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1、人教新目标英语七年级下册Unit10 练习题Unit 10 Id like some noodles练习题 一、单项选择 ( ) 1 Jim doesnt like tomatoes,potatoes _ cabbages A and B ith C or D for ( ) 2 There _ some food on the table A have B are C is D has ( ) 3 Im hungry I ould like _ a large bol of dumplings A have B eat C eating D to eat ( ) 4 Do you like

2、noodles _ chicken? A ith B of C in D to ( ) 5 - What size shoes do you ant? - _ A Small shoes B Size 36 C36 size D Big shoes ( ) 6 There are _ tomatoes on the table A many B much C a little D any ( ) 7 - Would you like _ tea ith ice in it? - Yes, I _ A any, ould B some, do C any, ill D some, ill ( )

3、 8 The noodles ith orange juice _ only $15 A is B are C for D ith ( ) 9What size bol of dumplings ould you like,small,medium _ large? A but B or C and D so Some chicken in the bol And some eggs on the table ( ) 10 A is, is B are, are C is, are D are, is ( ) 11 Its 11 oclock Please _ our lunchA order

4、ing B order C to order D orders ( ) 12 - Would you like a cup of tea? - _ A Id love B Yes,please C No,I ouldnt D Sorry ( ) 13 We have music _ Monday and Wednesday A in B on C at D / ( ) 14 He likes English _ its fun A hen B hy C because D here ( ) 15 They usually go _ home _ lunch A to; for B to; at

5、 C at; in D /; for ( ) 16 Ho much _ your shoes? A is B are C be D am ( ) 17 _ is your address? A Where B Which C What D Ho ( ) 18 My brother _ dumplings ith beef very much,but I dont A like B dont like C doesnt like D likes ( ) 19 Id like _ an action movie A see B to see C seeing D atch ( ) 20 I and

6、 Mike _ English no A reads B are reading C read D am reading 二、完形填空 What do you do at the eekend(周末)? Some people like to 21 at home,but others like to go 22 a alk or play football My friend Jack orks hard in a factory during(在期间) the 23 At the eekend,he alays 24 the same thing On Saturday he 25 his

7、 car and on 26 he goes ith his family to a village(村庄) by car His uncle and aunt have a farm there It isnt a 27 one,but theres alays to do on a farm The children help ith the animals and give them their 29 28Jack and his ife help in the fields At the end(结束) of the day,they are all 30 and Jacks aunt

8、 gives them a big meal ( ) 1Aplay B live C stay D enjoy ( ) 2Ato B for C in D at ( ) 3Aday B time C autumn D eek ( ) 4Adoes B makes C borros D has ( ) 5Aatches B driving C sells D ashes ( ) 6AMonday B Sunday C Saturday D Wednesday ( ) 7Asmall B big C hard D short ( ) 8Amuch B little C fast D far ( )

9、 9Aclothes B places C food D ater ( ) 10Aclean B late C hungry D friendly 三、阅读理解 A Mrs Bron lives in a small village Her husband is dead She has a son but no daughters His name is John and he is tenty-five After John finishes collage (大学), he gets ork in a big city, Ne York, and he lives there Its q

10、uite a long ay from his mothers home, and she is not happy about it But John says, “There is no good ork for me in this small village, Mother, and I can get a lot of money in Ne York Then I can give much to you” 2.正弦:One day Mrs Bron is very angry She takes a train to her sons house in Ne York (3)若条

11、件交代了某点是切点时,连结圆心和切点是最常用的辅助线.(切点圆心要相连)Then she says to him “John, hy do you never call me?” tanA没有单位,它表示一个比值,即直角三角形中A的对边与邻边的比;“But mother,” John laughs (笑) and says, “You dont have a telephone ” 设O的半径为r,圆心O到直线的距离为d;dr 直线L和O相交.“No,” she says, “I havent, but you have one” 1、开展一帮一活动,让优秀学生带动后进生,促使他们的转化。(

12、) 31 Where does Mrs Bron live? 10.圆内接正多边形A In a small village B In a big city C In Ne York D In a ton ( ) 32 What is Mrs Brons sons age? A 20 B 21 C 25 D 13 ( ) 33 Ho does Mrs Bron go to Ne York one day? A On foot B By bus C By bike D By train ( ) 34 Why does John never call his mother? A John doesn

13、t ant to do that B John has no telephone 6、增加动手操作的机会,使学生获得正确的图形表象,正确计算一些几何形体的周长、面积和体积。C His mother has no telephone D His mother doesnt ant to anser ( ) 35 Which is right? 3、认真做好培优补差工作。 开展一帮一活动,与后进生家长经常联系,及时反映学校里的学习情况,促使其提高成绩,帮助他们树立学习的信心与决心。A The village is near Ne York 化简后即为: 这就是抛物线与x轴的两交点之间的距离公式。B John orks in a big city and his mother likes it 4、在教师的具体指导和组织下,能够实事求事地批评自己、评价他人。C In the village there is no good ork for John D John never gives money to his mother 参考答案: 1-5 CCDAB 6-10 ADBCC 11-15 BBBCD 16-20 BCDBB 21-25 CBDAD 26-30 BBACC 31-35 ACDCC


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