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1、新目标七年级上册英语预备篇13练习题及答案Parti用 am, is, are 填空。1.1 Frank. Grace my name.2. 一How you, Helen? 一I OK, thankyou.3. Dale and I good friends. Dale my neighbor (邻居).4. How Bob? Bob fine, too.5. What that? 一It a pen.B)用a, an, the, /(不填)填空6. What's this in English? 一It is map.7> What's that? It is ora

2、nge. It is English orange.8. This is cup.cup is white.9. That is my map.map is black and white.10. What is this? It's Y. What color is it? It isgreen.Part!单项选择()1 .下列字母的小写形式占上中下三格的是 OA. Y B. X C. J D. T()2 .下列选项中全是元音字母的一组是 oA. g wk B. u i e C. o s a D. luv()3 .下列字母笔顺标注有误的是 oABCD()4 ,下列选项中含有相同元音音

3、素的一组字母是 oA. BAD B. ENC C. PGL D. MNF()5 .下列英语缩写与意思相符的一项是 oA. BBC (美国)全国篮球协会B. UFO不明飞行物C. TV激光唱片D. M(尤指服装的尺码)小号的( )6.This is orange.orange is yellow.A. a; A B. an; Ail C. a: Tlie D. an: Tlie( )7.How you?I fine, thank you.A. is; am B. are; amC. is; am D. are; is( )8.Good morning!A. Goodmomiiig B. Fine

4、 C. Thanks D Hi ()9.What color is snow ( S )?It's.A. wliite B. black C. blue D. green()10.What's this English?Ifs a quilt.A- for B. at C. in D. to()11.Spell it, please.A. Ifs Helen B.Fm HelenC. H-E-L-E-N D. H-e-l-e-n()12 What's that?-is a black pen.A. That B. It C. This D. I( )13.Good mo

5、rning.you Cindy?Yes, I.A. Is; am B. Aie; amC. Ain: is D. Aie; is()14.is your pen?It's.A . Wliat ; blueB . Wliat color : blueC. Wliat; blue color D. What color; blue color()15.-?It's an apple.A. Wliat color is it B. Is it an orangeC. How are youD. Wliafs this in English()16.下午遇到朋友或老师,问好时我们说.A

6、. Good moniing. B. Good afternoon. C. Good evening.()17. purple, please.一P-U-R-P-L-E.A. SpellB. TliaiikC. Say()18. What's tliis in English? is a ruler.A. TliisB. ItC. That()19.1 OK. Cindy OK, too.A. am; isB. am; amC. is; isA. It is fine()20. WHiat color is your pencil? .B. It is my pencil C. It

7、is yellow)21.What's tliis?Ifs orange.A. aB. anC. the()22.下划线字母发音相同的一组是.A. thanks, jacketB. this, fineC. pen, evening()23.下列单词不属于同一类的一组是.A. red. greenB. pen, rulerC. orange, jacket()24. are you, Frank? I am fine, thanks.A. WhatB. HowC. What color()25. Alice is a name and Frank is a name.A. girl&#

8、39;s; boy's B. boy's; boy's C. boy's; girl'sPart3完形填空Hello, boys and girls. My is Wang Hua. I 2 in Class Three. This is our3 There are 47 4 and 46 chairs in it. 5 are 22 boys and 24 girls in our class. There are 6 English gills 7 our class. They are Lucy and Lily. 8 are twins (双胞

9、胎).We are 9. Miss Li is 10 teacher. She is fiiendly(友好的).We like our class.()1. A. bookB. nameC. pen()2. A. isB. areC. am()3. A. bodyB. classroomC. teacher()4. A. desksB. cupsC. maps()5. A. TheseB. TillsC. There()6. A. oneB. twoC. thixe()7. A. inB. atC. of()8. A. WeB. TheyC. She()9. A. parentsB. dau

10、ghtersC. fi,iends)10. A. ourB. yourC. herPart4完形填空。Giace : Good morning, Cindy!Ciiidy: Good 1 y Grace!Grace : _2_ are you?Ciiidy: Fine, _3_Giace: Wliafs this _4_ English?Ciiidy: It's a(n) _5_.Grace : Please _6_ it.Ciiidy: ORA-N-GE, orange.Giace: _7_ is it?Ciiidy: It's _8_. And what's tha

11、t in English?Grace : It _9_ a jacket.Ciiidy: _10_.Giace: You're welcome (不客气).( )l.A.eveiiing B. moniiiig C. afternoon D. night()2.A,How B. Wliat C. Who D. When()3.A.OK B. good C. fine D. thanks()4.A.to B. on C. ill D. at( )5.A.jacket B orange C. ruler D. key()6.A.say B see C. spell D. please()7

12、.A.How Be How's C. What's D. What color()8.A.blue B. orange C. wliite D. puiple()9.A.is B. am C. are D./()10.A.Hello B. fm fine C- Thank you D. It's redPart5A用方框内词的词完成句子,每个单词只能用一次。afternoon, can, How, in,the,white, Spell,1. are you, Alice? I am fine, thanks.2. it, please! B-L-U-E.3. What

13、 color is your pen? 一It is.4. Vhat's that English? It's a map.1.1 say my ABCs now.6. That's a mler.mler is puiple.7. Good. Good afternoon, Dale!B)根据句意在横线上填上一个适当的单词,含缩写词。8.1 am fine,.9. Wliafs this? It is orange.1.1 1 can it in English now.11. MHiat's that?_a CD.12. Good moming!Good!P

14、art6AGood moniiiig, everyone. Fm Giace. Pm a girl. Pm 14 years old (岁) Look!Tliis is my quilt. It's a nice quilt.Wliat color is it? It*s yellow and red. And what's this in English? It's a jacket. It's an orange jacket. Thafs a mler.The mler is blue.根据短文内容,选择正确的答案。()1.It is now.A. mor

15、ning B. aftenioonw C. evening D. night( )2.Giace is years old.A. 12 B. 13 C. 14 D. 15( )3.The quilt is.A. red B. yellow C. yellow and orange D. yellow and red( )4.The jacket is.A- yellow B. orange C. red D. blue ( )5.The ruler is.A. blue B. brown C. puiple D. blackB今天是开学的日子,第一天上学的同学们都准备了些什么物品呢?看一下他

16、们的书包就知道了。Tliis is Alice.What's in Alice's (艾丽斯的)schoolbag?匚 A yellow pen匚 A blue mler匚 A green cupAn orangeTliis is Cindy.What's in Cindy's schoolbag?匚 A purple pen匚 A red cupZAkeyA CDTliis is Frank.What's in Flank's schoolbag?CA green jacketE A black penCAii English book 匚 A

17、 map根据表格内容,选择正确的答案。( )6.Alicers pen is.A. yellow B. blue C. red D puiple ( )7.Ybu can see a in Cindy's schoolbag.A. ruler B.jacket C. map D. key()8.has (有)a map.A. Frank B.Cindy C. Alice D.Eric()9.Eveiyone (每个人)has a.A- book B. pen C. CD D.cup ()10.are green.A. Alice's cup and Frank's ma

18、p B. Cindy's pen and Frank's jacket C. Alice's cup and Frank's jacket D. Cindy's key and Alice's rule】Part7AWhat color are their pencil-boxes?Doris, Jim, Rose and Bill put their pencil-boxes on the table. The pencil-boxes are white, blue, red and black. We know, the boys'

19、 pencil-boxes aren't red and the girls' pencil-boxes aren't black. What color is Doris's pencil-box? I don't know. But I know it is not blue. Bill says, "My pencil-box is white." Then what color are their pencil-boxes?1. Doris's pencil-box is.2. Rose's pencil-bo

20、x is.3. Jim's pencil-box is.4. Bill's pencil-box is.5. What's the main idea of the passage?BMy friend and IMy name is Liu Fang. I'm a Chinese (中 国的)gill. Fm in Giade One. Maiy is (1)English gill. She is in our class. We are (2)friends. She teaches (教)me English and I teach her Chines

21、e (汉语).We often greet each other (互相问 «美)(3)in English and Cliinese. She always says first, "Hello, Liu Faiig. (4)How areyou?” I answer, “Fine, thank you. And you?” Maiy speaks Chinese with a smile (微笑 着),“(5)我也好。”根据短文内容,完成下列任务。6. 在(1)处填上一个适当的冠词:7. 选择正确的单词填入Q)处。A. fineB. goodC. OKD. well8.

22、 (3)处短语的汉语意思是“A.在英语和汉语里,B.用英语和汉语C.在英国和中国D.英国和中国9 .将画线(4)处译成汉语。10 .将画线(5)处译成英语。Part8按要求完成下面的句子。1. I'm Grace.(改为一般疑问句) Giace?2. Tliat jacket is purple.(对画线部分提问) is that jacket?3. Tliis is a black pen.(对画线部分提问)94. Tliat quilt is red.(改为同义句) Tliat is quilt.5. white, is, key, it, a (连词成句)Part9用方框中所给的

23、单词填空。what, purple, fine, my, spell1. How are you?Fm, thanks.2. is that?Ifs a quilt.3. Can you it?Yes.MAP.4. What color is it?Ifs.5. Tliis is niler.That is Bob's.PartlO任务型阅读。(每小题2分,共10分)Mi:Smith: Good afternoon, class (同学们)!Students: Good afternoon, teacher (老师)!MiSmith: Look at the picture (图片),

24、please.What's this in English, Bob?Bob : Sony, I don't know.Mi:Smith: Frank, what's this?Frank: Ifs a key.Jenny: No, ifs a mler.MiSmith: Can you spell it, Jemiy?Jenny: R-ULE R, mler.Mi:Smith: Very good! And what color is it, Eric?Eric: It's a blue mler.根据对话内容,完成下列任务。 任务一:判断下列句子的正(T)误

25、(F)。( )1.Ifs morning now.( )2.Mi:Smith is a teacher.任务二:把画线句子翻译成汉语。3. 任务三:根据对话内容,在空白处填入合适的句子。4. 任务四:回答问题。5. What's in the picture?参考答案PartiA) 1. am; is 2. are; am 3. are; is 4. is; is 5. is; isB) 6. a 7. an; an 8. a; Tlie 9. /; The 10. /; /Part21-5 CBBDB 6-10 DBAAC 11-15 CBBBD1620 CABAC 2125 BAC

26、BAPart31.82, C 3. B 4. A5.C 6. B 7. A 8. B 9. C 10. APart41-5 BADCB 6-10 CDBACPart5A) 1. How2. Spell3. white 4. in5. can 6. The7. aftenioonB) 8. thanks9. an10. say 11. It's12. morningPart61-5 ACDBA 6-10 AD ABCPart71. red 2. blue 3. black 4. white 5. Talking about the colors of the pencil-boxes.6. an 7. B 8. B 9.你好吗? 10. fine, too.Part81 .Ai-e you 2.What color 3.What's this 4.a red 5. It is a white keyPart91 .fine 2.What 3.spell 4.purple 5.myPartlO1 .F 2.T 3.鲍勃,这个用英语怎么说?4.1tfs blue. 5. A blue ruler.


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