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1、危险体育运动(Dangerous Sports Activities)危险体育运动around the world more and more people are taking part in dangerous sports activities. of course,there have always been people who have looked for adventure those who have climbed unknown parts of the world or sailed in small boats across the greatest oceans.

2、now,however, there are people who seek an immediate thrill, a risky activity, which mayonly last a few minutes or even seconds.bungee jumping is a good example of such an jump from a high place 200 meters above the ground with an elastic rope tied to your feet. you fall at up to 150 kilometers an ho

3、ur until the rope stops you from hitting the ground. it is estimated that two million people around the world have now tried bungee jumping.whydo people take part in such activities as these?some psychologists suggest that it is because life in modern societies has bee safe and boring. in ancient ti

4、mes,people ' s lives were constantly under threat. they had to go out and hunt for food. diseases could not easily be cured, and there was a continuous battle for survival.nowadays, according to many people, life offers little excitement. they live and work in paratively safe environments;they b

5、uy food in shops;there are doctors and hospitals to look after them if they bee iii. it is necessary for someof these people to seek danger in activities such as bungee jumping.三三三一五 专瓷三W获 aW =1f 1* f r 3 s .B- f K 7* a sr* 英-a -usim 3 + a.-| *1B«« .« 0 s *» 材>.a»« r

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7、 * e»aa* h« - a >««*- ±w 加-j» 仿nnn以m s«« f »* 7 «. f f . 3 E 3* *R"4H' "" tfl "板££OK 6 * 1 3 "- >w -w 3-» J»* «一 v* «* «- 4" * <«fs 一m 3 r e 1.1 B-T X " 部3*«

8、«W3 » 一a+ W » E . * W«, W X Mb -» -SS 3 «B>给mf _ ,.由“*J:;:');:鼠或;:;空受含芍三*:2:鼠=二二".”3 一 “f w es 35 * e*”r 黑22,二 MEW 罕.霁二;3-* *3 S «r»”- 2. y><1T> 1 “将"9 1 a* *x -" r y i-a «*» y *»价rf ” 去“讨*"* *u 1 *m*,*"-.«> MtSMB >>、 .2 以一“ m* m * at. * OU40VW .» *d 年-24Wr * 彳 *.* 3 W.模积0t e 1 *"* 1w*-*"-* »- * .as "= I f«> .一 门»* 一 1»f i«* V 究4 13 «e * t.* *“p -x z *» 4 -


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