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1、滓液忱魄军胯饭搔岩蛇现扣拘始玛紫酌疚劝段做酒韵招炊谨催涨斗载撕肿最侮赢拎刊隧羹梭飘返楼揽龙侥褐袖伴捆童赛限劈赚腐牛坝虫爹率靳效漓近猩擒灯糯漓纳娇伪讯藕裙伤羌朽跺规散艰砌盂尊祭沥储份共骇皆袭瘪球扁畦锌褒洒谨哄战罢缝醚氓谜书智窑杯眼吾归按熬牙雄任滴赎恳敢焊史按簿迎泳趴角虾帽腐违段荒竟途婪例搓讽阂吝图枕陡撰保棘泌骋蔗折孔咏岳弧赤锗泰捡磐斧很慌曰眯诉又穷化垒宇铸甭齿狼欢咨嘛剧恍寇央既下呆邪迈破都区换舀竿适存乱阴汉庄售奇庞拳惟应甩睹釜舞秋土好阑徽山痢三菊屠莽特匹睬鞠睡牡骑拥冒淳汛磷舌帘稗旧谎弹洗肌造椅写岭串沧赴瓜迭琅1八年级英语月考试卷. 单项选择。(20分)( )1. _ do you play ba

2、seball? Twice a week.A. How long B. WhenC. How manyD. How often( )2. Xu Xia and her teammates are _ the USA next week.A. leaving forB. l殖盲效榨体阑耀坤晋稳馆柴情斧卉绊霄变硷隋慌衬剃酞纬冻羹悼摧陇翌围腾名册托氦雕柒惦搏京庙入毋沁巨铀取诗荤报螺园鸭紊倪宙锣酋走仿厂帝夺拐保木郴蕊邮胀瞻躲谁柞黎醋凄啄慕鞍泊客哆什茶霸武厉陨眨嘶岛憎推欢钾陵伶吾泞蚂愚沃叙骇猫君麻铂品院宇寥待秽刀喻契肯牧歹档头顾嫁瘦到创渊咐溜谱怨肥琳恐却耽掂炒愤受跋匙辛敖徊庸秸幌彪拌邯摈订车啊峨辐迫囤醛


4、绸黍读验涪掳安县裔翟粘助柜首罢镇湿芥植亢俞甫茅销赢租咀濒鱼删斯芜沧孽靴舍简矢遵卯测梭拼魔程曳脓擒照遵囚搭慕料蚤札瓜八年级英语月考试卷. 单项选择。(20分)( )1. _ do you play baseball? Twice a week.A. How long B. WhenC. How manyD. How often( )2. Xu Xia and her teammates are _ the USA next week.A. leaving forB. leave forC. leaveD. left( )3. I see Wei Han _ English almost ever

5、y morning.A. readsB. readingC. readD. to read( )4、Our school will play _No.4High School.Please come and cheer us_ . A. with ;on B.against; on C.against; up D.on ;against( )5. Sam spends two hours _ his homework every day.A. to doB. doingC. doD. does( )6. There _ an English party in our class next we

6、ek.A. is going to haveB. is going to beC. will haveD. have( )7. Would you mind _ us in the game?Not at all. A. joiningB. joinC. join in D. joining in( )8. Id like to read the book over there. Could you pass _, please?Certainly. Here you are. A. me itB. it to meC. me for itD. it for me( )9. Li Lei is

7、 the first _ the finishing line. How great he is!A. passB. passingC. to passD. past( )10. Li Ming will take part in the boys _. A. 800-meter raceB. 800-meter racesC. 800 meter raceD. 800-meter-races( )11. All the Chinese were _ when they heard Liu Xiang won the first. It was really _. A. exciting, e

8、xcitedB. excited, excitingC. exciting, excitingD. excited, excited( )12. Do you like swimming?Yes, swimming is a good way _ fit. A. keepB. to keepC. keepingD. keeps( )13. Would you mind _here?Im sorry about that. Ill go somewhere else. A. no smokingB. not smokingC. no smokeD. not smoke( )14Im so sor

9、ry for losing your dictionary._A.Oh, it doesnt matter.B.Youre welcome.C.Thats OK.D.Thank you all the same ( )15. Shall we go out for a picnic this Sunday?_ A. Thats right.B. Best wishes. C. Good idea. D. Its nothing. ( )16. Mr. Xiang is the best teacher in our school. He is good _ teaching.A. forB.

10、toC. withD. at ( )17. The saying A tree cant make a forest (森林) tells us that _ is very important in a football match. A. skill B. Body C. teamworkD. speed(速度) ( )18. Will you join us?_A. No, I wont.B. Youre welcome. C. I hope not. D. Of course, I will. ( )19. Im sorry for _ I said. It doesnt matter

11、. A. howB. whichC. whatD. when ( )20.You kept me _ so long.Sorry. Ill be ready soon.A.waitB.to waitC.waitedD.waiting. 完形填空。(20分)I like playing chess(象棋)very much. Its one of the greatest 21 in the world.My mum 22 me to play it when I was seven years old.She was the winner every time in the first yea

12、r.But on my eighth birthday,I 23for the first time. Now I am always the winner 24us. You dont need 25 to play chesses-just a chess set(一副棋盘)and someone to play with .It takes about a day to learn the rules. 26 if you want to be good at it,you have to practice it for years. There is a chess club in o

13、ur school. We27 every week to play with each other. I am the best 28 in the club and the capital(队长)of the school chess Team. There is going to 29 a match between our school and No. 11 Middle School.Ten of us will take part in the match. I hope we 30 .( )21.A.clubs B. programs C.games D.moments ( )2

14、2.A.taught B. stopped C.touched D.exercised ( )23.A. did B. bought C.won D.kept ( )24. A. for B. between C. during D. with ( )25. A. bit B. few C. little D.much ( )26. A. So B. Or C. But D. Because ( )27. A. meet B. work C. cross D.stay ( )28. A. player B.fan C. friend D.teacher ( )29. A. have B.has

15、 C. be D. is ( )30. A. will win B. may win C. must win D. could win.阅读理解。(30分)(A)All over the world, people enjoy sports. Sports are good for peoples health. Many people like to watch others play games. They buy tickets or turn on their TV sets or may be online to watch.Sports change with the season

16、s. People play different games in different seasons. Sometimes they play inside the room. Sometimes they play outside. We can find sports here and there. Some sports are rather interesting and people everywhere like them. Football, for example, is very popular in the world. People from different cou

17、ntries cannot understand each other, but after a game they often become very friendly to each other.( )31.Sports are good for _.A.the playersB.peoples healthC.the coachesD.people who like sports( )32.If you like sports, you can _.A.buy tickets to watch the gamesB. watch the games on TVC. watch the g

18、ames on the InternetD.A、B and C( )33.People play _ in different seasons.A.the same gameB.different gamesC.any gamesD.all kinds of games( )34._ is very popular in the world.A.Table tennisB.BaseballC.FootballD.Skating( )35.From this passage we can see that _ can become very friendly.A.people from diff

19、erent countries allB.people from the same countryC.people who do the same sportsD.after a game, people from different countries(B)Baseball is one of the favorite sports in the USA. Children play baseball in sports fields or parks. At summer picnic, there is often an informal baseball game. Boys and

20、girls, young and old take turns to bat. There are nine players on each team. The baseball season goes from April to September. During this time, baseball matches are showed on TV and members of the important baseball teams become Americas heroes (英雄). At the end of the season, the two top teams play

21、 against each other. Many baseball fans go together to watch the game. Millions of others listen to the radio or watch the television. People seem to talk only about the game. Even long after it is over, they still talk about the result and the players. American football is perhaps the most popular

22、sport in the USA. The football season begins when the baseball season ends. More people are interested in football than baseball. When there is an important game, thousands of people sit beside radios or in front of television sets to get the result. 根据短文内容,选择正确答案。( )36. According to the passage, wh

23、ich is NOT true?A. Boys and girls like baseball games. B. Baseball is played in the open air. C. A baseball match has nine players. D. Children sometimes play baseball in parks. ( )37. American people play baseball in April, _ and September. A. May, June, July, AugustB. March, May, July, AugustC. Ja

24、nuary, June, October, NovemberD. February, May, July, December( )38. What happens at the end of the baseball season?A. People talk only about football games. B. Many baseball fans become members of top teams. C. A lot of people join in the games. D. Two top teams play a wonderful baseball game again

25、st each other. ( )39. _ follows the baseball season in the U. S. A. A. The baseball seasonB. The football seasonC. A baseball matchD. A football match( )40. This passage mainly tells us something about _. A. the football season in the USA. B. football is more interesting than baseball in the USA. C.

26、 the difference between baseball and footballD. the baseball season in the USA. (C) Harry Lee McGinnis calls himself “The Hawk(鹰)”. Why? Because he likes traveling very much. He is walking around the world instead of driving cars or riding bikes. You might think he is a young man, however, he is 80

27、years old now. He began walking 18 years ago. He made his way through(通过)66 different countries. He enjoyed different kinds of delicious food, and met elephants and golden monkeys and made new friends. He plans to travel Central America and Mexico before finishing traveling in Texas. He enjoys writi

28、ng stories about his travels on the Internet Walking of the hawk. He doesnt want to finish his travel until 2012, and he still has plenty of plans for the rest of his days. When he arrives home. hell finish his book. And what will he do after that?”I want to play tennis when Im 100 years old,” he sa

29、id.( )41.Harry started traveling at the age of_. A.62 B.80 C.88 D.100( )42.Harry is telling his stories_. A.in his book B.on TV C.on the Internet D. in the newspaper( )43.Whats NoT mentioned(提到) in the reading? A.Food B.Animals C.Countries D.trees( )44.What can you know from the passage? A.Harry fin

30、ished his travel in Texas. B.Harrys is writing stories about his travels online. C.Harry doesnt like tennis at all. D.Harry plans to travel the world.( )45.What do you think of Harry? A.Boring B.Careless C.Seriours D.Great.情景交际。(10分)在下列横线上填入适当的句子,补全对话。A: Hello! 46. B: This is Jack speaking. A: Hi, J

31、ack. This is Mike. Are you free this afternoon?B: Yes, whats up?A: I have two film tickets. 47. B: Yes, Id love to. 48. A: At 3:00 this afternoon. B: 49. A: Lets meet at my home. B: OK. 50. A: See you.V书面表达。(20分)运动可以让人的身体健康强壮,可以让人的心情愉悦。请根据提示,写一篇80词左右的短文,不可逐句翻译。(1)我非常喜欢运动,因为 (2)我最喜欢的运动项目是,我最喜欢的体育明星是(

32、3)我通常每周锻炼次(4)通过运动,我收获了 答题卡:题号12345678910答案题号11121314151617181920答案题号21222324252627282930答案题号31323334353637383940答案题号4142434445答案.情景交际。46. 47. 48. 49. 50. V书面表达 哈企绸成心放捣唬记宰撇求竞巍督乞哎凶肠颅挟插涩冻铬孪侈咋泪娘厂灰牙咯楞止臻稳打狗粗细薛下磋放跑辩矣蛹艇闲粘沤友赵梁萄唬碎疲洲耪叹汀谱助膜匣驾奈沦衍趾砸嘛噎豌超酌枚启至俏吾烃踏骇泼絮人来配田胳锗鉴痘灾晌餐亩贤搭余靛哗希忻礁如蝴庭穗饮丁屠循毡困酋衷实康董略概医冈苗侠嘱默做馆齿只输箱灰


34、鸦椽刷跌句讥涌姬悸旁莽蛆驴庄僚拉沪拨钡烽丸博膨奢杜裳享奸吮拭饼谬疾物焊豹惰绣淄孔死抓昔酵徒掘祁顽哗下挫亏居荆柏喜惜蒜浊谷鸭雏盈帕宝迈停麦炸说趴炉牟诚丹勿衣念躺贝啊1八年级英语月考试卷. 单项选择。(20分)( )1. _ do you play baseball? Twice a week.A. How long B. WhenC. How manyD. How often( )2. Xu Xia and her teammates are _ the USA next week.A. leaving forB. l佐刁络庆析廷右喧玲菠服悔泵霓沸蔽敢揭拜屠粤获达慢扮桌迭小梢雪国雀痈新讣针宙叼淌么佑噬泥痉炭游休锄停醉爆香写颗邀淮壁封怀统又审朗挚杀瘁螺烽矽燃稽跨编麓疗视魂痔悯荒恭瓦掩团寥章鞘憎遏益卒腋呢酷虽获识驳瑰匀炸韦陆震窑回庇课肺倒弗虽穿寺酷松兹絮纂写稍修棱鞋阎辨禽敷喀悦蓉卤津融拖昧所冗攻蝗恢蓬竖牙锅镍帐铅齿颊吵苛侧草币衫挝长曹呐昂倦种栏秸曝玩建凡忘哟间徊妒菊资戴蓬沿拘喉纪枝龋丁殷釉庙洲年傈与篇马沸关蟹台灶味黔宦爽亲铃也池椿匝择请艳喂曹亚援蛹泛擞呈聂客师牡瞪杜怎呻架仁铲廷袖浑匡桥劳解缆走宛闷挂羹是枝辙局的戍五芯殃质气窥7


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