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1、英文版新学期开学祝福语大全开学开新篇,假期快乐要顺延;书本展新颜,功课优秀整学年;勤奋开弓箭,创造佳绩无极限;健康最为先,按时休息好睡眠。新学期来到,真挚祝福在眼前,美好心意日夜在蔓延;每个愿望都实现,幸福藏在字里和行间;好运不断是连连, 同桌好友每天都碰面,祝你新的学期里开怀每一天!School to ope n a new chapter, and the holidays happy to be postp on ed;excelle nt books new face homework en tire school year; dilige nt ope n bow and arrow

2、, and create success without limit; health most first time rest good sleep.New semester came, sin cere bless ing in front of a beautiful mind day and ni ghtin the spread; each wishes to achieve happ in ess hidde n in the words and between the lines; continued good luck again and again, at the same t

3、able friends every day meet, I wish you the new semester li laugh every day!告别暑假的自在生活,回归校园的知识海洋,在老师的教诲下好好学习,在同学 的帮助下天天向上,为了理想在书海里激浪,为了未来在书山上奋发图强。开学 了,昂扬斗志抖擞精神,你们是祖国的希望,你们是社会的栋梁!Say goodbye to summer laid-back lifestyle, return to campus ocean of kno wledge, lear n in the teachi ngs of the teacher, t

4、he help of stude nts every day, ideal n autical Fluxus in the book, the mountains in the book in order to future work hard. School, and high morale bracing, you are the hope of the motherla nd, you are the pillars of society!绽放青春的笑容留下假期美好的回忆, 张开希望的翅膀迎接九月开学的日子, 有 志少年扬起理想的风帆,努力向上畅游知识的海洋,熟悉的课堂迎面吹来全新的 气

5、息,亲爱的同学精神十足展现阳光的朝气, 发奋图强是迎接辉煌的动力,祝开 学日快乐,新学期取得好成绩。Bloom youthful smile left fond memories of holidays wings open hope to greet the first day of school in September, the aspiri ng juve nile Rais ing ideal saili ng, and strive upward swim in the ocean of knowledge, the familiar classroom blowing head

6、a new breath, dear students the spirit of full show the vitality of the sun, and worked hard to greet the glorious power, Happy first day of school, the new semester to get good grades.犹豫在路口,无助的泪眼,你不知路向何方;徘徊在海面,怒吼的嚎叫,你不知 漂泊在哪里;踌躇在天空,渴求的目光,你不知停留在何处。开学日到了,平复 好心情,背上理想的书包,装载信念的指南针,明天就在眼前,未来就在前方! 生日祝福短信H

7、esitati on at junctions, helpless tears in their eyes, you do not know the way forward where; hoveri ng in the sea, the roar of howli ng, you do not know where drifting in; hesitated in the sky, craving attention, you do not know to stay where. First day of school to calm dow n a good mood, the back

8、 of the the ideal bag loading belief compass, tomorrow in front of the future in front!新的学期,一次航行的开始,抛却杂念,心无旁骛地向着理想进发;新的学期, 一个征程的起点,忘却烦恼,一往无前地向着明天出发;新的学期,一座青峰的 山脚,丢却失败,勇敢无畏地向着未来攀登。开学日到了,祝愿你们能好好学习, 开辟未来,拥有一片属于自己的新天地!New semester, the beg inning of a voyage, discard the distract ions, concen trate on m

9、arch ing towards the ideal; new semester, the starti ng point of a journ ey, forget about trouble in domitable toward tomorrow; new semester, a Qingfeng the foot, and cast it failed, brave fearlessly climb ing toward the future. First day of school, I wish you can lear n to ope n up the future, have

10、 one of their own new world!暑假的快乐打包好,想要回味了就随时调一调;昨天的烦恼清理好,知识海洋里 把船桨摇一摇;未来的理想规划好,全新征程上开心笑一笑;学习的心态调整好, 努力追求的决心表一表!同窗的笑脸多美好,课间休息来尽情闹一闹。开学日快 乐,祝学业进步,万事顺利!The joy of summer vacation package, you want to aftertaste on at any time to a tune; yesterday ' troubles cleanup the knowledge ocean paddle shake

11、;planned future ideal, happy smile on a new journey; learning attitude adjustme nt strive determ in ati on table a table! The classmate of smiley multiOK, break to enjoy a bustling downtown. Happy first day of school, I wish academic progress, everyth ing is smooth!开学版春天在哪里:一一学姐在哪里啊,学姐在哪里,学姐都在学长的怀抱里

12、。 学弟在哪里啊,学弟在哪里啊,学弟都在学长的怀抱里。学妹在哪里啊,学妹在 那里,学妹都在学长的怀抱里。学长在哪里啊,学长在哪里,学长都在学长的怀 抱里。嘀哩哩嘀哩嘀哩哩。00愿你开学笑嘻嘻!School vers ion where the spri ng:- sister school where, ah, where the sister school, sister school seniors arms. School brother where school brother where school brother in the seniors arms. Where school

13、 girl, school girl in there, the school girl in the arms of seniors. Seniors where seniors where, seniors seniors arms. . . Di Lili Di the miles tick Lili. . . May your ope ning grinning!远方的大学,遥远的故乡,我在中间穿梭,如诉如歌。背离故乡的水井,经过村 口的柳树,我已热泪盈眶。开学了,我要如何超越自己。成年了,我又将何去何 从。收拾紊乱的心绪,期待着第一个笑脸,第一本新书,我会报之以微笑,我会 在扉页写诗

14、。鹅,鹅,鹅,曲项向天歌。00开学祝福语University of the distant, distant homeland, I am in the middle of the shuttle, and if the cause of action Cantabile. Departure from the hometown of the wells, the willows of the entrance to the village, I was moved to tears. School, how I want to go beyond their own. Grown up, I

15、 turn to go from here. Pack disordered mood, looking forward to the first smiling face, new book, I will smile in return, I will write poetry in the title page. Goose, goose, goose, crooked Tian ge.春风吹,战鼓擂,埋头苦学又来伴;铃锣响,箭步飞,成绩攀升努力追;摆招势, 发挥智慧学细节;一气成,玲珑燕,开天辟地把梦圆!又到一年开学日,愿你成 绩优异节节高,学习生活两不误!双目瞪,为了理想和圆梦天地拳

16、,南北脚,技能知识记心牢;丹田气,步履捷,Spring wind, n ewspaper brass coun ters unk bitter school aga in part ners; bellLuo Xiang, flying stride, the scores climbed efforts chase; pote ntial pen dulum strokes eyes stare, the world of boox ing for the ideals and dreams;, north and south foot skills and kno wledge in mi

17、 nd heart pris on; pubic regi on gas, walki ng the Czech Republic, play wisdom learn details; stretch into exquisite Yan, epoch Dream! Also, to the year of the first day of school, May you outsta nding steadily higher lear ning life bala nee!离家的列车还是那么的快,不知道你现在是不是已经进入了象牙塔?挺拔的身姿 是那训练场上最为潇洒的身影。离家的孩子难免有

18、些想家,不过我会给你家的问 候!祝你在新学校里开开心心!Train away from home so fast, do not know that you are not already entered the ivory tower? Upright posture is the most dashing figure on the training ground. Run away in evitably some homesick, but I will give your greet in gs! I wish you a happy new school!立即下载Word文档到电脑自由编辑!文章来源网,仅供分享学习参考


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