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1、Unit 4,Thanksgiving in the United States,济宁市运河实验中学 贾美娟,Turkey,Thanksgiving Day,England,America,The first travelers,celebrate,Read quickly and match the main ideaof each part. (快速阅读,连出每段大意.),Skimming,Part 1,Part 2,B. The introduction(简介) of Thanksgiving,A. How to make a turkey dinner,Thanksgiving,阅读技

2、巧:关注标题,副标题。,Thanksgiving,1.When is Thanksgiving?,2.Why do people celebrate it?,On the fourth Thursday in November.,To give thanks for food in the autumn.,When,Why,Read Part 1 and answer the questions.,Scanning,Read Part 1 and answer the questions.,In the past, they gave thanks for_.These days , they

3、 gave thanks by_.,4.What do they eat?,life and food,having a big meal,Turkey,Thanksgiving,When,Why,How,What,Read Part 2 and number the pictures.,1,2,3,4,5,How to make a turkey dinner,cutinto,First,Next,Then,mix together,fillwith,put. in,and cook,placeon,cover with,Finally,4,3,2,1,5,Next,Thanksgiving

4、,When,Why,How,What,Finally,Then,Next,First,How,Summary,Chinese Spring Festival is on the first day of the first lunar month. According to the legend, Nian is a name of a monster(怪兽). People celebrate it to scare away him. They celebrate it by doing rich and colorful activities and having a big meal

5、with their family. The main dish is almost dumplings. How do we make dumplings? First, make the dough(生面). Next, mix together some meat and vegetables. Then, make the wrappings(皮). Then, put the filling(馅) in the middle of a wrapping. And press it tight. Finally, boil them.,Spring Festival,Chinese S

6、pring Festival is on the first day of the first lunar month. According to the legend, Nian is a name of a monster(怪兽). People celebrate it to scare away him. They celebrate it by doing rich and colorful activities and having a big meal with their family. The main dish is almost dumplings. How do we

7、make dumplings? First, make the dough(生面). Next, mix together some meat and vegetables. Then, make the wrappings(皮). Then, put the filling(馅) in the middle of a wrapping. And press it tight. Finally,boil them.,Spring Festival,When,Why,How,What,How,First,Next,Then,Finally,Report like this: Our topic is,Write down your report. Use mind-map to read a new passage.,Homework,


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