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1、 Report of External Evaluation and Review Wings Flight Training Academy Highly Confident in educational performance Confident in capability in self-assessment Date of report: 28 June 2011 2 Contents Purpose of this Report.3 Introduction .3 1. TEO in context3 2. Scope of external evaluation and revie

2、w4 3. Conduct of external evaluation and review.4 Summary of Results5 Findings 7 Recommendations 13 Further Actions13 Appendix.14 MoE Number: 7828 NZQA Reference: C04384 Date of EER visit: 28 April 2011 3 Purpose of this Report The purpose of this external evaluation and review report is to provide

3、a public statement about the Tertiary Education Organisations (TEO) educational performance and capability in self-assessment. It forms part of the accountability process required by Government to inform investors, the public, students, prospective students, communities, employers, and other interes

4、ted parties. It is also intended to be used by the TEO itself for quality improvement purposes. Introduction 1. TEO in context Location: Manawatu Districts Aero Club, Palmerston North International Airport Type: Private Training Establishment First registered: 2007 Number of students: Domestic: nil

5、International: 30 students Number of staff: Three full-time, three parttime, one administration Scope of active accreditation: Private Pilot Licence (Aeroplane) (Level 4) Commercial Pilot Licence (Aeroplane) (Level 5) Multi Engine Rating Course (Level 3) Sites: As above Distinctive characteristics:

6、Wings Flight Training Academy (WFTA) shares facilities with Manawatu Districts Aero Club which was established in 1930. In 2006 WFTA integrated into the aero club and expanded to incorporate international students, mostly from India. Recent significant changes: No significant recent changes Previous

7、 quality assurance history: At the most recent NZQA quality assurance visit, an audit in 2009, WFTA met all requirements of QA Standard One, the quality assurance standard in force at the time, and of the Code of Practice for the Pastoral Care of International Students. 4 Other: WFTA is a limited li

8、ability company owned by the Manawatu Districts Aero Club and the organisations manager, who is also a director. The organisation has a simple structure with the manager delegating tasks to the chief flying instructor and administrator as required. 2. Scope of external evaluation and review The scop

9、e included the mandatory focus areas of governance, management, and strategy, and pastoral support of international students. The Commercial Pilot Licence (CPL) was also selected as a focus area because all the trainees are enrolled in this course. 3. Conduct of external evaluation and review All ex

10、ternal evaluation and reviews are conducted in accordance with NZQAs published policies and procedures. The methodology used is described fully in the web document Policy and Guidelines for the Conduct of External Evaluation and Review available at: http:/

11、tion-and-accreditation/external- evaluation-and-review/policy-and-guidelines-eer/introduction/ The EER team consisted of a lead evaluator and an external evaluator. The visit was for one day. The team spoke to the chief flight instructor, four flying instructors, and all the students currently enrol

12、led at WFTA. Wings Flight Training Academy has had an opportunity to comment on the accuracy of this report, and submissions received have been fully considered by NZQA before finalising the report. 5 Summary of Results Statement of confidence on educational performance NZQA is Highly Confident in t

13、he educational performance of Wings Flight Training Academy. In the four years WFTA has been operating, the academy has trained 90 commercial pilots. Only one student did not complete, for medical reasons. Most students return to India and, after completing their Indian Commercial Pilot Licence, are

14、 employed by airlines. This success rate can be attributed to the sole aim of students and instructors: gaining the Commercial Pilot Licence (CPL). This focus also means that students and instructors aim to get to CPL standard within the minimum flying time of 200 hours. Students interviewed comment

15、ed that this standard was consistently reached. Feedback from student interviews and written evaluations indicate that WFTA flight instructors are excellent trainers with appropriate qualifications and experience to meet New Zealand training needs. The academy prides itself on imparting knowledge to

16、 the students beyond the technical skills of flying. The chief flying instructor believes passionately that the organisation wants to develop good pilots. This includes developing personal attributes in students such as judgement, patience, and integrity to help them become mature people. Statement

17、of confidence on capability in self-assessment NZQA is Confident in the capability in self-assessment of Wings Flight Training Academy. The chief flying instructor has a defined approach from his military background which underpins the academys operation and which the staff and students understand a

18、nd appreciate. This approach, combined with close adherence to the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) syllabus and yearly relicensing of instructors by CAA, means ongoing self- assessment and reflection is an integral part of the organisation. Graduate feedback indicates that the CPL programme matches l

19、earner and employer needs accurately. On return to India, students need to convert the New Zealand CPL into the Indian equivalent which has a rigorous theory and practice examination. The chief flying instructor knows the aviation system in India well which allows him to target training for success

20、in both the New Zealand and Indian CPL qualifications. WFTA is well informed about graduates and their destinations and employment but would benefit from formalising the extensive feedback received from former students and employers of graduates by developing a process to gather this information in

21、one place. This would enable WFTA to identify trends across various intakes, gather data about employment in India, and develop a useful marketing tool for recruitment trips to India. TEO response 6 Wings Flight Training Academy has confirmed the factual accuracy of this report. 7 Findings1 1.1 How

22、well do learners achieve? The rating for performance in relation to this key evaluation question is Excellent The rating for capability in self-assessment for this key evaluation question is Excellent Wings has accreditation to offer two NZQA-approved courses which lead to successful students gainin

23、g New Zealand Civil Aviation (CAA) private and commercial pilot licences. The organisation has a focus on enrolling international students only. At the time of the evaluation 30, mostly Indian, students were enrolled at WFTA. There are three to four different groups on campus at any one time, with v

24、arying start dates. Students are externally assessed for CPL by Aviation Services Limited (ASL), the organisation with delegated authority from CAA for all assessments, flight testing, and personnel licensing. This means assessments have performance indicators that are measurable and benchmarked acr

25、oss the country. In the four years WFTA has been operating, the academy has trained 90 commercial pilots. Only one student did not complete, for medical reasons. Most students return to India and, after completing their Indian CPL, are employed by airlines. This success rate can be attributed to the

26、 sole aim of students and instructors: gaining CPL. This focus also means that students and instructors aim to get to CPL standard within the minimum flying time of 200 hours. Students interviewed commented that this standard was consistently reached because instructors used intensive mock training

27、techniques before any final testing occurred. The result was that by the time ASL assessors arrived, students felt very prepared and confident about performing successfully. Students have achieved consistently well over time against their aim of completing the CPL because of the shared focus and det

28、ermination of students and instructors and by adhering to accredited processes in the industry. 1.2 What is the value of the outcomes for key stakeholders, including learners? The rating for performance in relation to this key evaluation question is Excellent The rating for capability in self-assess

29、ment for this key evaluation question is Excellent Students achieve well at WFTA, with most students completing CPL in six to seven months, and two very able students completing in four months. The industry standard is one to two years. These results are attributable to consistent management around

30、attendance, standards of dress, and accepted codes of personal behaviour. Most students live in accommodation provided by WFTA within walking distance of the academy, providing them with a safe, 1 The findings in this report are derived using a standard process and are based on a targeted sample of

31、the organisations activities. 8 secure environment with others of the same culture. The chief flying instructor, an experienced pilot with Indian flight credentials, acts as a father figure to the students, shares the same cultural background and, by his own definition, is strict but fair. This arra

32、ngement works well for the parents of the students who contact the chief flying instructor when they want to know how their children are progressing. It also provides a consistent standard of supervision for the students who told the evaluation team that these arrangements were for their own good an

33、d that they appreciated the close supervision, care, and mentoring shown by the chief flying instructor in particular, but also by all the staff at WFTA. The shared accommodation also gives students time to study and learn together. The academy prides itself on imparting knowledge to the students be

34、yond the technical skills of flying. The chief flying instructor believes passionately that the organisation wants to develop good pilots. This includes developing personal attributes in students such as judgement, patience, and integrity to help them become mature people capable of making what can

35、sometimes be life-changing decisions. Students achieve the CPL efficiently within minimum flying times, indicating that the instruction is effective and targeted to industry standards and requirements. Key stakeholders, such as parents and students, are having their needs met by WFTA, providing a co

36、mprehensive student experience, including accommodation on site, shared cultural values, and a comprehensive understanding of the Indian aviation industry which assists them with employment on their return to India. 1.3 How well do programmes and activities match the needs of learners and other stak

37、eholders? The rating for performance in relation to this key evaluation question is Excellent. The rating for capability in self-assessment for this key evaluation question is Good. Graduate feedback indicates that the CPL programme matches learner and employer needs accurately. On return to India,

38、students need to convert the New Zealand CPL into the Indian equivalent which is a rigorous theory and practice examination. The chief flying instructor knows the aviation system in India well which allows him to target training for success in both the New Zealand and Indian CPL qualifications. The

39、evaluation team sighted email feedback from previous students of WFTA recounting their work experiences since graduation, requesting further flying instruction at the academy, and indicating how the standard of their training had been noticed by experienced and qualified pilots in India. For example

40、, “My instructor commended my handling on the approach and my speed and height management, he was also happy with my professional attitude and said that my training in New Zealand had not just made me a mechanical pilot but also a thinking pilot”. The chief flying instructor contributes to the wider

41、 Palmerston North community by allowing WFTA facilities to be used by others, for example the Flying Doctor Service and trainee pilot cadets. He also provides free flying to committed, talented students. The 9 evaluation team was impressed with this active engagement with the community and the commi

42、tment to high standards for students. While there is a lot of informal, unsolicited feedback from former graduates, this naturally tends to come from the most successful graduates who have gained Indian certification and employment. The organisation would benefit from more formal tracking of graduat

43、es after their return to India to provide data about changing employment patterns and developments in the aviation industry in India. This ongoing needs analysis could be used to inform training processes in New Zealand. 1.4 How effective is the teaching? The rating for performance in relation to th

44、is key evaluation question is Excellent. The rating for capability in self-assessment for this key evaluation question is Excellent. Feedback from student interviews and written evaluations indicate that WFTA flight instructors are excellent trainers with appropriate qualifications and experience to

45、 meet New Zealand training needs. All instructors hold appropriate instructor ratings and are employed on permanent contracts. Staff interviewed said they felt valued by the organisation and were inducted well. In common with some other flying schools, there is a relatively high turnover of flying i

46、nstructors and several have not been with the organisation long enough to be formally appraised. However, their performance has been adequately monitored as they have a flight test and a medical test with CAA every year to maintain licensing and most have instructed at other flight schools in New Ze

47、aland. Ongoing retraining is usually focussed around a new prescription that CAA has introduced to the syllabus, such as mountain flying. Any changes to the CAA prescription usually take two to three years before they are introduced and become mandatory to teach. The evaluation team was impressed wi

48、th the student and instructor records of progress the log books which are checked and cross-referenced. They were well written and included comprehensive records of pre- and post-flight debriefing where expectations of the flight are discussed prior to stepping into the plane and post-flight when th

49、e student discusses with his instructor whether these expectations were met. Students commented that this process provided them with immediate feedback on areas where improvement and further study were required or where their performance was up to standard. Students interviewed appreciated the family atmosphere at WFTA and that instructors related to them individually, gave them extra help if they were struggling, and understood the requirements of flying as they were qualified pilots themselves. Instructors commented that watching the students im


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