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1、Unit 4Body language,Teaching aims,Get to know what is body language,Cultural differences & intercultural communication,People can communicate with each other in many ways:,speaking,writing,typing,Part 1,Youre great!,Come and join us!,Im listening carefully!,What are they trying to tell us?How ar

2、e they expressing themselves?,Please stop!,Nice to meet you!,Im sorry!,Its important.,I give up.,OK!,Body Language is a set of _, _ and _ . People use to make themselves understood.,What is body language ?,gestures,body movements,facial expressions,姿势;手势,肢体动作,面部表情,Do you know the meaning of the foll

3、owing gestures ?,Stop!,Come here.,You are very good./ Well done!,Its ok.,Bye-bye.,Do you know the meaning of the following body movements ?,Im very excited.,Welcome.,surprisedastonished,shy,happy,Do you know the meaning of the following facial expressions ?,Act and Guess,Now, its your turn,Six stude

4、nts from each group will be invited to come to the front; one of you act the words out using body language, and the other students try to guess what he/she means.,Part 2,Go away ! Please keep quiet ! It is very hot today ! Youre great! Sorry, I cant hear you. I love you.,1. represent (vt.) 代表,象征2. c

5、urious (adj.)好奇的,求知欲强的 be curious about sth对(某事物)感到好奇; be curious to(do)很想(做);渴望(做)3. approach (v.) 靠近,接近;(n.)方法,步骤4. likely (adj.)可能的5. stomp your feet 跺脚6. wink your eyes 眨眼,Part 3 Key Words,1. 鸽子象征和平。 2. 我很想知道他说了些什么。 3. 暑假快到了。 4. 他很可能赢。 5. 他的书呈现了一个解决困难的新方法。,汉译英,A dove represents peace.,Im curious

6、 to know what he said.,The summer vacation is approaching.,He is likely to win.,His book represents a new approach to the difficulty.,Communication : No problem?,Reading passage:,Part4 Listening and Reading,Listening and reading.,Do you think body languages are all the same throughout the world?Do y

7、ou think people from different countries express the same meaning with different body languages?,How do they behave when they meet people they know?(p.27),Shake hands. Do not stand very close to others or touch strangers as soon as they meet.,Shake hands.,Bow.,Approach others closely and are more li

8、kely to touch them.,Shake hands and kiss each other twice on each cheek.,Shake hands and stand quite close to other men. Nods to women and do not shake hands with them.,In Russia, France and Arab countries men kiss each other.,When people meet each other,In China, people shake hands.,When people mee

9、t each other,In Japan, women bow.,bow,When people meet each other,In Arab countries, you should eat with your right hand not the left hand.,According to the text, is there anything wrong in the pictures?,According to the text, Is there anything wrong in the pictures?,In parts of Asia you must not si

10、t with your feet pointing at another person.,Body language is very important in our daily life, and it may vary from different cultures. When we are visiting other countries, we should follow their customs. That is to say, _.,When in Rome, do as the Romans do.,入乡随俗,What can you learn from this passa

11、ge?,Part 5: Summary,If you are happy,Listen to the song. Sing it together and do the body language.,If youre happy and you know it _If youre happy and you know it _If youre happy and you know it never be afraid to show itIf youre happy and you know it _If youre happy and you know it _If youre happy

12、and you know it _If youre happy and you know it Never be afraid to show itIf youre happy and you know it _If youre happy and you know it _If youre happy and you know it _If youre happy and you know it never be afraid to show itIf youre happy and you know it _,clap your hands,clap your hands,clap your hands,stomp your feet,stomp your feet,stomp your feet,wink your eyes,wink your eyes,wink your eyes,Homework,Preview the Reading passage of Unit4, and finishExercise 1 and 2 on Page 27,


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