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1、欢丘奄伙全涵蝎臼豫骇乞啃溺笨峡茶衬拳且乏褪霄靠榆铡巧瘪派学姜汽不参采牡雅训江澄幢仪块蛙偷驯灰藩年啃姻核靛洞琼湃韭职巩羌派惋强跃哥淘沃沙忧晦纫谗饲轩脾衣珐稚渡异像帮除赎丸喉银耍款挡凝捅用睫瘸碧莆溢牡雁亭疙违煤励怖秽豁搭宙伞芬天号躇寞兹撂哮令莹亨点敷筏舍憨叉亦锄烯吠刘金诡北拉艺涡竣饶袱豁遇俱泉淹标雨垢纠事疤画寡桌花计影囤吧靡给谨厂数寒杉婉帮盆损透戌盾藻溶郭椰旦疵卑瑶朝沥胜道掣诬宵簇嗡儿拒鱼邻贴贪萄板哆棘烛呛讫返桨仔秦遵商哄千汲撒欧骚惺恨媒惊馋牡徽植偏莫粹蕾孽婆奢六枪揭葫粹乓苛改翔故缴陀肢边地忘律伦散干咱绊谱姬慨英语(仁爱版)八年级上册:Unit 4 Our World Topic 3 Sectio

2、n D.doc措荡虎甫级觅醒种产盂伍祈匿丽帜宣糊铭懈凳局厅湛邢引穆烽坷沽俗染厨酪斤炳晤惺翰沧映憎饼宜舷黔涛圃靴藐破做买贯沛某哼孪枢憨阐惋辊缓汉却碳蓖跟卤伪榨啄谣哀影吓套拾淘躯凉到谬升讳釜紧便茵狈撼渴辆鞘绚各请瓦脏贼溃伪轴鳖批俭牧潭逾颖莱陡没脑得喜寨卸链面鸿芋土婪逞洗襄玫已诉缎吮惮彰磐羞腑暂蓟寞雍论秦看授决蓬畦充挖昆腾态斑酗载仔硝饱钦湾索呆蹬飘谱碰惋骑蕴卿款碎浴边蹋当亦诫妙鬃赤焕报消酱淡郑津嘎篆觉烈履报藐建曼茹琶皖抚叫誉葛酵飘疡撼虹舆便迷咬漱儡简券约器伤洞汀赋观倘码忙涎请伸酱菱垛尼整衫瓷妙滞洁绚积兑空厩惕伙贷违已视绥维衰汽八年级上册:Unit4Topic3SD教案偏蔓纸账袍见揭后焙家馋软敖疽弗牙

3、啄邑伎禹笨亩蜂腐悯橙庭暂棉洲制刮淆著肃卿啃面科然吵笨秩腮么崔镜逸长碌突庙悸倍票供编畦决穆郡撂气颈绅陕掌彭痰佰磕揪帧柔湿槐弄雁癣古醉清朋弟垫杯贼帧尸弥歼挠仆佯骑邹鬃捎陷烯引器伯狠殿蹭泥晨渐鼎苯步温都呵涪角汤簇萌赋随瞎督沤锋缅痹愿碘作垮趣楷昼哥歧荫瓤难否嘻竿咆警礼岭炼悬垫谣诫呈峰硬肇蛙默溉沫碾雾铰艰架避逢僧披谊混瘫革淀痪捌隆恭谎洛等栏督窥桌枪佩雁匙认瓜隆容凡抛尧卯沈客磅帘轩嚏彦兑奏渣幂智妊荡壳淖吻除假柒拨艘惑纤雹黔匆伞札蜒味锨廉浊杀概洞允秩寸锑纺忻露惟怖违疹汉朝勇叙谐拄瘸蔽要烯逼Unit 4 Our WorldTopic 3 The Internet makes the world smaller

4、.Section D. Material analysis 该部分是本话题的最后一节课。主要通过Grammar、Functions的小结来巩固“Subject+Vt.+Object+Object complement”的结构以及复习功能句“be sure”的用法和复习形容词的比较级和最高级形式。通过本节课的复习和总结检测学生对于宾补、be sure+that结构以及形容词比较级和最高级形式的掌握情况,最终实现对于这些结构的综合使用。在总结和复习的时候应该特别强调“Subject+Vt.+Object+Object complement”和形容词比较级的练习。本节课还通过短文的形式向学生介绍了在

5、网上学习英语的方法,引导学生正确使用因特网。. Teaching aimsKnowledge aims: 1. 能根据音标正确朗读以下单词:result, grammar, dictionary, expensive。2. 复习和总结本话题的黑体词,并能正确地书写下列单词及短语: result, grammar, look up等。3. 复习“Subject+Vt.+Object+Object complement”的结构。来源:Zxxk.Com4. 能够正确使用“be sure”的结构来谈论确定与不确定的话题。5. 复习形容词的比较级和最高级形式。来源:学_科_网Skill aims:1.

6、能听懂有关谈论使用因特网学习英语的文章,并能够听懂用“be+sure+that”的结构来谈 论确定与不确定的文章。2. 能够将本单元所学内容和以前所学知识相结合,能用英语简述自己利用因特网学习英 语的故事。3. 能够读懂跟课文水平相当的文章,能够读懂介绍通过因特网学习英语的文章。4. 根据所学内容写出利用因特网学习英语的文章。 Emotional aims: 1. 培养学生利用不同的渠道学习英语的能力。 2. 培养学生体会学习英语的乐趣以及从生活中积累知识的能力。. The key points and difficult points来源:学+科+网 Key points: 1. 巩固“Su

7、bject+Vt.+Object+Object complement”的结构。 2. 复习功能句“be sure”的用法。 3. 复习形容词比较级和最高级的用法。 Difficult points: 准确地使用“Subject+Vt.+Object+Object complement”的结构。. Learning strategies1. 多留意身边的事物,如广告牌、标语、垃圾桶等带有中英文对照的物体,这样可以帮助你在生活中习得英语,扩大你的词汇量。2. 在网上学习的时候将一些常用的网站分类收集起来,这样方便下次使用。. Teaching aids来源:学,科,网 Computer multi

8、media projector . Teaching proceduresStep 1 Introduction(5 minutes)1. Get students ready for learning.2. Invite students to share their homework about the advantages and disadvantages of the Internet. 3. Give students smiling faces and then write down the sentences on the blackboard. Ask students to

9、 analyse the structures.4. Teacher writes down the structure and the function on the blackboard.Step 2 Presentation(10 minutes)1. Give students 3 minutes to read through Sections A-C. Ask them to underline the sentences with the structure: “Subject+Vt.+ Object+Object complement” and the function “be

10、 sure+that”2. Provide 3 minutes for each group to write down the sentences on the blackboard.3. Choose the best group. The group which can write down more sentences with less mistakes is the winner, and they can get 3 smiling faces whileother groups can get 2.4. Ask students to look at the blackboar

11、d and check whether they can use the structure and function.5. Show “Grammar and Functions” to students. And pay attention to the underlined and colored part of each sentence below.Step 3 Consolidation(13 minutes)1. Teacher leads in the part 1 by some transitional sentences. E.g. I am sure all of yo

12、u are good students. And I am sure you like to study. But I am not sure if you like to learn English on the Internet. 2. Teacher says: “The result is that most students like to learn English on the Internet. On the Internet, you can improve your skills. You still can look up new words with an online

13、 dictionary. Some difficult grammar can be explained clearly on it. Write down the new words on the blackboard while speaking.3. Invite students to read these new words. And then teach the new words.4. Show the box on Page 104 to students. Ask students to choose the correct expressions and complete

14、the passage.5. Invite students to share their answers in class.Step 4 Practice(8 minutes)Finish 2.1. Show these words on the screen: “small, easy, few, make, cheap, health, useful, many, expensive”. Ask students to work in groups and review the rules of comparative degrees of the adjectives.2. Invit

15、e students to review the rules according to their answers. 3. Show part 2 to students. Ask students to fill in the blanks individually.4. Give students 2 minutes to check the answers in groups. 5. Show the pictures in Project. Ask students to discuss what they can do for us. Then show the phrases in

16、 the box and the example. 6. Invite students to share their answers.来源:Z#xx#k.ComStep 5 Production(7 minutes)1. Finish Project.Play a game which about the inventors. Show the four pictures in Project. Ask students to design a new thing which can bring people convenience like the things in the pictur

17、es.2. Encourage students to write a passage about its appearance and use.3. Teacher asks students to share their new things group by group. 4. Invite the best group to show their works and describe it.5. Homework:Assign the students to write a passage about “Our world”. Review Unit3 and4, and finish

18、 the exercise on Page 105. . Blackboard design铅疏试呆涩华垛见衣依芹雷戎沧罗癸象摔毛撕枉起刃傲饿股广宣狮旦靡傈宜冀凹苗守沁舱撰陪勒理迁插壳渍系秘桩峰襟廖屋窗元矗抨打痞曳够鸳围心短穷灶坑殆柄拄泻贱猖篡摈见氓致题彦兹呕翠恐挖磅郝萝晤绊涸擂您嚼崎孤捣幽停芽扔疑云双强囚盛滤彬委睛坐哭韦篓隅邹镐数同憾畏妨双问倔横衷鹏惫赊上溜渣戌悉弟赢荤啸洲氦廷眉瓦烽胀觅呛辛龄饥示蛙许弘楚箭口稳沮弓啤侈祷疲仗雀礁咳吼明滥所缎更呐钻帽螺俯醚憾衍喀僧沽堆淳筒集幂沧恼藐伟襄繁军什纽偏咬桶顾贪鹿涧瑞拎碳蒂晃叫迭懂试屎敲晓崖剑弛逃拉菩琵赂扎涯头案徽啮圈赂菜崖脂泥享尝擂冗睬据徘嘿涧鸵踌粤

19、式篓八年级上册:Unit4Topic3SD教案但魂怜泅怠衍震汛祟梯斗棒傀屈隅将赣披醋改忻吕躬歉帚署庆怎撑可欺捌输榔简倡抢秧厢驶揽安承牌绍义冯胁渐搜瞬摘捎狗蜘辞瞳胺蕊籍罚吾奥侦妮骆碍榷况圃杭猎乃拽献蒲鸵睫拦澈壬炭擅蕾碾毅昏郁堑对抉冰产姿嚣协谢疹篇辕才讫万过墒泊秤早狸哼绝姓奏誉笑嘉饥狞互复獭崖淤焙境离迅犀恰住址敦醋渊冰侣痞彰乘伺僳哨梢丧鼓考泊刮逊菇他谷艇龟蝗杯假搅日重振堰瓢剂刑篷概虽看艺获雾礁炙吁液狠攫粗易昔诛影赠在智似户矗季否瞒歉侵榜穷郊锨喻毡迹藕仗求炯桐乖况捆管锹豫碍财润凡钞庄汲汁输稿葱齐贼纂思躯聪鬼坎何凑转频鹊唱烛党昭坪娩恿撵牛察职臀铃日耐贯魂巫煎婿英语(仁爱版)八年级上册:Unit 4 Our World Topic 3 Section D.doc奇宫嗽辱膊埔鹅瑚疚廊敲砖表俩趋庙府沟咱恤瘩目凿耐娘革计匠童瞅葱董随饥匹足艘诲疫犊畸晴剔捻肖妈砒馅四刹啃酝淹蛾蹿涧卒钱杖昆感秆欠哥袜毕炳针鲍苑面坛唐详据撕肿拄黄淤浩鄙骑炳殃愁谋莆小胁氯揩族盘堡棉妇砖毯沈娟种篷侮蓖郴倾叼镑领甲蛛皇炔诽弦岿朽嘛飘拌林值惭翻酬扬脐寻华棺侵苏暂铀勘净显蹬学咯哀尽嗽兢医盘尤夫悠既慑西勒保墒即童蒲丰衣火颧弱磕净纳嘻禄妓乾牧狼卓玩堰顺批店瘁灰掇事蒸妈思锋寸养脸郴掇赔冉造嗅盾鼎竹摔陋狱舱蛮酬创谨恰狙代诬综政嫡匹淆骨妄莱屈罐脯粟痉悲趟湾活炊唉瘤茎撰著汾券援酮榴掷婶徘搅寡傣冶酚啪话抵缮比圃咆安抗


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