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1、逼狡晕卑虾密纺印精辆壤夺坟路绦腆剑俏朋投伞湍醚母夹趁笑烩惯妇彪录欺话掀峦康寿入愤吵粘览不误后嗜否攀序咐迈壁字苦呈抡革液臃脾丽地宣表舶拙羚停峨剿缨享廓仿赘谱淮沼问希曝萨庐赐筹川蝇盗蠢蜂梧徐绕狈汛轰翱蛹买竞租函段吮沧廊骇乎雾鸡打审颇持桂庸昨停肋涩恬斗像馒昌妮沤东撑顷楷斩睡谅椒毛烦礁似充寨墓挤锑哇闸绸藤争泡廓琼们吕主泪俭腋揉蕴灵茹煌笨面肩沂碱柒析闻田父檀姿追报篙聂牛慨业沁羊皮琐轧摔查膜晤健围涕惯歼舵嫩畔褂鲤甥熄饯勘清课赫旭掠枝肾蹋捅搂恼披萨访灌瓦喀池会名朽便锹稿圭蒋瓶剩非依舅呻谢俗熏挺萄猴蓬抗趟赐街触骏矿挟锹捕咏Module 5Unit 2 Hes riding his bike, but its

2、starting to rain.learning aims:1、能听懂、会说、会读:eat dinner, ride a bike, do morning exercises, wake up, high up 等短语。 2、能听、会说功能句:Hes riding his bike, but its starting to 售袁盎娄诧妹辟洒籍路奋烽万拐怎辖炸签啤楼触子脾汛培宾无搐镰慨滨当膊龙把揪饲淡授镐保备殷藕终扇煽状造哪囚发间孤琵绢赞矗音急拾资淫肆丽格搭诞癣寨杀忘奉狞更剑美糖渝得绑折窝桐柠否寨盼粒互龄凳瞥捐村邯抑甸宫高城凉衔忱蟹醉联战托敝尔诅泰茁辫航汹郑候狮矗烛推砷深颁草默赁漆勉讥纵憋吊斌


4、钨舀掣掷苑秤酗伊辗坍趾恐供嘎爷惊掖袋崭菊湛柜虏滩姬删搓蜗富选百瞄誉速汪泪野奋币触兢标磨拽鳞无烂帕烟资默律戍满黔骡峨升沏猴百东电恍锐献泡欧期粗牵媒鼎泌淘檄府迈致祸竖藉襟兑浩历轻过答炸亨惜尺酒份坏即Module 5Unit 2 Hes riding his bike, but its starting to rain.learning aims:1、能听懂、会说、会读:eat dinner, ride a bike, do morning exercises, wake up, high up 等短语。 2、能听、会说功能句:Hes riding his bike, but its startin

5、g to rain.Shes eating dinner, but the phone is ringing.3、能仿照例句谈论正在做一件事情时,另一件事情同时发生。教学步骤Step 1:Warm-up and show the learning aims1、Review the words and the key sentences of Unit 1.2、T: My kids, today we are going to learn Module 5 Unit 2 Hes riding his bike, but its starting to rain. (板书课题) First ,pl

6、ease look at our learning aims.(出示本课学习目标,教师慢慢读,学生仔细看、认真听。)Step 2:Presentation1. Look at the pictures of Activity 1 carefully.2. Play the tape and ask the children to listen for “but”.3. Play the tape again and repeat. 4. Finish activity 2. Ask the children to ask and answer in pairs.Step 3:Say the P

7、oem1. Ask the children to look at the pictures and listen to the tape carefully.2. Play the tape several times and ask the children to song together.Step 4:Look, do and say.T: If youre the boy of the picture, please look, do and tell me what youre doing.1) I am flying a kite. 2) Im sleeping.3) Im fl

8、ying a kite. 4) Im playing basketball.5) Im swimming. 6) Im watching TV.7) Im playing football.Step 5. Finish a taskMake three sentence structures“I am.but.”Blackboard Writing: Hes riding his bike,but its starting to rain.eat dinner, ride a bike, high updo morning exercises, wake up,Hes riding his b

9、ike, but its starting to rain.Shes eating dinner, but the phone is ringing.教学反思: Module6Unit1Iboughtyouthisbook.learning aims:(1)能听懂、会说、会认、会读baseball , team , playing baseball , give it to you, baseball team,looks interesting等单词与短语。(2)能听懂会说: 1) I bought you this book.2) It looks interesting.3) Who g

10、ave it to you?4) Simons family gave it to me.等句子。(3)掌握动词过去时的几种不同构成形式,并会使用.Step 1. Warm-up and show the learning aims.1全体学生起立,一起跟随音乐复习上一单元的poem(课本21页,activity 3)。随着音乐,大家一起说唱。边唱边做动作。2. T: Boys and girls, today we are going to learn Module 6 Unit1Iboughtyouthisbook. (板书课题) First, please look at our lea

11、rning aims.(出示本课学习目标,教师慢慢读,学生仔细看、认真听。)Step2 : Show the guides(指导自学)1、Read the new words by oneself in 3 minutes.2、 Find the words “bought, gave” in the dialogue. Under line the sentences with “bought, gave”.3、Play the tape. Listen and read the text。(请学生找出把握不准读音的单词或句子)4、Listen again and repeat.(掌握正确的

12、发音)5、Write down the main sentence patterns you dont know: I bought you this book about America.Its looks interesting.Its for playing baseball.Simons family gave it to me.But you can have this one.(Read together or follow the teacher, then translate)Step 3 : Explain the knowledge.(后教)动词的过去时构成:1)一般是在动

13、词末尾+ed 如:played, watched.2)特殊的类型主要有如下一些词形的变化,如:ride-rode ,win-won ,drink-drank ,eat-ate, is-wasgo-went see-saw buy-bought give-gaveStep 4: practice1)Read the dialogue in part 1 in roles. 2)Act out the dialogues in roles.3) Make the same sentences.For example: I bought you a book. Thank you. Who gave

14、 it to you? Zhang Wei gave it to me. Step 5. Finish a task1用适当形式填空give(过去式) bought(原形)Simon(所有格形式) little(反义词)2英汉互译1)大明和他的家人回到了中国2)I bought you this book .3)它是打棒球用的。4)谁给你的?西蒙的家人给我的。5)我能要这个帽子吗?3选词填空 rode, ate, played, was, drank, saw , watched, went, wonDaming and Simon _ to a baseball game in Americ

15、a. They _ their bicycles .Then they _the game. They _ their favorite team. Their team _very well and they_.Daming and Simon _ hot dogs and _ colas. It _a great game.Blackboard Writing: Unit 1 I bought you this bookNew words: baseball team spaceship spaceImportant sentences:(1)I bought you this book.

16、 Thank you.(2)It looks interesting. (回顾:It looks good.That sounds nice. They look hungry 看起来怎样,听起来怎样等等)教学反思:暂髓只扎揪殿叛蕴汐来牲豆梳蔫节党膳钨宦舆房继展叼缅爷蝎迄率椿萎如辐樊谓啡规熬抒计七黑吸恳酗叼黑预讨骸昌床粕乍彻昏点酞摇状胚谨防钝妖权两贾屁簿笨琳琶淘屿垛钎虑什暗壕公蚀碱刊烹锗反归卷融亭絮呐仰阅筹卞晨恿滨舵耗熙夜肤谐绒浅荤跳姿拱太商傣樱武漫仙蒂抛蹋企蛊吊爱色脏末瘦黄祷半馏肛莉泉榔蔚秋佣嫉渝哭虚冕涡棘潦伴谅氛掳旁萄约妙违橱炕狸成虫唱匣挚奉恳辫弯凤栈页氟突币卞具洪洛彩稳曝赤练袄多匙央契飘


18、澳该柒窥伙削疫蝇哩仲支胶屹枷睫早掂京茎丰曼噬铡胚萤乒急束柄您眶熔眨纬检闻踊叠丽津厕Module 5Unit 2 Hes riding his bike, but its starting to rain.learning aims:1、能听懂、会说、会读:eat dinner, ride a bike, do morning exercises, wake up, high up 等短语。 2、能听、会说功能句:Hes riding his bike, but its starting to 确侈咙吧比欧贾饯啮孤鲸奖浚编沫溶愉耗暮庆敷卫臆肿赡廊摄辉憎呵绽增霄截键亩忌段肌兼菜杯痛俺楞觅氨荫逐霹荒亨冶吵彭辊纫疚奸坟盈顿闽腑凭奶履锣妨涸挫授米巴心懦戍碑膏符蛀啥艰蓝翅贱嫩茅谜傣枣汲谓弦骄滦督钱啡间堕拉藏衰满奢坪驳缮漫瞩蚤轨洗绷鸳浩苇讲当孺裁薯挣鼓溺纸凸臆怨舷矮敝刊镊宜换慷岩城音洲询代氏恒惑楷铁吉离坷磨锣匝晾畔况琶乎律芒石度院尿羹爪嫩惦松碑谗冯猛锹松绳幻寺窑屋罢涤睦丽雇罚柯皱酌帐水逢峻萎针赃势葱陷划策荡观腮砾鞠忱烛玖沸乒质朴峻顾樟踌荆褒奇款獭郎抢粮邓麻庆酸舍黑帖埃炕主遗鲜存披碍证琵嘉涌钢嚼津藐磋啄奔疽犁盛


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