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1、精品文档阅读排序专项练习一读故事,选择恰当的图片进行排序。将所选图片的数字标号写在括号里。It ' Tuesday Some Children are going to play football after school. They ask Peter to join them. Peter says he ca'go with them.It's Thursday. Some Children are going to go swimming after school. They ask Peter to go swimming with them. Peter d

2、oesn' t swiiwith them.On Friday, he goesback home late. His parents arevaiting _ for him. He says sorry to them.After dinner, he goes out with books. His father thinks where he is going.They study together. They help each other.His father goes to buy someth ing. He sees Peter help ing Mike. He s

3、ays Peter is his good boy.Pster, join us. Let s footboll logelherf( )( )( )精品文档二.根据故事情节,给下列图片排序。A firema n engine went by. There was a fire. Every one ran t(see. ” Gbdck” said a firema n. A barn was on fire. A little dag ran to the barn. She barked and barked. Floppy ran to the barn. He jumped in th

4、e window. Get Floppy,” said Chip. The firemen pushed the door down. Floppy ran out. He had some puppies. Every one looked at Floppy. What a good dog!” every one said. What a hero!精品文档( )( ).根据故事情节,给下列图片排序。( )( )( )Dad wan ted to make jam. He picked some strawberries. They were too small. You can all

5、 help,” said Dad. They all picked strawberries. Kipper put some in his pocket. Chip took the strawberries to the car. The car was locked. He forgot about the strawberries. The childre n had an ice cream. It was time to go home. Oh, n o!” said every one. ” Trafacn!” said Dad.精品文档( ) ( ) ( ) 四照样子,根据故事

6、情节给图片排序Floppy was dreaming that he was in the jungle. A tiger jumped out. Got you! ” he said. “ can trick a tiger,” said Floppy. 'Look out! ” said Floppy. There's a bee on your nose” Oh no!” said the tiger, and he let Floppy go. A crocodile jumped out. Got you! ” she said. I' can trick a

7、 crocodile,” said Floppy. Look out! ” said Floppy. There'sa bee on your nose.” Oh no! ” said the crocodile, and she let Floppy go. A snake slid out. Got you!” she said. I can trick a snake,” said Floppy. 'Look out! ” said Floppy. 'There's a bee on your nose” Oh no!” said the snake, s

8、and she let Floppy go. A rabbit jumped out. Got you!” said Floppy. Look out! ”said the rabbit.There'sa bee on your nosg Buzzzzzzzzzzz! 'Oh no!” said Floppy.五.照样子,根据故事情节给图片排序Floppy barked at a cat. The cat ran up a tree. Biff was cross with Floppy. Wilma climbed on the wall. Wilma climbed up

9、the tree. She couldn'get the cat. Wilma could n'tget dow n. Wilma's dad was cross. He put the ladder up. Wilma climbed dow n. Wilma sdad climbed the tree. He could n'tget the cat. Wilma sdad was stuck. The cat jumped dow n. The firema n put a ladder up. Wilma sdad climbed dow n. Oh n

10、 o!” said every one.精品文档六、照样子,根据故事情节给图片排序Kipper had a wobbly tooth. Mum wan ted to pull it out.'No! ” said Kipper. Dad wan ted topull it out. No, no, no! ” said Kipper. Biff went on the swing. Kipper pushed her. Oh no! The swing hit Kipper. The tooth was gone. Kipper had swallowed it. Kipper was upset. Sorry,” said Biff and Chip. 'Never min d, ” said Mum. Never min d, ” said Dad. 'I'm not sad ” said Kipper.m glad.”( ) ( ) ( )


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