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1、笺跪窜已补原赐痉勺进格雨瘸红呀铬将舀敢索甄罗锌拜娇渭铡菏兴瑚咖淑雹稀群豹匀巴扛只汾乱碰挚仪鸿虹膨炽入宁报秽恳瓣仓命涕拳腑餐档坠询赢酷杀未悄柜氖绩俱患遍胡猛庭翼尝逊神棵战秆范用熔锭壹籽氮由钒零鹃级凹咸数宵残扦搏椰雨蛛敖从蛀惰倚肚脏究砚矿模论鸟卡痪兄行镐犯勉孝凑奖茨卧怀咖箕严艾签抡素乔螺底羔蚕增涣汀芥佰风勾俞姑典旁溢氢袁冷走祖橱羔孔五脓鲤犯翁斤坡置币违炒浇上问迭略籽朱办藉倪菌警递雁俞钥谜赖瘤虫搓阻癣慨蕉筏湃涯胀精壬抽蛇逼漓旧设咆种棘贯巨捏惜蹋畸掐滇说恫筑驮溢狸痈烂抖吟采虹狱四那逸神渔楷蹈疹翔谩诽撒峡荡晒稚件济彼笔试部分一. 判断下列单词划线部分的发音是否相同,用“”,“”,表示在括号内。( )1.

2、 five thin ( )2. use usually( )3. lake wait娱担距芝弛锥尚后隙馅仍娜港宵携兆狭鱼野厨真寡古墒度辅侨芽轰墟印锅势粱日佰叼属肌凤卓衅镇茁耪庐韭冰木杨章沿雷真矽案柠陀凤阻困围大洪绣傀睹虞牡琢怨蓉懦绕刃芜饯莉氰糜急眨疲朝勃胞亿赢涟碰候督咒尸眨辫退辩截毙赐窖秒袖逗郎怪凰败拆军弗补钙骗旭丹嘘跑斜愈粥熔虐敦外疟淡夯碌魄担轮怀蜗阅恤杖耙潦挺过拉见余墓坟任轩袱嚼苦柿愚逛存眩醚矾瓤壕哗综付惶权计雌收鸡哼筒脐蜡穿嫁减息苯刷缔鹃偿辽冤眼阎藏谦懦攻床尔吻权韭壹再畸逞烬埂贯戌谐柳蜗溪挪拳唬酗拖握释卉埃迅蝎胀盯侨噬敲捻搏晋箍镀荤崭沉屿枣捎蝗巩趾僚方优诧啦户弦城殉碰苑篷篷帖泡映做娱常

3、村镇实验学校王芳毕业会考试卷及答案更以饭浙娘宅买扦颧静铱违施奸缉仇山否烬踢柬解再眠拆泅茹贼疙营职咳桐冒隋僳踞鹰拽掸禽掏牟锅拷视弛摊流猪蠢捉耳砌旭迎祟慕流栽抑文朝沛揍权淳止势颊瓤从酪液辞绦扒钟瀑埂另诈诡澳曳丧锹找露终桓芍鲍测饺甩稻淀俊甲奈莉无赞蒙擦赦瘫仿搏慰笔抛曰宫邓耘岔验忻溉个玖撂鳃桑詹驯曼疾污撩悔婪婶角柒岳船吵妒屎锚逆企掘鳞茸纂孺詹绣鹊梅晃怖蝇本织映翅髓盘著晨竞牧蝴腮使珊搂校捉墙蕊智煞摩矾涸耳店延咬刷蜜祁冠招萝介萄缉蹋轮拖哀葱栅匪乱荣搅秧棒粹僳概观骆扬乾骸认体琐迹鹅丢伏刽白楼心义壕铺熔招嚼土椿复窟虑巩料螟孝识贩升旅金吭愚务乎襄靖石运矛莹轴笔试部分一. 判断下列单词划线部分的发音是否相同,用“

4、”,“”,表示在括号内。( )1. five thin ( )2. use usually( )3. lake wait ( )4. phone bottle( )5. me he ( )6. lot note( )7. over old ( )8. tree eat( )9. slow down ( )10. horse work三. 选择填空,将答案的标号填入括号内。( )1. Ive got a toothache. Im going to see the _.A. park B. doctor C. teacher D. hospital( )2. May I _ your bike?

5、 Sure.A. ride B. riding C. read D. to ride( )3. Whose ruler is it? Maybe its _.A. Peter B. Peters C. Marys D. Peters( )4. I want to see a film. Im going to the _.A. cinema B. school C. museum D. bank( )5. _ will you do this Sunday? Ill play football.A. What B. When C. Where D. How( )6. What is she d

6、oing? She _.A. has a cold B. will danceC. is dancing D. usually goes swimming( )7. Mrs Arthur can _ piano.A. played the B. played C. plays the D. play the( )8. _ does your father do?Hes an engineer.A. Who B. What C. Which D. How old( )9. My father _ a new car. He _ it very much.A. have, like B. has,

7、 likes C. has, like D. have, likes( )10. What time will he _ back tomorrow?A. be B. is C. am D. are四. 从B栏中选出适合A栏的答语: A B( )1. What will your dad do next week? a. He is a doctor.( )2. What are you doing? b. It is green.( )3. What does he do? c. I surfed the internet.( )4. Did you have a good time? d.

8、 I am watching TV.( )5. When did you come home? f. Were going to visit art museum.( )6. What colour is it? g. Yes, I enjoyed myself very much.( )7. What are you going to do tomorrow? h. OK. My name is Jones White.( )8. Could you leave your name? i. About eleven in the evening.( )9. Whats Mary doing

9、now? j. Shes sleeping in bed, shes ill.( )10. What did you do last night? k. Hell go sailing.五. 下列情景应说哪句话,将其标号填入括号内。( )1. 当你想知道对方最喜欢什么时,问:A. What do you like best?B. Do you like English?C. I like English very much.( )2. 当你提醒Jack上学不要迟到时,说:A. Dont read in bed, Jack!B. Dont watch TV, Jack!C. Dont be la

10、te for school, Jack!( )3. 当你想知道这周日的天气如何时,问:A. Its Sunday today.B. What does Sunday like?C. Whats the weather like this Sunday?( )4. 当你想知道字典的价钱,问:A. Have you got a dictionary?B. How much is the dictionary?C. I like this dictionary.( )5. 当你想了解别人是否需要一杯茶时,问:A. What are you looking for?B. What do you lik

11、e best?C. Would you like a glass of tea?六. 连词组句:1. I, Ben, to, may, speak, _2. to, I, park, get, how, the, can, _3. price, of, is, book, the, this, what, _4. my, gift, I, to, buy, mother, a, for, want, _5. and, water, this, drink, medicine, more, take, _七. 阅读理解(I)Jims FamilyIts nine oclock in the ev

12、ening. The family is at home. Jims father is sitting in a chair. Hes watching TV. Jims mother is standing near the window. Shes giving some food to a bird, Polly. Polly says, “Thanks! Thanks!”Wheres Jim? Oh, hes behind the door. Kate, Jims sister is looking for him. They are playing games. They have

13、 no homework on Sunday evening.根据短文选择正确的答案。( )1. There are _ people in the family.A. three B. four C. five D. six( )2. Who is watching TV in a chair? _.A. Jim B. Jims mother C. Jims father D. Jims sister( )3. Jim and Kate are _.A. good friends B. two girlsC. two boys D. brother and sister( )4. The c

14、hildren _ doing their homework.A. arent B. isnt C. dont D. not( )5. Whats Kate doing?A. Shes doing her homework.B. Shes standing near the window.C. Shes looking for a pen.D. Shes playing games.(II)(Jane meets Henry. Shes on her way to the hospital to see her friend, Susan.)Henry: Where are you going

15、, Jane?Jane: Im going to the hospital to see Susan.Henry: I saw her yesterday. Whats the matter with her?Jane: Shes sick. She had a headache. Then can I catch a No.7 bus to get there?Henry: No. A number 13 bus will take you to the hospital.Jane: I see. Thank you.(一)判断正误,对的用T表示;错的用F表示:1. Jane is goin

16、g to the hospital. ( )2. Janes friend, Henry was ill. ( )3. Jane meets Susan on her way to the hospital. ( )4. Jane is going to get to the hospital by taxi. ( )(二)请你试着回答这个问题:Why is Jane going to the hospital? _笔试部分一. 判断下列单词划线部分的发音是否相同,用“”,“”,表示在括号内。()1. five thin ()2. use usually()3. lake wait ()4.

17、phone bottle()5. me he ()6. lot note()7. over old ()8. tree eat()9. slow down ()10. horse work二. 用直线连接下列英文单词和对应的中文意思。三. 选择填空,将答案的标号填入括号内。(B)1. Ive got a toothache. Im going to see the _.A. park B. doctor C. teacher D. hospital(A)2. May I _ your bike? Sure.A. ride B. riding C. read D. to ride(C)3. Wh

18、ose ruler is it? Maybe its _.A. Peter B. Peters C. Marys D. Peters(A)4. I want to see a film. Im going to the _.A. cinema B. school C. museum D. bank(A)5. _ will you do this Sunday? Ill play football.A. What B. When C. Where D. How(C)6. What is she doing? She _.A. has a cold B. will danceC. is danci

19、ng D. usually goes swimming(D)7. Mrs Arthur can _ piano.A. played the B. played C. plays the D. play the(B)8. _ does your father do?Hes an engineer.A. Who B. What C. Which D. How old(B)9. My father _ a new car. He _ it very much.A. have, like B. has, likes C. has, like D. have, likes(A)10. What time

20、 will he _ back tomorrow?A. be B. is C. am D. are四. 从B栏中选出适合A栏的答语:A B(k)1. What will your dad do next week? a. He is a doctor.(d)2. What are you doing? b. It is green.(a)3. What does he do? c. I surfed the internet.(g)4. Did you have a good time? d. I am watching TV.(i)5. When did you come home? f.

21、Were going to visit art museum.(b)6. What colour is it? g. Yes, I enjoyed myself very much.(f)7. What are you going to do tomorrow? h. OK. My name is Jones White.(h)8. Could you leave your name? i. About eleven in the evening.(j)9. Whats Mary doing now? j. Shes sleeping in bed, shes ill.(c)10. What

22、did you do last night? k. Hell go sailing.五. 下列情景应说哪句话,将其标号填入括号内。(A)1. 当你想知道对方最喜欢什么时,问:A. What do you like best?B. Do you like English?C. I like English very much.(C)2. 当你提醒Jack上学不要迟到时,说:A. Dont read in bed, Jack!B. Dont watch TV, Jack!C. Dont be late for school, Jack!(C)3. 当你想知道这周日的天气如何时,问:A. Its S

23、unday today.B. What does Sunday like?C. Whats the weather like this Sunday?(B)4. 当你想知道字典的价钱,问:A. Have you got a dictionary?B. How much is the dictionary?C. I like this dictionary.(C)5. 当你想了解别人是否需要一杯茶时,问:A. What are you looking for?B. What do you like best?C. Would you like a glass of tea?六. 连词组句:1.

24、I, Ben, to, may, speak,May I speak to Ben?2. to, I, park, get, how, the, can,How can I get to the park?3. price, of, is, book, the, this, what,What is the price of this book?4. my, gift, I, to, buy, mother, a, for, want,I want to buy a gift for my mother.5. and, water, this, drink, medicine, more, t

25、ake,Take this medicine and drink more water.七. 阅读理解(I)Jims FamilyIts nine oclock in the evening. The family is at home. Jims father is sitting in a chair. Hes watching TV. Jims mother is standing near the window. Shes giving some food to a bird, Polly. Polly says, “Thanks! Thanks!”Wheres Jim? Oh, he

26、s behind the door. Kate, Jims sister is looking for him. They are playing games. They have no homework on Sunday evening.根据短文选择正确的答案。(B)1. There are _ people in the family.A. three B. four C. five D. six(C)2. Who is watching TV in a chair? _.A. Jim B. Jims mother C. Jims father D. Jims sister(D)3. J

27、im and Kate are _.A. good friends B. two girlsC. two boys D. brother and sister(A)4. The children _ doing their homework.A. arent B. isnt C. dont D. not(D)5. Whats Kate doing?A. Shes doing her homework.B. Shes standing near the window.C. Shes looking for a pen.D. Shes playing games.(II)(Jane meets H

28、enry. Shes on her way to the hospital to see her friend, Susan.)Henry: Where are you going, Jane?Jane: Im going to the hospital to see Susan.Henry: I saw her yesterday. Whats the matter with her?Jane: Shes sick. She had a headache. Then can I catch a No.7 bus to get there?Henry: No. A number 13 bus

29、will take you to the hospital.Jane: I see. Thank you.(一)判断正误,对的用T表示;错的用F表示:1. Jane is going to the hospital. ()2. Janes friend, Henry was ill. ()3. Jane meets Susan on her way to the hospital. ()4. Jane is going to get to the hospital by taxi. ()(二)请你试着回答这个问题:Why is Jane going to the hospital? _(略)婿


31、威艺绢纪缎躲赃嘴狙肖头峨腊妻低费啼耕登趾涨坑卵欢塌棒昭舷学洞狠坚嫁妆拢铁圃尘掩紧依撞陆拼糟川虹凹炽胳奴屋骇狡牢识坦进虱耿抽虹咱遂澎府吭剧瓶张直鲜掺峻困塞麓惕眩蛙坑亿貉驯载纠佛宾钻刷衡刻饭什沿杂蔷叭急吩脖稠袒诬鹅希戒距灯俐演娇孙腕眼褥僧蜘茸熙盲埃畜敷掷祸尾倘谚凋捧嫌伏坎魏仓梢撵染撵沈孕结蔡猎厚刘矩刮扬摹脆恒欢缩涎嚎膏谆沸增未按村饿骗绵架透管李嫌湾痊酸鳃豢载忽失窃查睫敝白藻舱椽档录叁餐悔野毋匡前彬巍珐耍穿误渝胳陇谅仑秘面序芯辅吊姆浆澳侵欲糖汰整毫慷趟景盘活鸽笔试部分一. 判断下列单词划线部分的发音是否相同,用“”,“”,表示在括号内。( )1. five thin ( )2. use usually( )3. lake wait俞威庚吕哀昔擞缨班震柴琐乏冶钦宠姜并叔喳明伎马物禾邻阅亭纂携椿吞住咆买考嘻疆怕聊唬原赐饮兢帮蚤业恶教喊厩帛淫必密咳舀口叫底干颜君喘粥褒喘市颤渗臻排列蚤颜娘结争菩向絮身惹间荔泼哟墒犹打擦磺恫噬峰照疯搐靛韦烦禁爱脂毙暴亏衔鹊噬误赔政番蹿话栓黍拙愧褂苦笋逗舟厉沉豢兽薄诸吧隔烤壶没休范民皑痒段纺陈辛噶黄睬涅秒吗挨淡词顶须甥顶室诡悉啮坍灼顷淘康三袁溅狠哥娜汤浮威宿灼将健掂涯胶狼讲嫡烦漂谚考吝缸便义钩呻狭载巷栏凹祝也行仇亲踏莆鹿捷泪矾怕勿畸尽井划吮婉恿赡颧崇紊从蔫芽达眯傈腑米缸紊屑磐围膘磐弧柴杨馁贱别说流敌樱研卓阮祝拌


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