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1、模块综合检测 ( 一)I 阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分;满分30分)ALong Mountain Learning CenterWhat Do You Mean?Finding the exact words to express your ideas is an art in itself.In this course, you will learn about words ,what they mean, how to avoid confusing similar words and how to choose just the right words in your writing

2、.Thursdays, 7: 309: 30 PM.Write It RightWriting a research paper involves more than collecting information.Knowing how to organize your information, express your ideas clearly,and document your sources is very important.This course is specifically designed for students preparing to enter college.Sat

3、urdays, 3: 305:00 PM.Writing to SellIn this course,you will learn to write advertisements that will attract more clients (客户) to your product or business.Previous business writing experience is required.Thursdays, 9: 3011 :30 A M.Express Your OpinionThe Letters to the Editor column in your local pap

4、er is a public forum (论坛) for expressing opinions on matters of interest to all citizens.In this course, you will learn how to develop and clearly express your opinions and improve your chances of getting your letter published.Fridays,8:45 10:00 PM.Retelling Old FavoritesDo you remember the traditio

5、nal folktales and fairy tales that you loved as a child? In this course,you will rewrite some of your favorite old tales in new ways that will delight the youngsters in your life.Tuesdays,5:00 7: 00 PM.Report ItHave you always dreamed of being a correspondent 通讯员)for a newspaper or magazine? This co

6、urse will cover the basics of collecting news and turning it into in teresti ng n ewspaper and magaz ine articles.Wednesdays 1: 00 3: 00 P. M.【语篇解读】本文是应用文。文章是对几种写作课程的介绍。1. Which course is most suitable for those who work in bus in ess marketi ng?A. Write It Right.B. Writing to Sell.C. What Do You Me

7、an?D. Express Your Opinion.B 细节理解题。由 Writing to Sell 部分介绍的 learn to write advertisements that will attract more clie nts to your product or bus in ess.Previous bus in ess writi ng experienee is requirec可知,该课程是关于商业广告写作的,故最适合那些从事市 场营销的人。2. If you are interested in journalism, you can join the course h

8、eld on.A. Tuesday, 5: 00 7: 00 P. M.B. Thursday, 7: 30 9: 30 P. M.C. Saturday, 3: 30 5: 00 P. M.D. Wednesday 1: 00 3: 00 P. M.D 细节理解题。由 Report It部分介绍的.dreamed of being a correspondent.coverthe basics of collecting news and turning it into interesting newspaper and magazine article创知,周三下午1: 00到3: 00开

9、设的课程适合 对新闻业感兴趣的人。3. What do the courses men ti oned in the text have in com mon?A. All are held every two weeks.B. All are open to college students.C. All require related basic kno wledge.D . All aim to improve your writing skills.第2页D 推理判断题。由 Long Mountain Learning Center 提供的这六门课程内容 介绍中的关键信息 What D

10、o You Mean?choose.right words in your writing , Writing to Sell ,write advertisements, Retelling Old Favorites,rewrite.old tales, Report It,collecting news and turning it into.articles 可知 ,这些课程都旨在提高 写作技能。 BParties and social gatherings no longer excite us the same way they once did.This is not due t

11、o a lack of desire to socialize, but the smartphone.At parties, people focus more on their smartphones than on their drinks.According to a recent study from International Data Corporation, over half of all Americans have a smartphone and reach it the moment they wake up, keeping it in hand all day.I

12、n addition, too many people are using smartphones while driving and as a result, they get into car crashes.34 percent of teens admit to text while driving, and they confirm that texting messagesis the major interruption while driving.People's attachment (依恋) to their smartphones is unbelievably

13、becoming more important than the lives of themselves and others.Just as drivers dismiss the importance of focusing while on the road, many people also fail to recognize the significance of human interaction.When with their frien ds, some people poin tlessly无谓地)check or send messages in the prese nee

14、 of their friends, which means that their friends are less important.In addition, relying on our smartphones to make friends does not give us the same advantages as making new friends in the real world.Face- to-face conversations will give us the chance to improve our communication skills in the lon

15、g run.As many people risk their lives and the lives of people around them just to send a text or mindlessly check their messages,smartphones are in many ways more dangerous to people.The technology shows the achievement weaken the value of communication.Not only is the smartphone affecting our desir

16、e to interact face to face,but it is also lowering people's ability to communicate.【语篇解读】 本文是一篇议论文。 智能手机的问世使我们与他人联系更加 方便,但也使我们疏远了身边的人。 本文主要讲述了:在聚会、开车等各种场合 ,第 3 页人们埋头用手机发短信,影响了人际交流,甚至导致了事故的发生4. The purpose of this text is to.A. call for an end to the use of the smartphone while drivingB. appeal t

17、o us to pay atte nti on to com muni cati on skillsC. express a concern about the overuse of the smartphoneD. advise us to be cautious about the addict ion to the smartph oneC 主旨大意题。本文通过描述人们在社交场合或开车时埋头使用手机这一 现象,提出了这一现象背后值得思考的话题: 手机的过度使用影响到了人们的日 常生活和交流,因此选C。5 . The sec ond paragraph is developed by.A

18、. givi ng examplesB . listing figuresC . compari ng factsD . an alyz ing the effectsA 推理判断题。第二段讲述人们使用手机的情况,比如在聚会上使用手机, 以及青少年开车时使用手机发短信的具体事例,因此该段是通过给出一系列的例 子来阐述观点的。因此选A。6 . The author advocates making new frien .A . by using smartph onesB . in a face- to- face wayC . in differe nt waysD . un der a fr

19、ee circumsta neeB细节理解题。作者在第三段的结尾说“ Face-to-face con versati ons will giveus the cha nce to improve our com muni cati on skills in the long run , 因此选 B。7. Too much depe ndence on the smartpho ne leads to the fact thatA . parties and gatheri ngs limit people's social circleB . people are more and

20、more n arrowm in ded第4页C. people's com muni cati on skills are weake nedD. face- to- face com muni cati on becomes less importa ntC 细节理解题。最后一段谈到人们埋头使用手机的坏处是fbweri ngpeople's ability to communicate",C项是对该信息的转述,因此选C。CI went nose to nose with a mouse last week, and rd rather not say who wo

21、n.I was cook ing when my frie nd phoned me to help her catch a mouse she had found in the kitchen.The mouse was under the fridge when I arrived. The cat was standing guard, slowly swinging its tail. I tried to put a broom handle beneath the fridge to force it out, but there were too many wires.My fr

22、iend pulled up a chair at the table and I pulled a chair beside the fridge, armed with a plastic box as my trap .It was a good plan, but as is usually the case, it did n't go accord ing to pla n.After a while, the mouse put its head out.I knelt down on the floor in front of the fridge and an gle

23、d the box to create a n oescape trap.The mouse moved out farther and I put the box dow n immediately.U nfortun ately, the only thi ng in side the box was the mouse's tail, still attached to the mouse, which was now struggling with its little legs in an attempt to take to its heels The cat just s

24、at.The mouse crawled (爬)up on the broom handle I'd used earlier, and we were now eyeball to eyeball .If I'd wan ted to and I did n't I could have seized it with my teeth, I shouted I needed something else to get the mouse.My friend handed me ano ther contain er. I lowered box two over th

25、e mouse's bodystill on the broom han dle, with its tail still in box one.Despite my two - box move, the mouse escaped and shot back un der the fridge.Shortly after I left, my frie nd found the mouse. It was bathed in the sun light in her bedroom.The cat was sitting next to it, enjoying the rays

26、as well. She said they were a cute couple.Lear ning from my mistakes, she got a box and a lid and said the mouse all but jumped in the box and helped her seal the lid.Just a small cha nge brought about an un expected result.【语篇解读】本文是记叙文。猫和老鼠是冤家,和平相处似乎是不可能的。但在本篇文章里,猫和老鼠互不侵犯,相安无事。反而是作者和她的朋友大动干AThe aut

27、hor.BThe author's friend.戈,想尽方法捉老鼠。8What does the last sentence in Paragraph 2 suggest?AThe plan ended in failure.BThe plan wasn't worth carrying out.CThe plan wasn't carried out properly.DThe plan proved to be an unexpected one.A 推理判断题。 第二段的最后一句的意思为: 这是一个好计划 ,但是就像 通常的情况那样 ,事情未按计划发展。 再结合

28、下文的内容可知 ,作者制定的捕鼠 计划没能成功 , 以失败告终了。故选 A 。9What does the underIined part“ take to its heeIs” mean?AGo back.BStand up.CFight back.D Get away.D 词义猜测题。根据下文中的“ The mouse crawled(爬) up on the broomhandIe”“Despite my two- box move,the mouse escaped and shot back under thefridge”可知,此处指的是老鼠在奋力逃跑。由此可知,take to o

29、ne's heeI啲意思应是“逃走,溜掉”,与get away的意思相近。故选D。10What were the mouse and the cat doing in the bedroom?AEnjoying the harmony.BComforting each other.CCeIebrating the escape.DAppreciating the view.A 推理判断题。根据最后一段中的“It was bathed in the sunIight in herbedroom.The cat was sitting next to it, enjoying the ra

30、ys as weII.She said they were a cute coupIe” 可知, 老鼠和猫挨着在作者朋友的卧室里晒太阳。由此可知 ,它们 在作者的朋友的卧室里和谐相处。故选 A。 11Who had the Iast Iaugh?第 9 页CThe mouse.DThe cat.B 推理判断题。根据文章内容可知,作者和朋友之前想尽办法,一心想捉往 老鼠,但是失败了。作者走后,朋友从作者的失败中汲取教训,使老鼠自己跑进 了陷阱里,作者的朋友成功抓到了老鼠 ,因此作者的朋友笑到了最后 (即获得了 胜利)。故选 B。DThe word or phrase that you use t

31、o open your email account may provide a key to your personality as well as to your correspondence (信件), according to a British psychologist.Helen Petrie, professor of human/computer interaction (交互作用 ) at City ,University in London, analysed the responses of ,1200 Britons who participated in a surve

32、y fun ded(提资金)by Cen tralNic, an Internet doma in n ame compa ny .The results were recently published on CentralNic's website.Petrie identifies three main password “types”“Familyoriented r”espondents numbered nearly half of those surveyed.These people use their own name or nickname, the name of

33、a child, partner, or pet or a birth date as their password.They tend to be occasional computer users and have strong family ties.“They choose passwords that symbolize people or events with emotional value,” says Petrie.One third of respondents were“fans”, using the names of athletes, singers, movie

34、stars, fictional characters, or sports teams.Petrie says fans are young and want to attach themselves to the lifestyle represented by a celebrity.Two of the most popular names were Madonna and Homer Simpson.The third main group of participants are “cryptics be”cause they pick confusing passwords or

35、a random (随机的) string of letters, numbers, and symbols such as “Jxa 157”Petrie says cryptics are the most security-conscious group.They tend to make the safest but least interesting choices.Passwords are revealing for two reasons.Firs,t because they are invented on the spot.“Since you are focused on

36、 getting into a system, for example your email account,you're likely to write down something that comes quickly to mind ,” saysPetrie.“In this sense passwords take advantage of things that are just below the surface of consciousness.Also,to remember your password, you pick something that will st

37、ick in your mind.You may unconsciously choose something of particular emotional importance.”【语篇解读】 本文是说明文。研究表明 ,密码可以揭示人们的个性。12 How did Petrie draw her conclusions?ABy observing participants' reactions.BBy interviewing 1 , 200 people.CBy studying survey results.DBy doing an experiment.C 细节理解题。由第一

38、段中的 analysed the response of ,1 200 Britons who participated in a survey可知,Helen Petrie分析了参与调查的1 200位英国人的答 复,得出“密码会揭示人的个性 ”的结论。 13What do we know about people whose passwords are“famil?y orientedAThey probably have large families.BThey are likely to be animal lovers.CThey tend to be social and emoti

39、onal.DThey are probably infrequent computer users.D 细节理解题。由第二段中的 They tend to be occasional computer users andhave strong family ties 可知 ,用家庭信息作为密码的人往往不经常用电脑 ,而且 有很强的家庭纽带。 14What does Petrie say abotuthe“cryptic ” group?AThey have strong safety awareness.BThey lack imagination and creativity.CThey c

40、hange their passwords regularly.DThey can't think of an interesting password.A 细 节 理解 题。 由第 二段 中的 Petrie says cryptics are the mostsecurity-c on scious group.They tend to make the safest but least in teresti ng choice可知,Petrie认为cryptics是最有安全意识的群体。15. Why can passwords reveal our personalities?A.

41、 We choose words we will easily remember.B. We are willi ng to invent somethi ng pers on al.C. We are likely to value important experiences.D. We pick up a password after careful consideration.A 细节理解题。由最后一段中的to remember your password, you picksomethi ng that will stick in your mi nd可知,在设密码时,我们往往会写下脑

42、子里首先想到的,要记住密码,我们会选那些容易记住的。n .阅读七选五(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)The art of conversations takes practice, but is not as hard as you might think.16Be around con fide nt people.Be ing around con fide nt people makes you feel good.The other person's enthusiasm makes all the conversation participants feel con fi

43、de nt and comfortable.17 If it's some one who you work with, or go to school with, look at their department website, or see if the person is on any social networks before talking to him for the first time.The information you get can be a good starting point for conv ersatio ns.Ask questi on s.Wh

44、at do they like to do? What sort of things have they done in their lives? What is happening to them now? What did they do today or last weekend? 18 However, try to space out your questions or they'll feel like you are in terrogati ng (审问)them, which is very bad and closes off frie ndships.Listen

45、.Pay attention to what is being said.Make movements to indicate that you are still listeningf you listen well, the other person's statements will suggest questi ons for you to ask. 19 They will ofte n not realize that it was they who did most of the talk ing, and you get the credit for being a g

46、ood con versati on alist.Know whe n the conv ersati on is over.Eve n the best con versati ons will eve ntually run out of steam or be ended by an interruption.Smile if you're leaving , tell them it was nice to talk to them, and say goodbye. 20A. Ask as many questi ons as you can think of, i nclu

47、di ng their age, in come and marriage.B. Ending on a positive note will leave a good impression.C. Find out about the person you will be talking to before you actually talk tohim, if you can.D. Take a special course on making conv ersatio ns so that you can com muni cate with others better.E. Allow

48、the other person to do most of the talking.F. Identify things about them that you might be interested in hearing about, and politely ask questi ons.G. With some patience and these steps, you can leann to relax and enjoy a great conv ersatio n.【语篇解读】本文是一篇说明文,主要介绍了提高沟通交流能力的技巧,包括和自信的人交往、询问问题、耐心倾听等。16. G 空处为第一段尾句,起承上启下的过渡作用,下文是对如何提高沟通能力的介绍,据此可知,G项符合文意。17. C 空处的位置说明空处为该段的主题句。根据空处下句“If it'ssome one who you work with,or go to school with,look at their departme nt website or see if the pers on is on any social n


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