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1、课题Unit7 I used to be afraid of the dark.课型 Listening and Speaking教材分析本课出自英语教材鲁教版初三下册第七单元第一课时,即SectionA 1a2c的内容。本课的课型为听说课,同时也涵盖了读写的任务活动,围绕着谈论过去的性格、外貌、特点及喜好等,借此来学习used to 这一特有的用来表述过去经历和习惯的语言结构。通过对教材的分析我对教材内容进行了整合,对部分教学资源进行了取舍。学情分析1、知识基础分析:在学习本课之前,学生对于一般过去时的表达已经有了较深入的学习,因此对于used to这一句型的掌握并不困难

2、,完全可以通过例句观察讨论并总结出其相关用法。对于口语表达中需要用到的词汇,如有关相貌和性格描述的词汇,学生早已学过,这里只是在复习巩固的基础上进行灵活的表达运用。2、学习难度分析:对于大部分学生来说,本课教学内容难度不高,任务活动的创设也贴近现实,非常的真实具体,易于表达。在任务活动的设计上我遵循了由易到难、由浅入深、由机械性操练到综合性表达层层递进的原则,符合学生的认知规律。另外,我在各个任务环节都为低层次的学生提供了相关的词汇及语言支持,这对于部分学困生来说很大程度上降低了操练难度,更易于他们的掌握和表达,更多地为他们创造了语言实践的机会。课程标准1、课程性质:工具性、 人文性2、综合语

3、言运用能力:语言知识,语言技能,文化意识,学习策略,情感态度教学目标1、知识与技能:(1)能够熟练掌握used to结构的陈述句、否定句、疑问句及反义疑问句的表达;(2)能够准确运用used to描述人们过去的相貌和性格特点。2、过程与方法:通过体验、实践、讨论、合作、探究等方式,发展学生听、说、读、写的综合语言技能。3、情感态度与价值观:(1)通过各种合作学习的活动促使学生互相学习、互相帮助,体验集体荣誉感和成就感,发展合作精神;(2)通过对过去和现在的对比,让学生体会人生变化,向学生传递出关注自我发展和自我完善的重要性。教学重难点1、学习表现相貌和性格的新词汇。2、used to结构的陈述

4、句、否定句、疑问句及反义疑问句的表达。教学过程(教师活动与学生活动)   教学环节(课堂七步)备注I.【Warm-up and Lead- in】  2Let students enjoy a song “Change myself” and some nice pictures which are about peoples changes. Let them perceive the new structure , then lead into the new lesson.II.【Show the studying aims】 

5、 1Show Ss the studying aims today and let them know what todo clearly:1. Can master the usage of “used to”.2. Can use “used to ” to talk about the changes of people.III.【Learn the new structures】 5Task1(任务1) : Look at the pictures about different people.Let Ss compare their outlo

6、oks and personalities now with thatin the past. Ø      Intention(意图): Encourage students to use the new  structure “used to” to talk about the differences:Eg: 1.I used to be very thin, but now I am a little heavy.2.He used to be&#

7、160;short, but now he is really tall.3.She used to have short hair, but now she has long hair.Ø      Checking(检查): individuallyØ      Award(奖励): one point for the group.Task 2 (任务2): Sum up the meanin

8、g and usage of “used to”.Ø      Intention(意图): Encourage students to discuss in their  groups and try to sum up the meaning and usage of “used to”:1) Meaning: used to 意为 “_” ,表示过去的习惯性动作或经常性状态,常与now 引导的现在的情况作对比。2) 用法: used to + _ 

9、/ used to be + _,   可用于_ 人称。Ø      Checking(检查): individuallyØ      Award(奖励): one point for the group.IV.【Free Talk 】  5Task(任务): Group competitionØ    &#

10、160; Intention(意图): Encourage students to have a free talk about their changes using the structure “I used to but now”. Give them 2 minutes to discuss in their groups and get ready. All the group member should take part in the competition. The group which can say the mo

11、st sentences in 30 seconds will be the winner. Tips: Give them some adjective words about appearance and personalities which can help Ss to express.Ø      Checking(检查): four groupsØ      Award(奖励): 4 point for

12、best group.                                3 point for the second group                                2 point for the third group  

13、60;                             1 point for the last groupV.【The basic sentence patterns】 10Task1(任务1) : Sum up the basic sentence patterns of “used to”.Ø      Intention(意图):

14、 Encourage students to discuss in their groups and try to sum up the basic sentence patterns of “used to”:肯:You used to be quiet.否:You _ _ _ be quiet.疑:_ you _ _ be quiet?答:Yes, I _. / No, I _.反问:You used to be quiet, _ _?      You didnt use to be quiet , _ _?Ø

15、;      Checking(检查): individuallyØ      Award(奖励): one point for the group.Task2(任务2) : Write down the basic patterns of the followingsentences:Ø      Intention(意图):  Wri

16、te by themselves first, then who write fastest can go to the front and write the answers on the blackboard.Ø      Checking(检查): Individually.Ø      Award(奖励): one point for the group who can change correctly.Ta

17、sk3(任务3):Pair workØ      Intention(意图): Work in pairs to make up a new dialogue  with the new patterns.Ø      Checking(检查): IndividuallyØ      Award(奖励): one point for th

18、e pair who can talk correctly and fluently.VI.【Listening】 6Before Listening practice, be sure to lead Ss to review the listeningskills.Task1(任务1):2a: Listen and check the words you hear.Talk2(任务2) : 2b: Listen again and complete the chart abouthow Paula has changed.Ø  &

19、#160;   Checking(检查): Individually.Ø      Award(奖励): one point for the one who answers the question correctly.VII.【Writing and Guessing】10Task(任务):Talk about a person you love or admire, such as yourparents, your teachers or your classmates

20、 .Ø      Intention(意图): Set an example first, then let Ss discuss in groups and try to write a new one. (Group work) 5 minutes later, show their passages and others try to guess who he/she is.Ø      Checking(检查):

21、60;Individually.Ø      Award(奖励): one point for the groups which write well and for the groups which can guess.VIII. 【Homework and evaluating】1 1. Homework(作业): Rewrite the passage to describe the changes of the people around you. (Topic: P

22、eople Sure Change)2. Evaluating(评价):  Sum up the total points of each group and choose the winners. The winners dont need to do homework today and they will have the chance to be teachers to check the homeworkfor others.Use a picture of myself to lead in the comparation. Then talk about ot

23、her people.discuss in groups, then sum up the usage.    find student to say what he/she have found.     let students say as much as possible.     ask four groups to take part in the competition.     discus

24、s in groups, then sum up the usage.        write down the sentence patterns tomake sure.    Practice orally can let students master the sentences more fluently.  Wake up our ears and practice listening skills.   

25、60;  By enjoying the example and watching the pictures, let students treasure mothers love and be sure to do something for their mothers.板书设计I. Studying Aims:1. Can master the usage of “used to”. 2. Can use “used to ” to talk about the changes of people.II. New structures:1. 

26、0;     肯:He used to walk to school.2.       否:He didnt use to walk to school.3.       疑:Did he use to walk to school? Yes, he did. No, he didnt.4.       反问:He used to walk to school, didnt he?


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