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1、P8-9一、阅读理解,完成下列练习。Hello,Im Toby. I come from China. I go to Cambridge School in England. I go to school five days a week, from Monday to Friday. I have seven classes a day , four in the morning and three in the afternoon. My favourite subject is Drama. And I also like History and French. Ms Howard w

2、ill teach us Drama. She is nice and warm. There are thirty pupils in my class ,twelve boys and eighteen girls. Most of us like sports. I have got a cat. Four boys and six girls also have pets. Our classroom is big and clean. We all love our teachers .School is great fun!( )1.I have _ classes in the

3、morning.A. 7 B. 4 C. 3( )2.I like _ best.A. Drama B. History C. French( )3. Most of us like _.A. Drama B. History C. PE 4. Toby is from China, but he is in England now. ( )5. Half of the girls have pets.( )6. Toby has a great time at Cambridge School. ( )7. Which school does Toby go to?_8.How many p

4、upils are there in Tobys class?_9. What does Toby write about his Drama teacher?_10. How many pupils have pets in Tobys class? _11.Do the pupils like their teachers?_二、看图片,写单词。 - - - - - - - - - - - - P10-P113、 连词成句,并在括号内写出句子里喜爱的课程单词。1、Often music. classical listen I to _( )2、 drawing love I picture

5、s. _( )3、 and I games sports. love _( )4、 numbers. with I like working _( )5、 China, Like love I I language.its learning _( )6、 with love I computer. my working _( )7、 Museum.Science the go to often I _( )8、 love plays.great fun.I are They _( )四、根据课文p10听力,完成下列填空。Thursday1st _2nd_3rd_4th_5th_ Friday1st _2nd_3rd_4th_5th_-Monday1st _2nd_3rd_4th_5th_ Wednesday1st _2nd_3rd_4th_5th_ Tuesday1st _2nd_3rd_4th_5th_ Time1st lesson _2ndlessen _3rdlessen _4thlessen _5thlessen_


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