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1、| 维普资讯 h ttp:/第8卷第】期江苏大学娥报(医眷版)Vol 18 Nel2008年月Journal of Jiangsu Liniveraityf Medicine Edition)Jan. 2008慢性粒细胞白血病患者血清乳酸脱氢酶g 羟丁酸脱氢酶、碱性磷酸酶水平变化的临床意义薛红梅,陆益龙,余先球,罗鸣,巴荣,朱彦(江苏大学附掘医院血鍍科江苏缜江2壮00门搞姜目的:观寨慢性粒细胞白血病H:ML)患若血清乳酸脱氢酶(LDH),*轻丁酸脱氢酶性磷雀 6( ALP)水平变化.採讨该变化与临床的关系口方进:选择不同病期CML患若,釆用生化法检测其血清LDFLHBDH, ALP,并与正常人

2、进行比较.结果:加速朗急变期虑者JDH + HRDH川LT水平显巻髙于慢性期患者及正常人慢性期 患者崙于正常人俩纽C血患若LDH和HHDH水平崎外周血幼雅细胞数丄DH与HBDH呈正相关。结 论:ALP,LDHtHBDH水平叮反映思奔体內白血病细胞负荷,对CML病悄严堇稈度有判断价也,关键词慢性粒细胞白血病;乳酸脱氢酶;心羟丁酸脱氯酶;碱性磷酸酶中图分类号R557.3文就标志码J A文章编号I旳】-773( 200趴01 -003703Clinical significance of the changes of the serum lactatedehydrogenase T a-hydrox

3、ybutyrate dehydrogenase, alkaliphosphatasein the patients with chronic myelocytic leukemiaXUE Hor-mei, LU Yi-U>ny YU Xian-qiu t LUO Ming, HA Ront ZHU Yan.(Department 亦 HrrLaidogj-jhr Afliliaied Hospital of Jianis UmviErBiiy T Zhenjian呂贞吐呼ssu 212QOI» China)Abstract 1 Objective: To investigate

4、 and compare the levels of serum laciaie dehydrogenase( LDH) hy drox ybsity rate dehydnogeniiset HBDH) and alkali phosphatase ( ALP) in ihe patients wiih the chronic myelocytic leukemia ( CML) Methods: Th好 serum concentration of ALPTLDH and HBDH were indireclly tested by chemical method,all CML pati

5、enls were diaiiQsed sjccording to the FARAll CML patients were not including thosft with immunologic disease liver or kidney disease and infective disease ; and were divided into the chmnic ph能心 CML and the acceleration phase or blast crisis CML” rRie control group included 20 cases. Results ; The a

6、cceleration phase or blast crisis CML patienls were with higher levels of ALP p LDH and HBDH than the chronic phas(y CML and the conirol group. Tht LDH , HBDH levels of the chronic phase CML paiienu were higher than those of the control group, n two CML groups» the positive correlation was foun

7、d between LDH,HBDH and WBC. Conclusion: ITie hi百h serum ALP+ LDH and HBDH levels reflected Leukemic Cells-load in CML patienls and lhey can be used lo predict di&ease severity.|_ Key words 1 chrome myelocytic leukemia; lactate dehydrogenase; a-hydroxybulyrale;alkali phosphal日 se慢性粒细胞白血病(CML)为临床常见的悪性 血液病'临床经过可分为慢性期、力11速期、急变期7临 床治疗有一定差异。我们对不同时期CML患者血 清乳酸脱氢酶(LDH)、羟丁鰻脱氢酶(HBDH)、碱性 磷酸酶(ALP)等措标进行研究.现报告如下°I病例与方法1*1 病例选择病例来源于2000年1月2006年10月我院门 诊廉住院的慢性粒细腕白血病患者,所冇病例诊断及【基金项目敏江丽社会炭展基金资肋项目阪0HM6)作者筒介薛虹(1976 -,女+7T.苏饭江人.医師+锁士研究主;陆淮龙(通ill柞若儿SM主任医呻+确士生导师*E诚:Ejluyl126.t«n


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