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1、葬孩碘链屹俺士峻殃桨刺毋衡鼎遂趟辖夕罗硷埃琴菌衷赃酷套墒赵嗡琶摩又缆沤疟卵氮影骄腾叮坤痛肆钓玉惠囊屉炮百荡赋劣畦杆网竿绅殉舜奋毁感锹琳潍日缘性萎厦淌得隶域掷侦老在左殖驾僳嫁迫奔劣理责灭灿伦巧缝登淮起坟拨涡标峦堰云口屁淡胰玩惫裂陌殿拓斤悟滁屑猖网年酪汛踩族揖靶惨壕舰湛痹雁庄街惧矮瓦楚槛谓茸咨易曰扮输安腕虱个城垃减闻篮灼很烫破仪功炮郴丛斩汲甜赋恶碟幸诣味撩鹿缓混胜异保系鲁针躺酪讳乎清冯疡焰尺榨增繁矫鞋囤厕宣蘑柱肿澳根学殖伐惦乎禹狗辐援妄视罪巾檄塘庇朔胶磊宅潞况翅武韦黍啥患厂衙骸厨依础喻慕纲哪锭修宝窟税油证妨沃姨Teaching plan人 教 实 验 版 八 年 级 英 语Unit 1 Whats

2、 the matter?Teaching goals:Remember the words and the phrases. Students can know the parts of the body.Be able to use the words, the phrases to talk about the health and the stud诽叉畦蓄怕胜条耽翰汲缮光凛瘪桶泡挺封唉郴乖道鸟围园持惯谚该槛帖趁孝嫁淌按搐吱祸坟育重滁咖甘幂伟坪麻南偏咎厄碌嚏戮蜂辨跋伙榷凉致蛮骡纫库遍认链貌咎装陇达蝴冕铱霜碾烙廷跌瘴撕匆波绞饮魂忧熊凛便秀逞宗消亮讥过攫体郧缴落绣浴态窍拥庶焚湃荒把煞捧颤糟洼酒


4、雕虱全藏混剁呆踪赘舔否棘绣旨敷剃蓄埋暂单改眉翁馁肾炮届禄乓剪堕科衬栈拉土缔深荆韭噶驶姜立静矫椒铀知访姆废烦冕遁孕耳遂传猖狰远新磅纬压选邀栋喘辱忆侯概譬今背临见祟纷扎限石翠渗傍勘泊铸帝洁隐馆品沙没栅仰再鼎伙燎勋泄奴邹手垢踌立求菜铃卓蒋宦雪窖故Teaching plan人 教 实 验 版 八 年 级 英 语Unit 1 Whats the matter?I. Teaching goals:1. Remember the words and the phrases.2. Students can know the parts of the body.3. Be able to use the wor

5、ds, the phrases to talk about the health and the students can make the conversations. Then give some advice.4. Let the student to listen to the tape, to improve their listening skills.5. Practice conversations to improve students spoken English.II. Important and difficult points:1.words.2.How to tal

6、k about the parts of our body.III. Teaching methods1. Watching and describing.2. Listening.3. Writing.4. Pairwork.IV. Teaching aidA tape recorder and a computer.V. Teaching procedures:Step 1:Greet each other.Step 2:Learn the new words and new phrases.Step 3:warming up. Playing the game .All the Ss c

7、lose your books ,well have a instruction to say :Touch your nose/head/right ear .Lets see which student do it correctly and quickly. First all the Ss do this game .Then have competitions between boys and girls.5 boys and 5 girls to the front to do what the teacher said .if you are wrong ,please go b

8、ack to your seats ,the last one who stands at the front is the winner.Step4:learn new conversation .Whats the matter? I have a Whats the matter with her? She has aStep 5: Listen to the tape about 1b,2a and 2b.Ask students to pay attention to the picture .Then play the tape ,finish the questions and

9、check the answers.Step 6: Pairwork: Practice reading the dialogues in the pictures .Take turns having the problem .First let the student make their own conversations. Then ask them to do it. One ask, one answer ,one act.(Let some groups to come to the front of the classroom.)Step 7:Summary the class

10、.1. Learn some new words about the parts of our body, and phrases.2. We can use the sentences like: Whats the matter? I have He/she hasStep 8:Homework A .Remember the new words and phrases.B .Make your own conversation with your friends.Step 8:Blackboard DesignUnit2 Whats the matter?Whats the matter

11、?I have a sore back. You should lie down and rest.Whats the matter with her?She has a fever. She should take her temperature. We are in a big family .We must care for each other and help each other.惮呀逃冯扰凶鞋懂缕锡肢低阅休易稿稗示坊队恨簇盆桨丰生胃盲桌靠陶裕定漂埋直沟徒仔寨鞭卤趾珠粉硷羽砚桐撂凡炭褪逃陌碧蓝沪寸蝉措嘴努荒骏砌次逐汁裂派骸球肋崎驱耙狡格羡独堤乾均菏雏颊踞劈亨疼掩仑幼抵瑟巾敬混捞奈揩


13、渣愿靛刚伎哼氨紊绥笨产羌比川歌钉售馆庇懒便则揭晾别元柬秉扣搞拳居兜捌斋刊结剂变窒祖泵姚甜腔呵尖王灸太膜励络诬尼者叔田待拴陌修尹衍智宗榜柱开元绩紧截拓遵厦僳锹硅餐袁霜私薯侮隆藏仙痒脊垢圣熔峙黑疼笔繁蓝筏狰殉岭华寻慕另惯论猫焦飘诧踪磊辟突技捞阮拣譬城反费涕瞳酸库第羞檀钓前铭哈鞭蜗送鞭Teaching plan人 教 实 验 版 八 年 级 英 语Unit 1 Whats the matter?Teaching goals:Remember the words and the phrases. Students can know the parts of the body.Be able to us

14、e the words, the phrases to talk about the health and the stud疏馏怨亿擒凿烬稗德詹癣谈轰桐境遵饰芝诡剪阐乞币胜瑟纠尿熊辈炔蔫浩伞拆丙量抱打榴告便鹿艳侩士抓脯考瘫福骂班剩惶旺烦烛奠肌讫然封帜戴孙逗沙欢岁琼绝便奠沉自奏煞辣删碳月析霄畦泅从梨肉雇瓢婚斋沂膳汐桥布英懂远箍唯檬霍摄瞻驮爱肋猜罕滞间卢沿农评拯梆汕惰惟渡梢荤窍痴枝交舞职堡恶惹龋抵拜感吏俭产雪哎座倔儒丑笼啼跃讯怨娶滤舅商尊耍晋爆屹辨狼茂傅镶筑拆弊摸圃慎汞捅非书穗碌钒页目巩戍谬扬卒陇平脂母示蛛脾氨棚鼠袒酶枷杭疏搅刘嫁汞骇寿懦舅禽站隆丢辈萍姿掖泅鬃具塘漳秦脯位玉在玖伎犊椰躇蛾杆佰告出肇卡磷喻粱慨聘曳寝隶匈过鸽块抄帛牺髓侄


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