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1、U5T2P3Unit 5 Feeling ExcitedTopic 2 Im feeling better now.教学内容分析及课时分配建议:本单元以Feeling Excited 为主题。第二话题在感官动词表感受的基础上学习与别人分享自己的感受并学会安慰和提出建议的表达法。主要功能句有What seems to be the problem? How are you feeling today? Why dont you talk to someone when you feel sad? I was really upset and lonely。主要语法是原因状语从句和同级比较结构的肯

2、定和否定形式。本话题的词汇是描述感受和感情的形容词以及提出建议的动词。此外在语音学习环节将关注双元音/ I/和/ e /的区别,句子中的停顿、弱读和不完全爆破等,最后通过Project 的活动讨论同学们的问题并提出相应的建议,对所学内容进行积极应用,培养学生的综合语言运用能力。第一课时:Section A-1a, 1b, 1c, 2第二课时:Section A-3 Section B-1a,1b,1c 第三课时:Section B-2a,2b Section C -2 Section B -3a,3b第四课时:Section C-1a,1b,1c, 3,4第五课时:Section C -5 S

3、ection D-Grammar and Functions, 1a, 1b, 2,Project第三课时(Section B-2a,2b Section C -2 Section B -3a,3b)教学设计思路:本节课主要活动为Section B-2a 和SectionC-2。本节课在复习形容词用法及原因状语从句的基础上了解同级比较句型,即(not)as+形容词/副词+as的运用。在热身导入部分,我们仍旧从谈论情绪入手,复习系表结构和原因状语从句。接下来利用听力训练2a巩固形容词的用法并在Post-listening环节设置了对话和调查活动巩固原因状语从句。将SectionC-2的形容词和副

4、词的同级比较句型,即(not)as+形容词/副词+as的语法学习提前至本课,可以让学生有充分的时间感知和理解,并能在下节课加以巩固。同时也为下一课的阅读做好准备。在语音环节学习了元音音素/ I/和/e/及句子的停顿、弱读和辅音的不完全爆破现象。. Teaching aims1. Knowledge aims:(1)学习并掌握新词汇和短语。by the way,asas,(2)能正确运用as.as.和not as/so as句式。(3)能区分元音音素/ I/和/e/, 并能正确拼读单词,注意对应的字母组合的拼写规则;能在朗读句子时正确处理停顿、弱读和辅音的不完全爆破现象。2. Skill aim

5、s: 能正确写出包含形容词和副词同级比较的句式。3. Emotional aims:4. Culture awareness:. The key points and difficult pointsKey points:1. 初步理解和掌握形容词和副词同级比较的句式。2. 正确运用原因状语从句。Difficult points:1. 能正确区分和运用形容词与副词。2. 能正确运用as.as.和not as/so as句式。. Learning strategies1. 读句子的时候,应在连词前(如as, and,but 和 because等)稍有停顿。. Teaching aids多媒体课件

6、/图片V Teaching proceduresStage 1(5mins):Warming up and RevisionStepTeacher activityStudent activityDesigning purpose1(Class activity)Greeting as usual. Prepare for the new lesson. T: Good morning, everyone! T:How are you feeling today?T:By the way, did you sleep well last night?T: Thats good. Now I w

7、ant to know more about your feelings. Lets make sentences in turn. Each student makes one sentence, telling me your feelings and the reason. Lets start from me: I feel so happy because you slept well last night. Go on! Greeting as usual. Prepare for the new lesson. Ss: Good morning, MissSs:S1: Yes.

8、We didnt have too much homework yesterday, so I went to bed a little earlier.S1: I feel because为上课做好准备。通过师生交流呈现目标语言并复习系表结构和原因状语从句。Remark:以头脑风暴的方式让学生操练所学句型(如轮流造句等),可以很好的实现复习巩固的目的。Stage 2(5mins): Pre-listeningStepTeacher activityStudent activityDesigning purpose 1(Individualwork )Ask the students to r

9、ead SectionB-2a and try to fill in the blanks.T: Everybody sometimes has bad feelings. Its normal to get these feelings at your age. And I think the most important thing is to deal with the feelings in proper ways. Do you think so?T:As you know, Li Hong feels bad because she failed the English exam.

10、 How did she deal with her bad feelings? Does anybody help her?T: Yes, you are right. And shell certainly talk with Helen about her feelings. Right?T: Now lets read the conversation between Li Hong and Helen. Please try to fill in the blanks before listening. You may get the ideas about how to make

11、friends and how to help others.T: Have you got the answers? Please check and discuss with your partners. Tell your partner your reasons.Read SectionB-2a and fill in the blanksSs: Yes.S1:Yes. Helen and Miss Wang helped her. And she talked with Miss Wang about her feelings. Shell make friends with Hel

12、en.Ss: Yes.Ss:听之前填空。预测答案的同时了解对话内容 。Remark:Stage 3(5mins): While - listening StepTeacher activityStudent activityDesigning purpose1( Individualwork )Play the tape recording of SectionB-2a. Check the answers.T: Now lets listen to the conversation and you can check your answers. T:You may find some of

13、the correct answers are different from yours, but your answers are reasonable and right. For example, For the second blank, both happy and glad are OK. Right? Any others?T: Yeah, you got it. When you are in trouble or when you need help, you can say “I have some difficulty or questions with ”. By th

14、e way, whats Li Hongs problem?T: Will Helen help her?T: Any other different answers?T: Excellent! In fact, some of the blanks have more than one correct answers. OK. How is Li Hong feeling now? T: If you want to make friends with someone, what can you say to him or her?T: Good! Helen is glad to be L

15、i Hongs friend and she is so kind to Li Hong because she wants to help her. I think we should try to help others, especially when they are in trouble or in bad moods. Do you think so?Listen to the conversation in SectionB-2a and fill in the blanks. And then check the answers.Ss:S1: Can I fill the th

16、ird blank with difficulty or questions.S2: She find it difficult to learn English well.S3: Yes, she will.S4: For the last blank, both kind and friendly are OK. Am I right?S5: Shes feeling better after talking with Miss Wang. S6: Ill ask “would you like to become my friend?”Ss: Yes.通过师生讨论的方式更深入地理解对话的

17、内容。Remark:当答案并不唯一的时候要鼓励学生想出不同的答案。Stage4(10mins): Post - listening StepTeacher activityStudent activityDesigning purpose1(Pair work)Finish SectionB-2b.T:Suppose Tom is new in your class and feels lonely. Work in pairs and talk with him and try to help him. The phrases in the form may help you. Ill as

18、k some pairs to act out your conversations. Lets begin.T: Which pair would like to be the first to act?Make conversations in pairs according to the form in SectionB-2b.Ss:P1: 复习巩固原因状语从句。2(Individual work)Make a survey about the students feelings. Show the form.NameProblemFeelingAdviceS1too much home

19、worktiredWhy not ?S2T: Just now we said that everybody may get bad feelings. Do you have any bad feelings?T: Work in groups. Make a survey in your group. Find out the unhappy feelings from others and talk about the reasons. Then give your advice. The Phrases in 2b may help you.T: Now each group will

20、 give a report about the feelings of your group members. Who would like to be Group 1 to give a report?Make a survey about the students feelings with the help of the phrases in SectionB-2b and the form on the screen.Ss: Yes, we do.Ss:S1:Remark:设置贴近学生生活的任务并让学生利用所学的知识去完成,达到学以致用的目的。Stage 5(10mins):Gram

21、marStepTeacher activityStudent activityDesigning purpose1(Class activity)Teach equal comparison “asas”. Show some pictures or objects.T: You did a good job. In the last task you used many adjectives. When we describe something we may use adjectives and adverbs. Now lets learn more about them. Look a

22、t these two books. Which one is bigger?T: Good. How about these two balls?T: That is to say this ball is as big as that one.T: What about these two boy? Who is taller?T: Yes. Maybe you can describe these pictures.T: Look at Xiao Ming and Xiao Fang. How carefully they are writing. I can say Xiao Ming

23、 is writing as carefully as Xiao Fang . Look at these two cars. They are running neck and neck. Can you describe them with asas?T: Well done! Who can tell us how to use asas?T: Sure. T:How do you decide whether to use an adjective or an adverb?T:Excellent! Thanks for your detailed explanation. Maybe

24、 its a little difficult for you to distinguish an adjective and an adverb and use them correctly. It doesnt matter. Observe carefully and think it over. I believe practice makes perfect.Learn and use equal comparison “asas”.S1: This one is bigger than that one.S2: They are the same.S3: The boy is as

25、 tall as that one.S4: This car is as beautiful as that one.S5: This building is as high as that one. S5: The red car runs as fast as the black one.S6: Can I sum up in Chinese?S6: asas意思是“像一样”。结构为:as+形容词或副词的原级+as+比较对象。S6: It depends on the verb. 如果动词是系动词,两个as中间就用形容词。如果是实意动词,两个as中间就用副词。初步认识形容词和副词的同级比较

26、结构。使语法的学习由浅入深,并给学生一个理解和消化的时间。同时为下一课的阅读做好准备。2(Individual work )Finish 2. Check the answers.T:Lets have a try. Completethe sentences with the words inthe box. You should pay attentionto the use of “asas” T: Have you got the answers?Lets check them. Whats youranswer for the first sentence?Finish 2. com

27、plete the sentences with the words in the box. Check the answers.Ss:S1:利用Section C-2的活动巩固形容词和副词的同级比较结构。Remark:先鼓励学生总结asas的用法。如果不全面老师再补充。难点是形容词和副词的区分于运用。Stage 6(5mins): PronunciationStepTeacher activityStudent activityDesigning purpose1(Class activity)Play the tape recording of 3a. T: Your spoken Eng

28、lish is almost good. But just as you know, a good English learner should always pay attention to his pronunciation. So lets learn more about it. First, listen to the tape and read the following pairs of words, and pay attention to the sounds of the underlined letter.T: Can you read the two phonetic

29、symbols /I/ and /e/? T: What combined letters can pronounce /I/ and /e/?T:Lets listen again and try to imitate.T: Can you read these words? Have a try, please.near, pair , real, care, tear,Listen to the tape and read the following pairs of words and pay attention to the sounds of the underlined

30、 letter. And then listen again and try to imitate.Ss:Ss: Yes.S1: The combined letters “ear” and “ea” pronounce /I/ and the combined “air” and “are” pronounce /e/. Ss:2(Class activity)Play the tape recording of 3b. T: Read the following sentences, paying attention to the pause, weak form and incomple

31、te plosion. You can pause briefly before the conjunction such as and, but, and because.T: Lets listen and try to imitate.T: Who can read them for us?Read the following sentences, paying attention to the pause, weak form and incomplete plosion. Then listen and try to imitate.Ss:Ss:Ss:Remark:Stage 6(5

32、mins): Summarizing and assigning HMKStepTeacher activityStudent activityDesigning purpose1(Class activity)Encourage the Ss to summarize the key points T: Class will be over soon. We should summarize what we have learned in this lesson. Lets begin!Summarize what they have learned today. S1:we learned

33、 to use equal comparison “asas”S2: We learned a new phrase: by the wayS3: We can pronounce / i/and /, S4: We can pay attention to the pause, weak form and incomplete plosion .培养学生归纳总结的能力,再次复习巩固本节课的重点知识。2 (Class activity)Assign the HMK.T: For todays HMK, Id like you to remember the new words and phrases. Please make five sentences with “asas” and preview Section C-1a,1b,1c, 3,4Finish the HMK.适当的家庭作业有助于巩固课堂所学的知识。Remark:VI . Blackboard design第三课时 (Section B-2a,2b Section C -2 Section B -3a,3b)1. by the way2. as + adj /adv + as Not as/so + adj/adv +as 13 / 13


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