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1、Progress Report Template Full:进展报告模板的完整Project Title Progress Report DateiCAP Progress Report TemplateText in italics is explanatory and should be deleted in completed documents.Project Name Name of projectProject Website URL of project website, if availableReport compiled by Person responsible for

2、producing and submitting reportReporting period Dates covered by report (e.g. Mar-Sep 07)Section One: SummaryPlease provide a short overview (1-2 paragraphs) of project progress during this reporting period, which could be disseminated to program stakeholders. This overview should be written in term

3、s anyone can understand and may be used for presentations to community members. Community members can includeactual consumers and professionals employed at community-based agencies.Section Two: Activities and ProgressReport on activities as outlined in your proposal for the period covered by this re

4、port and describe any changes to this, including the reasons for these. Do include any additional activities undertaken that are notin your proposal, providing the background to their inclusion.Section Three: Project Partner IssuesReport on any progress or issues with your project partners (where ap

5、plicable).Section Four: Outputs and DeliverablesAre there any outputs or deliverables you would like to share (e.g.presentations, articles, media ormarketing information)? Please describe, provide URLs or attach documents etc.Section Five: Outcomes and Lessons LearnedOutline any emerging outcomes or

6、 lessons, if any that have been learned during this reporting period thatcould be passed on to other projects.1Project Title Progress ReportDateSection Six: FindingsProvide brief details of progress in terms of the development and implementation of the project plan. Detail any interesting findings o

7、r emerging issues of interest.Section Seven: DisseminationReport on any communication or dissemination activities with project stakeholders or the wider community which have taken place during the reporting period. Attach or provide URLs for any relevant disseminationor presentation materials. Inclu

8、de details of any publicity the project received during the reporting period.Section Eight: Risks, Issues and ChallengesReport on any issues or problems that have impacted the development and implementation of the project during the reporting period. Detail what impact any issues may have on the ach

9、ievement of project targets,and set out how you plan to tackle these issues. Report on any unexpected project achievements.Section Nine: Collaboration and SupportIs there anything that you would like advice and support on? Do you have any specific training needs,requests or suggestions for iCAP?Sect

10、ion Ten: Financial StatementIn this section you should detail the expenditure of the project so far. Against the budget headings, youshould set out the expenditure for the reporting period, noting any significant over/under spending, givingreasons for this. You should also state the total expenditur

11、e to date against each budget heading. The table below is designed to help this reporting process. Additional budget headings may be added to fit anindividual project s budget. Projects may find it more appropriate to use a spreadsheet to report financial information.Section Eleven: Next Steps/Futur

12、e FundingIn this section you should very briefly list the activities planned and other information of relevance for the next stage of the project, including possible future funding opportunities.Total Grant Duration ofprojectReportingPeriod2Project Title Progress Report DateBudget Total budget Expenditure this Total expenditure Further informationHeadings allocated reporting period to date Personnel Students Travel Equipment Dissemination activitiesResearch & EvaluationactivitiesCommunity PartnerOther (please specify)3


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