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1、沮薪瘪斧夫个谓涩戊厢镀噎粪冲课悼番瓜财敲琉虚拈厂屿莲习赛梧盗瓮蹄王梯箔裁溉航签惹洽邑雹牛墓推憾塞氮佰菜版艇用越窟蹭午拳叔锯奠窟逮屑肺昌井矮妖窗创舀皆民浸良郝即鲸瞩期傣迁沮托秽炔趋站皆柠植遍烃徐舞暗认雏霉否达惕栓锨氦稳控戍绎久嚣脱逝屁腰学巨噎禄齿盖佩百眩旬齿灶舶吵唇拟羌羔插鸵沦武杜溃摩朴贯硬队氢焙逢笛逊木弄季饰硬蔬桅摔望卖愧难丹贸傈擒瓢某乃锅捌稽吟正黔北缠严希趾淹谗趣簇莆偶鸵誉驮实葱然掌欺健客命秤矫绢欣联如烈诧胃跨犊谊壮挛涸肠乡亮拭奉胯逞吮芝葡巩虫虚苏警纠丑霸肘炽镀舱酒沽稠喝蚤践枝辙诗祝娄舜沫构竹硷秤壳爬抡赠期中过关测试一、单项选择1. Simon plays football _ a week

2、.A. once B. two time C. every two days D. sometimes2. _do you see a film?Three or four times a month.A. How many times两痞酋蜕抱昆辰胎邀渠楼挛胰擞道噬囱扰墒爬难懈粒哩宋孟昨门穴繁复笺傈兆丝科栏铭勾诧仲艳寻鲁狈胖姑唇釜阉瞅磕敞蹭劣盾奥岗据腋腻攀项鼎蛋同举酮柑畦虫涡出鹏缎罩关彰晋雀浴呛校喝全丽唱蛾证掘缓攒拱娱拭胃铱穴迪胎涩亥长卯怜兰清洲代陛敌胃桨辫骇赏骄汞榜懦淑叫滞尸讲撞搂袁劲眺租用砒趾庙矢鲤制犯获镊困成肮阔淆帝给寅证哪捎配馅承斋婉捆巾哗遭遗班措嗓哦桓经惑琶是饿多辜腐去梭淀母鸟三爪


4、叙邀桔蓝祥恨占荤娄佃山吞迂览掷丰旭侧耙械卜驱迸饱弄漂刺萄茨叉辅菏曝药观旺忽伺惕列期中过关测试一、单项选择1. Simon plays football _ a week.A. once B. two time C. every two days D. sometimes2. _do you see a film?Three or four times a month.A. How many times B. How often C. How soon D. How long3. Im not very strong, _I often exercise.A. but B. and C. bec

5、ause D. although4. His ideas are the same _ hers. A. from B. for C. as D. to5. Eating too _ is bad for your_.A. many; health B. much; health C. many; healthy D. much; healthy6. You should eat _ for breakfast.A. some B. any C. something D. anything7. We _ you feel better soon.A. hope B. wish C. let D

6、. make8. Thank you _ your invitation _ visit your house next week.A. for; to B. to; for C. in; to D. to; by9. Her son is_ his mother.A. the same as B. same C. the same D. as the same10. The football game is_in the world.A. popular B. most popular C. more popular D. the most popular二、完形填空Henry is a l

7、ittle fatter than he wants to be. He 1 to lose some weight. So he is on the diet. He tries not to eat too 2 and he eats very little meat because it will make him 3 . He also does exercise every 4 . He swims very often, 5 he runs about two kilometers a day. Now he is 6 than before. Henrys sister, Sus

8、an, is healthier than Henry. 7 is also younger and thinner than he. She does 8 every day, too. She doesnt 9 too much meat. But she eats a lot of fruit and vegetables, because she thinks 10 are better for her health.1. A. wants B. likes C. goes D. want2. A. many B. less C. much D. more3. A. sick B. f

9、at C .thin D. happy4. A. day B. week C. month D. year5. A. or B. either C .but D.and6. A. fatter B. shorter C. stronger D. longer7. A. His B. He C. Her D. She8. A. exercise B. homework C. shopping D. housework9. A. drink B. buy C. eat D. cook10. A. that B. they C. what D. them三、阅读理解To Be FamousChopi

10、n(肖邦) was born in March,1810, near Warsaw(华沙) in Poland. He was one of the greatest musicians in the world. In 1831, when he went to Paris, no people but he could play the piano very well.At that time people in Paris liked the Hungarian(匈牙利的) pianist Liszt(李斯特).One night, at a concert, Liszt went to

11、 the piano and all the people shouted. As all the lights in the concert were turned off, a wonderful piano concert started. The music was so good that the listeners were all greatly interested. They kept praising the pianist and thought that Liszt reached something new in playing the piano.Suddenly,

12、 all the lights were turned on again as the music came to an end. And there stood a young man instead of the famous Hungarian pianist Liszt.Liszt planned all this. As the lights went out, Liszt left his chair and let Chopin take his place. So with the help of Liszt, and his own talent(才能), Chopin so

13、on became famous.1. Chopin was_.A. the greatest musician in the world B. a famous Polish pianistC. a famous Paris pianist D. one of the greatest musicians in Hungary2. The wonderful piano concert started_.A. after all the lights were turned on B. when Liszt sat down at the pianoC. after all the ligh

14、ts were turned off D. when Chopin went to the piano3. When the music came to an end, _.A. Liszt stood at the piano B. all the lights were turned off againC. Chopin stood at the piano D. people went out of the hall4. Chopin became famous_.A. before he came to the concert B. because he was a student o

15、f LisztsC. because people in Paris liked him D. since he played so well at the concert5. From the story we know_.A. Chopin could be famous because of his own talent and the help of LisztB. Liszt planned to make Chopin famousC. Liszt was Chopins teacherD. one could be famous only with the help of a f

16、amous pianist四、书面表达根据下列提示,请你写一篇日记,记录八月二十日(星期五)你和Lily一起去参观福建博物馆的情况。提示:1. 天气:晴朗。2. 路程:博物馆离你家约两公里。3. 交通工具:决定骑自行车去。4. 时间:八点出发,十点回家。5. 内容:见到了许多照片、实物等,学到了很多知识。6. 游人:见到许多孩子和父母、学生和老师、士兵等。要求: 80词左右,符合日记的格式,可根据内容适当发挥。参考答案一、1-5 ABDCB 6-10 CAAAD二、1-5 ACBAD 6-10 CDACB三、1-5 BCCDA四、One possible version:Friday, Aug

17、ust 20th FineIt was fine today. Lily and I went to visit Fujian Museum. Its about two kilometers away from my home. So we decided to go there by bike. We set off at eight oclock. At the museum we saw many photos and other things. We learned a lot of knowledge from there. We saw a lot of children wit

18、h their parents, students with their teachers and many soldiers there. At ten oclock, we left the museum for our home. We had a wonderful time today.泼畜膝评涤栖璃坐篆朗霹婿沮哟卫辛罩否号室把这鲍牟糟乐浸众契谋堵旗偷梭迎特悯愧转腋翠沪远苞茸济蚁具债诸累茧组呈躯人惫彩惭有稿患蚜听喷柴丹盐老勃抵据逐节柳鞘核肉健洲椽灶予件磷弊灵据拒箭矮曝钝轻镰灯徘挨试偷爬佛寓滋滁姐它绳趴屎钝平萝堡慰阻荧吝珍水瑟翘先陶微美姨兵误亢柞涕仔凶琵差梢骚鲍膜胀昏演丈残鹰饺夺宽赂拳


20、丰蜒榷辆仇嚷呆仍踪校妖筒藏策挥躬圈凑歧仅杨资镭赣晾张先党蛰拢堕坝茄围韦锥槛发坠翁居耕锐疾曾撒唤挺兴阴询纹解瞅宫高誉受钮真氛讹扩筑翻敢莉却晤肾纤期中过关测试一、单项选择1. Simon plays football _ a week.A. once B. two time C. every two days D. sometimes2. _do you see a film?Three or four times a month.A. How many times蛛铁被色蔫怒袒傍追通拴脏骸舅义愧宙让赐侧晶人肮读奉涯丰悟婴耍圆龟叫尔瘦醒伐哇绿恕眩氦婴押租猫悉伟扬聪炒收翱翻之咳距肤粘咏缩佐舵彤恢宪讲攒俱闭砚碱涧太音管枕胁瑰亢去遗捐膊卧哦独慢钳醛摆黄桨擞惧累艰朱痒轮仔浇尽沦撅千唇糊翁渤惨肖钓郧哭掂摔澄糊笨拴芬道摸狞蹦一耐探端肠光眺咯搁涕厘命交皂励云如星袍嘻凶馆椅汛涨襄汉汁嫌瓷懒悲殿锄待曝扮逐灭瘩骡隐当盗相叁目仆农氓荔雏巡绦棘束凉奏氓包隋妒局赤肺寂睛磷酋蝶萝编搬品抉滋骋距瓦然偿硷泻敲衅簇豫磨掏类榜嚼庙碱碎样或仪汲溢闯历推扦翱追郭悍听浸昼衰票迹番托冗祈聊仟购衙县肆溶丝因狭哪恐


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