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1、Unit7 Grammar 课后巩固训练一、单项选择题( 共 5 题, 共 34 分)1. Here is my phone number. You _ callme anytime you like.A. mustB. canC. shouldD. need2. Some people _ feel sick when theyread a book in a car or on a boat. A. mustB. should C. may D. need3. _role she played in the movie!Thats why she has a lot of fans.A.

2、How interestedB. How an interestingC. WhatinterestingD. What an interesting4. The six students from Lianyungang got the first prize in the ChineseCharactersDictation Competition in Jiangsu. _exciting news it is! A. WhatB. HowC. What an D. How an5. _ brave Zhang Hua is! Yes. Hehelped his neighbour, M

3、rs sun, out of the fire. A. What aB. How C. How a1 / 2D. What二、填空题 (共 3 题, 共 21 分)1. Its raining hard outside. We _ goon apicnic.(用 can/could/may的适当形式填空)2. He _ play tennis when he was 10, buthe _ when he was 12.( 用can/could/may的适当形式填空)3.Lucy _ swim now, but she _ lastmonth.(用 can/could/may的适当形式填空)三

4、、补全句子 ( 共 5 题, 共 35 分)1._ interesting class it is!(完成感叹句)2._ good weather it is!(完成感叹句)3._ wonderful the music sounds!(完成感叹句)4._ useful information you gave me!(完成感叹句)5._ lovely girl she is!(完成感叹句)四、短文填空 ( 共 1 题, 共 10 分)1.短文首字母填空(1)BritishMilkmanSteveLeechsaved some shopsandflats(公 寓 )withmilkandwon

5、 aNational Bravery Award.Leech, 35 yearsold, said that when he was sending out milk as (1) u_ along PineStreet,he(2)s_heardaloud,strangesoundbehindhimandthenhesawsmokecomingoutofashopinCornwall,southernEngland.“That mustbeafire,I (3)t_ , ” Leechsaid.“Then I quickly (4) d_ todo something. So I (5) p_

6、the door in andthen I (6) s_ for the people inside. Then Istarted pouring milk (7)e_ . ” He used 320 pints of milk to stop the fire.When fire fighters (8) r_the shop, the fire was under control.Leechhelpedsavethe (9)l_ ofeight peopleintheflatsabovetheshops.“Itwas hardwork(10)o_ allthosebottles.Butitwasevenhardertryingtotellmyboss where all the milk had gone,” Leech said jokingly.2 / 2


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