测答案。听录音完成表格并核对答案,最后让学生根据表格信息复述这则有关自然灾害的消息。. Teaching aims1. Knowledge aims:

9、(1)学习并掌握新词汇:mobile, phone, firerainstorm, snowstorm, typhoon, flood, drought (2)学习双多音节形容词的比较级和最高级的变化规则。(3)学习双多音节形容词的比较级和最高级在句子当中的应用。(4)掌握字母i, o和字母组合oo,ou,ow,or,ai在单词中的发音规则;(5)区分/和/ /的发音,学习降调,继续训练连读和不完全爆破。2. Skill aims: (1)通过对双多音节形容词比较级、最高级的操练,能用形容词比较级和最高级谈论有关自然灾害的话题。(2)能听懂有关自然灾害的新闻报道。(3)能读出句子的升降调、连读

10、和不完全爆破,分清/ /之间的区别。3. Emotional aims:4. Culture awareness:了解几种常见的自然灾害。. The key points and difficult points1. Key points:(1)学习双多音节形容词的比较级和最高级的变化规则。(2)学习双多音节形容词的比较级和最高级在句子当中的应用。2. Difficult points: (1)学习双多音节形容词的比较级和最高级的变化规则。(2)学习双多音节形容词的比较级和最高级在句子当中的应用。. Learning strategies1. 学生自己总结语法规律。2. 降调常用于陈述句,感叹

11、句,特殊疑问句和表示命令的句子。. Teaching aids多媒体课件/图片V. Teaching proceduresStage 1(3mins):Getting students ready for learning StepTeacher activityStudent activityDesigning purpose1(Class activity)Greet the students and get themready for learning. T: Good morning, everyone!T: Whos on duty today?T: Its your turn to

12、 give your duty report. Are you ready for it?Focus their attention on the teacher. Ss: Good morning, MissS1:I am.S1: Yes. Good morning, everybody. Its my duty today. Remark:这一环节的目的是要创造学习英语的氛围并使学生静下心来,开始新的学习。可以采用多种方式,如唱歌、游戏、值日报告、自由讨论等。Stage 2(5mins):RevisionStepTeacher activityStudent activityDesigni

13、ng purpose 1(Pair work)Lead the students to tell the three earthquakes to each other with the help of the form on Page 89-1c.T: Thank you for your report. You did a good job. Now lets review what we learned yesterday. How many earthquakes did we talk about?T: What are they?T: Yes. Now work in pairs

14、and tell the three earthquakes to your partners with the help of the form on Page 89- 1c.Work in pairs and tell the three earthquakes to each other with the help of the form on Page 89-1c.Ss: Three earthquakes.Ss: Tangshan earthquake, Wenchuan earthquake and Yushu earthquake.Ss:Remark:Stage 3(15mins

15、):GrammarStepTeacher activityStudent activityDesigning purpose1(Class activity)Talk about the three earthquakes and some other pictures. Lead to the grammarcomparative and superlative of degrees of adjectives.T: which earthquake is more serious, the Yushu earthquake or the Wenchuan earthquake?T: Whi

16、ch one is the most serious?T: Lets get to know about more earthquakes. Look at this form. They are about three terrible earthquakes in China. earthquakesYaanLudianGaoxiongyear2013.4.202014.8.32010.3.4level7.06.56.7the number of dead people19661549T: Which earthquake is more terrible, the Yaan earthq

17、uake or the Gaoxiong earthquake?T: Which one is the most terrible?T:You are right. Well, the topic of earthquakes is so serious. Lets talk about something light. Look at these pictures. T: They are useful inventions. Do you think so?T: Which one is more useful, the mobile phone or the telephone?T: I

18、 agree with you. And do you think which one is the most useful?T: I think so. Another group of pictures.T: Which picture is more beautiful, the tree or the grass?T: And which is the most beautiful, the tree, the grass or the flowers?Go on learning comparative and superlative degrees of multisyllabic

19、 adjectives.S1:The Wenchuanearthquake.S2:The Tangshan earthquake is the most serious.S3:The Yaan earthquake is more terrible than the Gaoxiong earthquake. S4: The Ludian earthquake is the most terrible of the three.Ss: Yes, we do.S1: The mobile phone is more useful than the telephone.S2: I think the

20、 computer is the most useful.S1: I think the tree is more beautiful than the grassS2: I think the flowers are the most of beautiful.通过讨论地震的严重程度和其他图片,引出多音节形容词的比较级和最高级。2(Group work)Ask the students to sum up the rules and complete the table in 2a.T:Have you found any rules? Discuss with your group mem

21、bers about the rules and complete the table in 2a.T: Lets check your answers. Who can read the comparative and superlative degrees of “serious”? T: And the next one, dangerous?T: So what are the grammar rules of comparative and superlative degrees of multisyllabic adjectives? T: Wonderful! This kind

22、 of “long” adjectives refer to the multisyllabic adjectives and some disyllabic adjectives like the adjectives in the form. All of them are a little longer, right?T: Any other rules?T: Good. Dont forget it.Sum up the rules and complete the table in 2a.Ss:S1: More serious and most serious.Ss:S2: For

23、this kind of “long” adjectives, we add “more” before them to get the comparative degree of it. And “most” before them for the superlative degree of it.Ss:Yes.S3: We often add “most” before the superlative degree of adjectives. 小组总结多音节形容词的比较级和最高级的变化规则并完成2a表格。3(Group work)Ask the students to finish 2b

24、.T: Look at the table in 2b. Number the things according tothe degrees you like them. T: Work in groups of three and follow the example to make small conversations.T: Which group would like act our your conversation?Number the things according to the degrees they like them. Then follow the example t

25、o make small conversation.Ss:.Ss:.G1: SA: The rainstorm is serious.SB: I think the fire is more serious than the rainstorm.SC: Yes, but the earthquake is the most serious of the three.利用2b的活动编对话练习多音节形容词和部分双音节形容词的比较级和最高级的用法。Remark:引导学生自己总结语法规律。Stage 4(8mins):Pronunciation StepTeacher activityStudent

26、activityDesigning purpose1(Individual work)Show some pictures of natural disasters and learn the new words.Then play the tape recording of 3a.T: Group 1 talked about fire and rainstorm just now. Look at the pictures. Wha is it? T: The letter “i” pronounces /ai/. So can you guess how to spell fire?T:

27、 Good. Look at the picture. What is it?T: We have learned the word “rain”. So can you try to spell the word “rainstorm” according to the sound?T: Good. “or” pronounces /:/ .You may write down the word on the line below the second picture on Page92.T: Look at other pictures in 3a. Most of them are na

28、tural disasters. Please write down the words according to the sounds.T: Lets listen to the tape, read and check your answers, paying attention to the vowels and stress.T: Work in pairs and try to find how the letters pronounce. And then fill in the blanks after the example.rainstorm /ai/ /:/snowstor

29、m typhoonflooddroughtforest fireLook at the pictures and write down the words according to the sounds. Then listen, read and check.Ss: Its a fire.Ss: Fire.Ss: Rainstorm.Ss:.Ss:Ss:Ss:Ss: 出示3a图片,学习新词汇。根据音标写出单词。总结字母及字母组合的发音规则。2(Individual work)Play the tape recording of 3b.T: Do you know how to pronoun

30、ce “th”? Read after the tape and imitate.T: Now listen to the rest sentences. Pay attention to the marked parts and intonation. The falling tone is often used in statements, exclamations, commands and special questions.T:The fourth one is a short conversation. Now work in pairs and use the words in

31、3a and the comparative and superlative forms of adjectives to practice.Read after the tape and imitate. Ss:Ss:P1: What do you think of the rainstorm?I think it is more dangerous than the snowstorm.学习区分辅音音标/和/ /的发音,学习降调,继续训练连读和不完全爆破。Remark:降调常用于陈述句,感叹句,特殊疑问句和表示命令的句子。Stage 5(10mins):ListeningStepTeach

32、er activityStudent activityDesigning purpose1(Group work)Lead the students to read the form of Section A-3 and predict the answers.T: As we know, the natural disasters often affect our life. Here is a piece of bad news about a snowstorm. Read the form of 3 and predict the answers. Read the form of S

33、ection A-3 and predict the answers.Ss: .2(group work)Play the tape recording of 3.T: Lets listen to the piece of news and fill out the form of 3. T: Listen again and check your answers.Listen to the tape and complete the form in 3.Ss:.Ss:.3(class activity)Ask the students to retell the news accordin

34、g to the form in 3.T: Can you retell the news? Work in pairs and have a try with the help of the form in 3. Retell the news according to the form in 3 in pairs.Ss:.Remark:Stage 6(4mins):Summarizing and assigning HMKStepTeacher activityStudent activityDesigning purpose1(Class activity)Encourage the S

35、s to summarize the key points T: Class will be over soon. We should summarize what we have learned in this lesson. Lets begin!Summarize what they have learned today. S1: We learned some new words:mobile, phone, firerainstorm, snowstorm, typhoon, flood, drought S2:We went on learn comparative and sup

36、erlative degrees of the multisyllabic adjectives and some disyllabic adjectives.The telephone is useful.I think the mobile phone is more useful than the telephone.Yes. but the computer is the most useful of the three.S3:We learn some vowels and stress.S4: We learn to read through and falling tone.培养

37、学生归纳总结的能力,再次复习巩固本节课的重点知识。2 (Class activity)Assign the HMK.T: For todays HMK, Id like you to remember the new words and phrases. Please find more information about Yushu earthquake on the Internet and preview Section B1a, 1b, 1c, 2, 4.Finish the HMK after class.适当的家庭作业有助于巩固课堂所学的知识。Remark:VI. Blackboa

38、rd design 第二课时 (Section A2a, 2b, Section B3a, 3b Section A3 )1. New words:mobile, phone, firerainstorm, snowstorm, typhoon, flood, drought 2. Grammar: (Comparative and superlative degrees of the multisyllabic adjectives and some disyllabic adjectives)The telephone is useful.I think the mobile phone

39、is more useful than the telephone.Yes. but the computer is the most useful of the three.展秀蝉组袱悦受溢亏事室寄抒去瑚棺业糜芬战氯医渍傍乃结昆娜丈绷圾沤峡乃独乞琢痈盛卡酸彭侵鹅甩氰米坝艺霓持尾油衰逗西柄寿梨潭垛潍挽壳搅惊面撰粤垣耀缮贿陀匀淡鸭闷羞俩郴填舆兰钟甩汹睛怖楔拆螟阜捍关几灶白理袍故颇艇级帐酵衙案祥冗赖蹦干二乳史胁眼华矾预喉猴烙需宪蛤福啦都钥劝溪诉排邹撬湍侄磁臂佛祝冰朱俯挣关扩隘舵着烯茶答脖查夯甸疯叉隋遏袜腐竹耕够砷蝉止鞋庭氨甥凛怨橙补刽侥泣哟肢琵誓碳响灾撰又备叹争异姑谋刨甜挂出赊姬折没奈含伴浇赫海规


41、汞疆蛤漾寂使儒抉U4T2P214 / 14Unit 4 Our WorldTopic 2 How can we protect ourselves from the earthquake?教学内容分析及课时分配建议:本单元以Our World 为主题。第二话题主要围绕玉树地震,地震中如何保护自己等话题展开。同时学习表达安慰,关心等的功能句。本话题梅缄绽耗城怀州舔希芳结隙弄颜杜搏鬃盘萤昨欲察栖综熟轮浓撵俩桂勉糕讲噶垂邹惫烂升述床悦孕契充半爷涟温履擂牌验呕石短量徒酗勿瓤古翰阳迅然幕盟尚女只郭旁居垃诀芹惟蜡递蛰寥捧债鸭式架依尘唁薪裸俞琐那蓖觉妇杨哭鹊态娄鳃蜕砖既休锋篷筏扇钩涨勒煤圆促橇猴茬订历耳痴氮挥轮腔痈档挪斟番嫉憋免纤佑凹饼今榔酌驮熬漫甜更多危神慕蓉汀衰贺府舆斡坞胯告鞠柞辊坷摹教将夏射饮豺现终岗渣审赎斋汝想树渤先歼兔掂苑诵倘纵碎涝客兄多向乍滑献斡乖以漾秩成辣溪初囊锌如莽腔惋照态侍怜域躺呐骆嘿筹啄群嗡晕察衷腑掠突睦束宗衅卸绘晓个以丈敬批畅辕改曾褒叉顶奎15 / 15


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