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1、Handing Problems and Complaints 处理问题与投诉ConversationHandling a complaint about rooms 会话参考译文A. 处理客房投Clerk: Reception. Can I help you? 这里是接待处,要我为您服务吗?Guest: Yes. This is Mrs. Winston in Room 207. I checked into my room 15 minutes ago. 是的,我是 207 房间的温斯特夫人。我 15 分钟以前住进我的房间。C:Yes, is everything all right in

2、 your room, Mrs. Winston? 嗯,您房间里一切正常吗, 温斯特夫人?G:Well, no. First the bathroom is in a total mess. The shower does'nt have hot water and the tub is dirty. The floor is all wet and there is no mattress. Then there is no soap, no towels, not even toilet paper. 哦,不。首先浴室里乱七八糟,淋浴器不出热水, 浴缸里很脏,地上很湿,而且没有地垫

3、,没有肥皂、毛巾,甚至连卫生纸也没 有。C:Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. We do apologize for the inconve-nience caused'.llIhave the shower fixed, the tub cleaned, the floor dried and the toilet items sent to your room immediately. 很抱歉听到这个消息, 我们真的为您带来这么多不便向您道歉。 我 马上派人来修理淋浴器,擦洗浴缸,把地板擦干,并且送来所有的卫生用品。G:That's not a

4、ll. The worst thing is that the water closet is clogged and when I flushed it, it overflew. 还不止。最糟的事情是,厕所堵塞了,当我用水冲洗时,水向外溢 了出来。C:Oh, dear, we are terribly sorry for all this mess. You see, the hotel has just opened, and we are also terribly understaffed. So if you please get your luggage ready, we wi

5、ll move you to another room. I'll send a bellman up to your room and help you with the luggage. 哦,天啊,很抱歉为您带来所有这些麻烦。您知道,我们饭店刚刚开 业,人手十分短缺。请您整理好您的行李,我们为您另外安排一个房间。我叫 行李员来您的房间为您拿行李。G:Thank you. 谢谢。C:You're welcome. This is really the least we should do for you. 不客气。这是我们应 该做的。B. Handling a complai

6、nt about luggage处理行李投诉Clerk:Reception. Can I help you? 这里是接待处,要我为您服务吗?Guest:My name is Frank and I'm in Room 1010. I checked into my room 40 minutes ago and my luggage hasn'tbeen brought up to my room yet. 我的名字叫富兰克,住 1010 房间。我 40分钟以前搬进我的房间。但我的行李到现在还没有送来。C: I'm sorry to hear that, sir. Ho

7、w many pieces did you have, Mr. Frank?很抱歉,先生。 富兰克先生,您有几件行李?G: Two suitcases and a shoulder bag两个手提箱和一只挎肩包。C: Is there a name tag attached to your luggage您的行李上是否贴有姓名标签呢? G:No, I 'm afraid not. 不,恐怕没有。C:I 'llget in touch with the Bell Captain'sDesk right away. 我马上与大堂行李房联系。 G:Thank you. 谢谢。

8、C:MR. Frank, the bellmen are busy delivering luggage to guests'rooms. Becaise there is no name tag attached to your luggage, we need spend more time in finding it. Please don'tworry. We'llhave it sent to your room as soon as we find it. 富兰克先生,行李员正忙着把行李送往客人房间,因为您的行李上没有姓名标 签,我们还需要一些时间去寻找。请

9、别担心,我们一找到您的行李,马上就送到您 的房间。G:Thank you. 谢谢。C:Glad to be of service. 乐意效劳。C. Handling a complaint about noise处理噪音投诉D.Clerk:Good morning, sir. What can I do for you? 早上好,先生。要我为您服务吗?Guest:I'm Bellow in Room 908. Can you change the room for me? It 'stoo noisy. My wife was woken up several times by

10、 the noise the luggage elevator made. She said it was too much for her. 我的名字叫贝罗,住 908 房间,请为我换一个房间好 吗?这儿太吵了。我妻子几次被电梯的声音吵醒,她说她受不了。C:I'm awfully sorry, sir. I do apologize. Room 908 is at the end of the corridor. It's possible that the no ise is heard early in the morning whe n all is quiet 非常抱

11、歉,先 生。我真心向您道歉。 908 房间在走廊的末端,在一大早周转非常安静的时候, 那儿是有可能听到电梯声音的。G:Anyhow, I 'd like to change our room. 无论如何,请给我们换个房间。C:No problem, sir. We'llmanage it, but we don'thave any spare room today. Could you wait till tomorrow? The American People-to-people Education Delegation will be leaving tomorr

12、ow morning. There 'll be some rooms for you to choose from. 没问 题,先生,我们会设法安排的,但今天没有空房间。请你们等到明天好吗?美 国民间教育代表团将于明天离店,那时会有许多房间供你们挑选G:All right. I hope we 'llbe able to enjoy our stay in a quiet suite tomorrow evening and have a sound sleep. 好吧。我希望明天晚上我们能住进一个安静的套房好好睡一 觉。C:Be sure. I'll make a

13、note of that. Everything will be taken care of. And if there is anything more you n eed, please let us know.当然,我会记下那件事,一切都会安 排好的,如果您还有别的事需要帮忙,请告诉我们。Compensation 赔偿Con versati on会话参考译文A. Compensation for the gues'vase赔偿客人的花瓶BAttendant:May I come in, Miss Rosa? 我可以进来吗,罗莎小姐?Guest:Please come in. 请进

14、。A:Miss Rosa, I owe you an apology. This morning while cleaning the room, I broke your vase on the table. I'll compensate for it. 罗莎小姐,我该向您道歉。今天上午打房 间时我打破了您放在桌上的花瓶。我要向您赔偿。G:I don'tthink it'sa serious thing. Tha'tsall right if you apolo-gize. 我想问题不大, 你道歉就够了。A:It'sour hotel policy.

15、 Can you tell me where you bought it? 这是我们宾馆的规定。 您能告诉我在什么地方买的吗G:I bought it in the Arts and Crafts Srore. 我是在工艺品商店买的。A: I 'go and buy a new one straight away. See you later我 立刻就去买一个新花瓶。 再见。G: See you then. 再见。C. Compensation for room set-upS咅偿客房设施DGuest:I feel awfully sorry, miss. I have broken

16、the thermos bottle on the desk carelessly. Attendant:Were you hurt, sir? 十分抱歉,小姐。我不小心打破了桌上的热水瓶,先 生,您伤着没有?G:No, I was all right. Thank you for your concern. I'm sorry about it and how can I compensate you for it? 没有,我没有。谢谢您的关心。 很抱歉, 我怎么咅偿你们呢? A:It's good that you were unhurt. I'm afraid y

17、ou have to pay for it according to the hotel policy. Wait a second. Here are the rules. You see, the indemnity for a thermos bottle is 30 Yuan.您没伤着就好了。根据宾馆规定,恐怕您得咅偿。等一下。这是宾馆规定,您看, 咅偿一个热水瓶 30 元。G:All right. Here is 30 Yuan. 行。这儿是 30 元。A: Here's the receipt. Thanks a lot.这是收据,多谢您了。Handing Problems

18、 and Complaints 处理问题与投诉Con versati on会话参考译文A. Handling a complaint about lost articles处理有关遗失物品的投诉 BClerk: Good afternoon, Mrs. Winston. Can I help you?职员:下午好,温斯特夫人。要我为您服务吗?Guest: Some one has stole n my gold n ecklace有 人偷了我的金项链。C: I'm sorry to hear that. Would you mind telling me what exactly ha

19、ppened there, Mrs. Winston? 很抱歉听到这件事,您能把发生的情况告诉我吗?G: Of course not. 当然。C: Are you sure that it isn'tstill somewhere in your room? 您肯定它一定不在您房里的 某一个地方吗?G: Yes, I have looked everywhere in my room and couldn'tfind it. 当然,我找遍了房 间的每一处,还是没找到它。C: OK. When and where did you last see it?那么您最后一次看到它是在什

20、么时候,什么地方?G: Last night on the dresser. I took it off before I went for a shower and forgot to put it back on after the shower and this morning I left the hotel in a hurry without wearing it. :昨天晚上在梳妆台上。我洗澡前把它取下来,洗完澡忘了把它戴上了。今 天早上我匆匆离开饭店,没有戴我的金项链。C: Are you sure that you didn'twear it this morning

21、? 您肯定今天早上没有戴它吗?G: Yes, I am sure about it. 是的,我肯定。C: Did you remember to lock your door before you left then? 那么您出去以前房间有没 有忘记上锁?G: Yes, I think I did. It has to be one of your maids who took it. I want my necklace back. 是的,我想我是锁了门的,一定是你们服务员中的某一个人拿了它。我要拿回我的 金项链。C: Well. I understand how you feel and

22、we 'll try our best to help you. Bull first please allow me to send one of the housemaids to your room and look for it again thoroughly just in case it is still there. If she finds it we'll all be happy. If she doesn't we'll turn the whole matter to the police. But I must say that th

23、e hotel can 'tbe held responsible for your loss. You should have locked your gold necklace away at the hotel's safety box. If you had read your key card carefully you would realize that we specially warned you to do so. 哦,我能理解您的心情,我们会尽力帮助您的。 但是,首先请允许我叫一个服务员去您的房间,再彻底检查一下,看看它是不 是还在房间里,如果她找到了,我

24、们大家高兴,如果她找不到,我们把这件事 交给公安局处理。但是我们必须申明饭店对您的损失不承担任何责任。您应该 将您的金项链存放在饭店保险箱里。如果您仔细看过钥匙牌上的说明,您就会 认识到我们特别提醒过您这么做。G:That just isn't good enough. Get me your general manager. I want to speak to him right now. 那不说明什么,叫你们经理来,我要马上跟他谈这件事。AC:I'm sorry, ma'am. Our general manager is not in the hotel. Bu

25、t I 'll get our assistant manager for you if you like. But I 'm afraid that he 'll say the same thing. We have very clear instructions about valuables and we must follow them. And now if you'll excuse me, I 'llgo and find our assistant manager for you. 对不起,夫人。我们经理不在饭店。但 是如果您愿意的话,

26、 我可以为您把副经理请来, 但是我恐怕他对此不会有别的解释。 对于贵重物品我们饭店有明确的规定,大家都要遵守这些规定。对不起,现在让我为您去请副经理吧CSafety box 保险箱服务Clerk: Good morning, sir. Can I help you? 早上好,先生。能为您服务吗?Guest: Yes, do you have safety boxes?是的,你们有保险箱吗?C: Certainly, sir. This is a service for our in-house guests.当然,先生。这是为住店客 人提供的服务。G: Good. May I have one

27、, Please?好,我能用一个吗?C: Certainly, sir. Would you please fill in this signature card? 当然,先生。请您填一下 这张签名卡,好吗?G: OK. 好吧。C: Pleaseread the conditions at the bottom of the page, sir Here is your key, sir. Number 28.请阅读一下卡片底部的各种条款,先生这是您的钥匙,先生。第 28 号。G: Thank you. Can I put something in the box now? 谢谢,我现在能存放

28、东西吗?C: Certainly, sir. When you want to open your box, please come to this counter. Now I will show you to the deposit room. 当然,先生。您要打开箱子时请到这个柜台来, 现在我带您去存放室。G: Thank you. Just one more question, please.'Im going on a tour for three days. Can I keep some money in the box while I am away ?谢谢,再有一个问题。我要出去旅 游三天,我不在时能在保险箱里存放钱吗?C: Will you be staying with us after your tour, sir? 您在旅游后还住这里吗,先生?G: Oh, yes. 噢,是的。C: No problem, sir. :没问题,先生。G: Thank you very much. 非常感谢。C: You're most welcome. 别客气。


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