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1、序号1234567891011121314151617181920212223242526272829309B Unit 4词组、句型及语法复习提纲ChineseEnglish因而出名be famous for = be well-known for第一人在月球上行走的人the first man to walk on the moon第一个获得诺贝尔奖的女人the first woman to win the Nobel Prize关心穷人care for the poor摇滚乐之王the king of rock and roll对 .产生兴趣 ( 短暂性动词短语 )become inte

2、rested in自从ever since第一次坐飞机take one s first flight在六岁时at the age of six上飞行课;接受飞行训练take flying lessons学生飞行员执照student pilot s licence在某人的空余时间里in one s spare time=in one s free time风洞wind tunnels第一次for the first time听说.hear of = hear about听说.hear + 宾从为了作进一步的研究for further research据说It is said that .武装力量

3、armed force被卷入 .be involved in在另一边on the other side失去控制out of control在 .的控制下under the control of相对论the theory of relativity诺贝尔奖the Nobel Prize在某人的一生中during one s lifetime转折点turning point放弃(做某事)give up (doing sth.)为别人放弃一切give up everything for others小量的(修不可数名词)a small amount of .大量的(修不可数名词)a large/bi

4、g amount of .把奉献给 .(做 .)devote. to (doing).试飞员a test pilot缩短飞行cut the flight short名言famous words131警告某人不要靠近warn sb. to stay away32在20世纪 40年代in the 1940s在某人 40多岁时in one s forties33第20世纪the twentieth century34为做贡献make a contribution to (doing)35在华沙市in the city of Warsaw36不为某人所知be unknown to sb.37选中某人做

5、某事select sb to do sth.某人被选中去做某事sb. be selected to do sth.38一起宗教斗争a religious fighting39改变某人的生活change one s life40离开(某地)去印度leavefor India41在一个有三个小孩的家庭之中in a family of three childrenA marry B42A与B结婚A get married to BA and B get married4344二、重点句子及句型 :1、 Who do you think is the greatest person (that has

6、 ever lived), Eddie?.2、I ve neverheard of him.3、Neil Armstrong , the first man to walk on the moon , was born on 5th August 1930 in Ohio.4、He became interested in flying ever since he took his first flight at the age of six.5、 He began taking flying lessons at the age of 15 and received his student

7、pilot s licencewhen he was 16. 6、 Mission Control thought it was better to be safe than (to be) sorry. 7、One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.8、They were trying to warn Armstrong and Aldrin to stay away.9、Having many helpers makesa taskeasier and fasterto complete.10、 Have you decided

8、which great person (to write about ) ?11、This great achievement won them a Nobel Prize in 1903, but that was not the end of the story.12、But sadly, Pierre was not there to share the prize with her- he died in an accident in 1905, two years after they receivedthe Nobel Prize13、 She will always be rem

9、embered for devoting her life tocaring for the poor.14、Mother Teresa spent her life caring for the poor.15、It is said that Neil Armstrong sent a messageto Mission Control (which said that large, strange objects landed near them and were watching them).16、The most important award (that Armstrong got

10、for his service) was the Medal of Freedom, the highest award (that a United States citizen can receive).17、Niel Armstrong is the person (who made people round the world realize that space exploration was truly possible).18、What we do not have always seems better than what we have.19、The equation (wh

11、ich/that Einstein worked out) is E= mc 2.20、The contribution (which/that Einstein made to modern physics) is unique.21、 She married a Frenchman (called Pierre Curie) there.222、 I admire him the most.23. He is the first man (who walked on the moon).= He is the first man ( to walk on the moon).24.She was a kind person (who gave up everything for others).25. That is why I admire her so much.三、语法: (详见课本上笔记 )1. 限制性定语从句的用法。2.关系代词that; who; which 的用法。3


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