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1、2010-2011学年七年级英语下册 语法重点复习整理unit 8 人教新目标版Unit 8 食物;点餐;名词单复数;推销广告 Id like (Id = I would; hed = he would) = I want Would you like = Do you want Yes, please. / No, thanks. / Id love to. But What kind of noodles would you like? mutton and potato noodles beef and tomato noodles Thats all. / Is that all? W

2、hat size bowl of noodles would you like? a large / medium / small bowl of noodles Youd better do Youd better not do Lets do Lets not do What sizes do you have? (二)空间与图形 What size would you like? We have large, medium and small bowls. strawberry - strawberries 第三章 圆 Can I help you? = What can I do fo

3、r you? an apple tree / apple trees 弓形:弦及所对的弧组成的图形叫做弓形。 a man doctor - men doctors a woman teacher - women teachers a cup of tea / two cups of tea a bottle of orange / two bottles of orange green tea / black tea / ice tea 定义:在RtABC中,锐角A的邻边与斜边的比叫做A的余弦,记作cosA,即; work in a noodle house the ingredient fo

4、r the noodles 成分;配料 May I take your order? House of Dumplings Dessert House have some great specials 104.305.6加与减(二)2 P57-60 Special 1 has beef and onion. (3)相离: 直线和圆没有公共点时,叫做直线和圆相离. Special 1 is just 10RMB for 15 dumplings. The dumpling and soup lunch special is Come and get your dumplings here. 描述

5、性定义:在一个平面内,线段OA绕它固定的一个端点O旋转一周,另一个端点A随之旋转所形成的圆形叫做圆;固定的端点O叫做圆心;线段OA叫做半径;以点O为圆心的圆,记作O,读作“圆O” What kind of dessert would you like? What size of dessert would you like? order food and drinks I want to order some food, please. Anything else? (2)抛物线的描述:开口方向、对称性、y随x的变化情况、抛物线的最高(或最低)点、抛物线与x轴的交点。 Whats your address, please? Thatll be thirty RMB. Heres the money. (3)若条件交代了某点是切点时,连结圆心和切点是最常用的辅助线.(切点圆心要相连) have a vacation / would like a vacation give reasons for sth. (4)二次函数的图象:是以直线为对称轴,顶点坐标为(,)的抛物线。(开口方向和大小由a来决定) give a reason for sth.


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