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1、上海市中级口译第二阶段口试模拟 56( 总分: 20.00 ,做题时间: 90 分钟 )一、Part A ( 总题数: 0,分数: 0.00)二、Passage 1 ( 总题数: 1,分数: 5.00)1.(分数: 5.00 ) 正确答案: () 解析:我们致力于教育改革,目的是为全国所有的年轻人提供更好的教育,尤其是偏远地区的那些经济弱 势群体。我们的目标是提供高质量的教学。我们在引进新观念方面一直很有创新精神,尤其是在引进用将网络教学 作为课程组成部分的新技术方面。我们十分强调研究。或许另外一点是国际水准。我认为每个大学都有其侧重,要么是地区性,要么是全国 性,但我们常说的一句话是“根植当

2、地,联系全球”。我们在与中国的大学建立一些联系。 对我来说, 就是要会见一些关键人物, 为将来的合作和交流签下协议。 在学生交流和教工交流方面都有很多机会。 解析 Weare dedicated to educational reform. Our purpose is to provide better education for young people across the country, particularly for those economically disadvantaged groups in the remote areas. We aim to provide ver

3、y high quality teaching and learning. We have been quite innovative in introducing new ideas, in particular, new technology using e-learning as part of the curriculum. We put a lot of emphasis on research. Perhaps the other thing is international quality. I think every university has a regional or n

4、ational focus, but the phrase we use is "locally rooted, globally connected".We are building up some links with universities in China. For me, it"s to meet the key peopleand sign agreements for future collaboration and exchange. There is great opportunity for student exchange and staf

5、f exchange.三、Passage 2 ( 总题数: 1,分数: 5.00)2.(分数: 5.00 ) 正确答案: () 解析:美国人民和中国人民或许在语言、风俗和政治信仰上截然不同,但在我们这个时代的许多至关重要 的问题上,我们两国人民之间几乎没有距离。像中国一样,美国人民看待未来也是着眼于下一代的利益。同中国一样,我们也尊敬长辈。若想要和我们 的父母亲做得一样好,我们就必须胜于他们。在过去,老一辈的人可以期待着过一种和平、幸福的退休生活。但今天,老年人常常感到很孤独。我们的 传统教导我们要尊重老人,一直关爱他们,直到他们去世。我们要尊重社会上上了年纪的人,因为他们为社区的发展做出了贡

6、献。我们应该确保他们能体面、祥和地 度过他们的晚年。 解析 The American and Chinese people may be distinctlydifferent in languages, customs, and politicalbelief, but on many vital questions of our time there is little distance between us.Like China, our people see the future in the eyes of our children. And like China, we respe

7、ctour elders. To be as good as our fathers and mothers, we must be better.In the past, the older generation has been able to look forward to a peaceful and happy retirement. But today, the old often find themselves alone. Our traditions teach us to respect the elderly, and give them the love until t

8、heir final days.Weshould honor the elder membersof society for the contribution they have madeto our communities. And we should ensure that they all have the means to live out their lives in dignity and peace.四、Part B ( 总题数: 0,分数: 0.00)五、Passage 1 ( 总题数: 1,分数: 5.00)3.(分数: 5.00 )正确答案: ()解析:The neighb

9、orhood committee is a grassroots massorganization in China. In Chinese residential areas both in cities and towns, there are neighborhood committees.With the help of local governments, the neighborhood committees take care of almost every aspect of the residents" lifesuch as birth control, secu

10、rityand hygiene. And the neighborhood committeenot only solves problems in elder residents daily life, but also helps them live a colorful life. Here are usually many retired residents who volunteer to serve theft neighbors. And many local residents have found that they are increasingly dependent on

11、 the various services provided by the neighborhood committee Whenever they come to ask for help, they won"t be disappointed.Generally, the neighborhood committee is something uniquely Chinese. It started early, functions well now, and is about to stay for a long time in the future. 解析 在中国,居委会是群

12、众性的基层组织。在城市和城镇的中国人口居住区都有居委会组织。在地方政府的协助下,居委会管理居民的生活的方方面面,比如计划生育、治安、清洁卫生等。居委会不 光负责解决老年人的日常生活起居的问题,还帮助丰富他们的生活。通常,有许多退休人员自愿帮助他们的邻居们。也有许多当地居民发现他们已经越来越依赖于居委会提供 的各种服务。不管他们什么时候来要求帮助,都会如愿以偿。总的来说,居委会是具有中国特色的一种组织。它很早就出现了,到现在还一直发挥着作用,并且在今后 会持续很长时间。六、Passage 2 ( 总题数: 1,分数: 5.00)4.(分数: 5.00 ) 正确答案: ()解析: As China

13、 initiated the policy of opening & reform, China"s tourism industry witnessed tremendous achievements. In 1999, total tourist arrivals to China and the revenue generated from inbound business ranked 5th and 7th respectively among the world top destinations.At the turn of new century, China

14、has worked out its strategic plan for tourism development for the next 20 years and the goal is to become the world"s leading tourism country. China"s tourism industry in 21st century will be promising one with unlimited opportunities.China and the United States are the biggest tourist des

15、tinations in Asia and America respectively.As China quickens steps towards internationalization and gears up the development of tourism facilities, there will be more opportunities of cooperation between China and the United States in the field of tourism.We welcome more US tourists to China. We als

16、o hope that US businessmen with a long vision willinvest in China, especially in tourism infrastructure of China"s central and western areas. 解析由于中国实行了改革开放,中国旅游业取得了辉煌的成就。 1999 年,中国旅游接待入境人数和国际旅游创 汇分居世界第 5 位和第 7 位。世纪之交,中国确定了用 20 年时间发展成为世界旅游强国的战略目标。 21 世纪中国旅游业发展前景无限 光明。中国和美国分别是亚洲和美洲最大的旅游目的地国家。随着中国旅游设施的不断完善和与国际接轨步伐的 加快,中美之间在旅游领域将有更多的合作机会。热忱欢迎更多的美国游客到中国来,也欢迎美国商界有识之士来华投资,特别是投资中国中西部地区的旅 游设施建设。


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