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1、Unit2单元检测 B 卷一、单项选择题( 共 15 题, 共 15 分)1.Whats your favorite _, Tom? I likeplaying football. A.fruitB. sportC. hobbyD. shopping2.Do you enjoy _ with yourclassmates on the Internet?A.to talkingB. talk C.talking D. to talk3. The girlhas _ to do today. A.lots of homeworkB.a lot of homeworks C.a lot homew

2、ork D. lots of homeworks4.They _ at school in the morning. A. have lunchB.have a lunch C.have a breakfast D. have breakfast5. _ your fatheroften _ TV at home? No. He is too busy. A. Is; watchB. Do; watch C. Does; watch D. Do; watches1/116._ do you like to do in your free time?A. What otherB.Which ot

3、herC.What elseD. Which else7. He _ Beijing now. A.dont live in B.doesnt live in C.dont lives inD. doesn t lives in8.Eddie, how many times do you_ the piano a day?A. playsB. to playC. playD. playing9. Don t go _ today. There are too many people inthe pool. A. shoppingB. climbing C.swimming D. running

4、10.Kittyenjoys playing volleyball. It _her happy.A.makeB.makesC.takeD. takes11.Jim often goes _school by bus and walks _home after school.A.to; toB. to; /C./; toD. /;/2/1112.My father is a football fan and he can play football_.A. goodB. niceC. wellD. bad13.They oftentalk _their favourite football p

5、layer.A. aboutB. onC.inD. to14. A pop film star is coming to our school. _ Who and when?B. Right.C. Really?D. No.15.Sometimes I listen to music. It makes me_.A. feels greatB.to feel greatC. feel greatD. feeling great二、完形填空 ( 共 10 题, 共 10 分)1.Hello, I am Simon. Im the leader of asports team. The team

6、(1)are my father, mymother, my brother(2)my sister.Myfather is a famous(3)playerin our city. He has a lot of fans. He plays in thenationalteamand he will(4)intheWorldCup nextyear.My motherhasa(5)habit (习惯 ).She gets up early in the morning. She walks and runs in a park. She also(6)doingsports in the

7、 evening. She is a happy mum. Welove her very much.Mybrotherlikestennis.(7)playsitwithhisfriendsonSaturdayor3/11Sundayafternoon. My sister (8) toschool every morning. She likes running. Shewants to be a dancer in the future. Running helps her keep healthy and slim.Like my(9) , I love football too. I

8、 am(10)the Football Club of my school.Weare a sports family. I love my family.(1)A.namesB.membersC.numbersD.tests(2)A.orB.andC.butD.though(3)A.basketballB.footballC.tennisD.piano(4)A.playB.stopC.lendD.use(5)A.goodB.badC.beautifulD.young(6)A.watchesB.worksC.makesD.enjoys(7)A.SheB.TheyC.HeD.It(8)A.wal

9、ksB.runsC.jumpsD.rides(9)A.fatherB.motherC.brotherD.sister(10)A.atB.inC.ofD.behind三、阅读理解 ( 共 15 题, 共 15 分)1.阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、 B、 C 和 D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。A4June,20144 /11CloudyWhat a nice weekend I had! Wehad a basketball game with No. 1 School Team. Theplayers in that team wereall tall and stro

10、ng. They all wanted to win. But atlast we came first. We were very happy and excited!Eric11June,2014RainyMy friend Daniel asked me togo to the park this morning. But it was not a goodday. It was raining. So wehad to stay at home and watch TV.Tim19June,2014SunnyI had a busy Sunday today. Inthe mornin

11、g, I learnt to draw for two hours in theArt Club. Then I cleanedthe rooms. In the afternoon, I cooked dinner with mymother for my father. Itwas Fathers Day! In the evening, my family watched TVtogether.Rose(1)When was the basketballgame?A. On 4 June.B. On 11 June.C. On 19 June.D. On 20June.(2)Why co

12、uldn t Tim go to the park?A. He had lessons.B. It was raining.C. Hehad to learn to draw.D. Hehad to clean the rooms.(3)What did Rose think of her Sunday?A. It was nice.B. It was bad.C.It was busy.D. Itwas good.(4)Who won the basketballmatch?A. No. 1School Team.B. Tims school team. C. Roses schooltea

13、m.D. Erics school team.(5)Which of thefollowing statements is true?5/11A. Eric enjoyed hisweekend.B. Tim enjoyed watching TV with Daniel.C. 19 JunewasRoses fathers birthday.D. Only Rose cooked dinnerfor the family.2.BWangXinyi, Li Jun and Liu Hong are students of Class 1, Grade 7 in Xuzhou No. 1Midd

14、leSchool.Wang Xinyi is a pretty girl. She has bigeyes and a small nose. Her hair is long and black. She likes dancing andsinging. We all like listening to her songs. She hopes to be a singer when shegrows up.LiJun is a tall and helpful girl. She is good at all her subjects. She alwayshelps her class

15、mates with their homework. She is very bright and almost knowsabout everything.Her classmates allcall her a walking encyclopedia (百科全 书 ).LiuHong isa strongboy. Heenjoysplaying sports.He playsfootballandbasketballverywell.He isamember oftheSchool SportsClub.Hisdream is tobe a footballplayerlike Raul

16、.(1)How many girls arethere in the passage?A. One.B.Two.C. Three.D.Four.(2)Wang Xinyiand Liu Hong are.A. in different classesB. in different schools C. classmatesD. sister and brother(3)Why do Li Jun s classmatescall her a walking encyclopedia?A.Becauseshelikesreadingtheencyclopedia.B.Because sheloo

17、kslikeanencyclopedia. C. Because she often helps her classmates with their homework. D.Because she knows about almost everything.(4)Who is Raul?A. He is Liu Hongs classmate.famous footballplayer.(5)From the passage, we know thatA. Wang Xinyiis a tall and pretty girlB. Heis Liu Hongsteacher.C. He is

18、aD. He works in the School SportsClub.B. Li Jun studies wellC. Liu Hong is a6/11good swimmerD. Wang Xinyiand Liu Hong are both good at sports3.CMysonLiLeiis11yearsold.Heisatallboy.HeisastudentatNo.1MiddleSchool.Helovestabletennisandheisgoodatit.Heoftenplaystabletenniswithhisclassmatesafterschool.The

19、trainingmakeshim strong.He alsoenjoyswatching table tennis games on TV.I am a worker and I also play tabletennis. I play it because my son enjoys playing itand I want to be his partner(搭档 ).Atweekends,Igotoa table tennisclubwithmy son.Therearemany playersthere.They are friendly. Sometimes we playtab

20、le tennis with them.Ithink table tennis is a good sport. It helps me feel good. In my eyes, my sonplaysbetter than me. But in his eyes, I am a better player. I hope my son willplay in thenational team in the future.(1)How old is Li Lei?A.11.B.12.C.13.D.14.(2)What does Li Lei look?A.He isshort.B. Hei

21、s tall.C.Heisfat.D. Hehas short hair.(3)What does Li Leis father do?A. He is a worker.B. He is a PE teacher.C. He is a music teacher.D. Heis adoctor.(4)Why does Li Lei s fatherplay table tennis?A. Because he loves it. B. Because his son lovesit. C. Because his wife loves it.D. Because he is a PE tea

22、cher.(5)When do Li Lei and his father go to the table tennis club?A.Everydayafterschool.B.On Mondayafternoon.C.On Tuesdaymorning.D. At weekends.四、根据句意及汉语提示完成单词(共5题,共5分)7/111.Andy andDaniel are great swimmers. They are my _(偶像 ).2.Bob willbecome a good football _ (运动员 ) when he grows up.3.Can we goto

23、 watch the football _ (比赛 ) this evening?4.Timmy is good at_ ( 画画 ). He is in the Art Club at school.5.Can you believe that Tom has four _ (碗 ) ofrice every noon?五、提示词填空( 共 5 题, 共 5 分)1. Mybrother often _ (have) lunch at school.2. Many girls _ (go)shopping at the weekend.3. Sam often _ (watch)TV at

24、home on Sundays.4. There are usually eleven _ (play) in a football team. 5._ (listen) to music makes us happy.六、句型转换 (共 5题,共 5分)1.He has some new friends atschool. (改为否定句 )He_ _ new friends at school.2.He oftengoes to school on foot. (改为同义句 )He often_ _ school.3.Let s go swimming. (改为同义句)_ _ going s

25、wimming?4.Is hefrom Beijing? (改为同义句 )_ he _ from Beijing?5.They oftenplay football at the weekend. (对画线部分提问 )_ _ they often _ at the weekend?七、补全句子 ( 共 5 题, 共 10 分)1. 我希望她的梦想变为现实。Ihope her dream can _.2. 你是绘画俱乐部的成员吗?_ you a _ _ the Drawing Club?3. 在空余时间他还喜欢做什么?_ _ doeshe like to do in _ _ time?4. 李雷

26、常在电视上看篮球比赛。8/11LiLei often _basketball_on TV.5. 西蒙看起来很强壮,并且擅长踢足球。Simon_ very_ andhe s good at football.八、任务型阅读( 共 1 题, 共 10 分)1.阅读下面的短文,根据文中信息完成文后表格。(每空一词)Mr Green is our English teacher. He is agood teacher. He often helps us a lot. And heis nice to every student. His lessonsare very interesting. W

27、e usually have fun in his classes. We all like him.Heisatallandstrongman.He sayshe is40 years old.Buthe looksveryyoung.Hecomes from New York. Now he lives in Nanjing with his family.He has a daughter. She isa pretty girl. And she studies in our school too.MrGreen likes music. He can sing many Englis

28、h songs. We all like to listen to hissongs.Healso likes sports. He is in the school basketball team. He likes reading and hehaslots of books. We often borrow books from him.I think weare lucky to have Mr Green to be our teacher.(1)NameMr GreenJob(1) _Nationality (国籍 )(2) _(3) _40 years old LooksHe i

29、s tall and (4) _, and looks (5) _. WorkHis (6) _ areinteresting and he likes to(7) _ his students.9/11(8) _Music, sports and readingFamilyHe has a pretty (9) _. She (10) _ in our school.九、短文填空 ( 共 1 题, 共 10 分)1.短文缺词填空,每空一词(1)Hi,everybody. My name is Andy. Let metell you something about myself. I am1

30、2 years oldand I was (1) b_ in Beijing, but I livein Nanjing with my (2) p_ now.Iam not very tall. I have short hair and wear glasses. There are three (3) p_ inmy home.They are my father, my mother and I. My father is a teacher and my mother isanurse.Ilovesports!I likeswimming, footballand (4)v_,but

31、my (5) f_sportistabletennis. I play it every day after (6) s_at our school club. Many of myfriends are (7) m_ of the club too. I hope to be a good tabletennis player just(8)l_Ma Longinthe future.Atthe weekend I liketoplay sports intheparkwith my friends. Ialso like reading and listening to music in my (9) f_ time.Ihope to make (10) f_ with you.Send me an email and we can be friends.十、书面表达 ( 共 1 题, 共 15 分)1. 根据表格中的提示,用英语写一篇70 词左右的人物介绍。姓名Lin Tao年龄12 岁居住地江苏南京外貌10/11短发,个子不高,戴眼镜学校阳光中学爱好喜爱各种运动。最爱踢足球,常在周末和同学一起踢足球。梅西(Messi )是他最喜欢的足球明星。理想当一名出色的足球运动员。要求:(1) 表达清楚,语法正确;(2) 必须包括所有相关信息,并可作适当发挥。11/11


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