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1、Unit 11 The sounds of the world训练三Grammar & Integrating skills课前预习:无师自通.用所给词的正确形式填空1.I havent made a _(decide) what to do after school.2.How about buying him a CD?Thats a good _ (suggest).3.He has been dreaming of becoming a famous_(sing). 4.What _(music) instrument can you play?I can play the g

2、uitar.5.How about the_(perform) who is playing on the platform?6.You may retell the story in your own word _ (brief).7.Pop music has kept the _(character) of the Blues music.8.Latin Music is a music that uses_ (tradition) styles from South America and Latin.9.There is a wide _(various) of new music

3、to be discovered in every corner of the world.10.He is a man who is of the _ (artist) of speaking.答案:1.decision 2.suggestion 3.singer 4.musical 5.performer 6.briefly .句型转换1.I wouldnt mind a cup of coffee now.I would _ have a cup of coffee now.I _to have a cup of coffee now. 2.In rap music,the singer

4、 will “rap the words along with the beat of the music. In rap music,the singer will “rap the words _the music.3.There is a wide variety of new music to be discovered in every corner of the world.There is _kinds of new music that _ discovered _ the world. 4.The two kinds of music are more or less the

5、 same with blues and rock.The two kinds of music have much _ with blues and rock.答案:1.like to;prefer/want 2.to 3.various;will be;all over 4.in common课堂稳固:一点即通.完成句子1.In this shop tea _(免费提供).答案:is served/offered for free2.I dont care if the film _(在我们放映).But if a play _(上演),Ill go to watch it.答案:will

6、 be shown in our school;is put on3.Why didnt you make any reply when you _(跟你说话时)?答案:were spoken to4.The light is still on.It shows that the patient _(仍然在手术中).答案:is still being operated on5.It is said that he _(被派往巴黎)already.答案:has been sent to Paris6.We shant/wont _(受到邀请).答案:be invited7.The book _(

7、已被译成) many languages.答案:has been translated into8.She_ (被选为) Chairman of the StudentsUnion.答案:was elected/chosen9.When will the sports meeting _(举行)?答案:be held10.The problem _(正在研究).答案:is being studied.翻译句子1.他们没有共同之处。(in common)答案:They have nothing in common.2.公园里有各种各样的花。(a variety of )答案:There are

8、a variety of flowers in the park.3.天气极冷时水能结成冰。(turn into.)答案:Water turns into ice when it freezes.4.他仍不能用英语表达他的意思。(express oneself)答案:He is still unable to express himself in English.5.这个小女孩将来要当一名歌唱家。(desire to do )答案:The little girl desires to be a singer in the future.课后检测:融会贯穿.单项填空1.When shall we

9、 meet again?Make it any day you like;its _all to me.A.similar B.the same C.different D.the right答案:B解析:the same 与to 连用时,后接sb.作宾语,“对都一样。2.The young man works very hard from a(n)_to become rich.A.答案:D解析:desire意为“愿望,渴望,后接不定式或介词for的短语。3.She didnt come to the party_you had said.A.because that B.because o

10、f thatC.because what D.because of what答案:D解析:because of后跟wh从句作宾语。4.He hung up the phone,_with a smile on his face.C.to be satisfied D.having satisfied答案:A解析:he is satisfied指“他很满意。5.On one hand I valued his friendship,but_I disliked his pride and selfishness.A.else B.on othersC.in some other way D.on

11、 the other hand答案:D解析:on(the)one hand.on the other hand指“一方面另一方面。6.He made_to get up at six oclock in the morning and do morning exercises.A.a rule B.that a ruleC.it a rule D.this a rule答案:C解析:it 是形式宾语,真正的宾语是to get up.。7.Little Tom considers Jack as his best friend,and John_.A.is his enemy B.as his

12、enemy C.be his enemy D.being his enemy答案:B解析:此句为省略句,全句为.and he considers John as his enemy。8.I dont feel_about it.How can I go to sleep?答案:C解析:根据上下文意思只能用easy表示“沉着的,自在的,安心的,平静的。9.He gave me some advice on how _English.C.to study D.should I study答案:C 解析:how to do sth.作介词on的宾语。10._,John felt uneasy.A.B

13、ecause Mary away B.Because of Mary awayC.With Mary was away D.With Mary away答案:D解析:with+n.+adv.这个复合结构在句中作状语。11.Young people may grow quickly in some ways and more slowly in_.A.the other B.some otherC.others D.these others答案:C解析:此处考查some.others.“一些,另一些的用法。12.One of the sides of the board should be pa

14、inted yellow,and _ A.the other is white B.another whiteC.the other white D.another is white答案:C解析:board有两面,所以用one.the other.,此处为省略句。13.Sarah has read lots of stories by American writers.Now she would like to read_ stories by writers from_countries.A.some;any B.other;someC.other;other D.some;other 答案

15、:D解析:据句意“她想读其他国家的作家写的小说可知答案为D项。14.She _ his number in the phone book to make sure that she had got it right. up B.looked forC.picked out D.picked up 答案:A解析:look up此处作“查阅讲。15.Nick is looking for another job because he feels that nothing he does_his boss.答案:B解析:satisfy意为“使满意。16.I thought her nice and

16、honest _I met her.A.first B.for the first timeC.the first time D.by the first time 答案:C解析:the first time引导一个时间状语从句。 17.Professor White has written some short stories,but he is_ known for his plays.C.better D.the most答案:C解析:此处将plays和short stories作比拟,要用比拟级。ve worked with children before,so I know what

17、 _in my new job.A.expected B.to expect答案:B解析:what to do是疑问词+不定式结构作know的宾语,what又作expect的宾语。19.There are five pairs_,but Im at a loss which to buy.A.to be chosen B.to choose from C.to choose D.for choosing答案:B解析:to choose sth. from the five pairs,from不可省略。20.Papermaking began in China and from here it

18、 _to North Africa and Europe.答案:A解析:spread意为“传播,it和spread存在主谓关系;如用carry,那么必须用被动式。21.Our bodies are strengthened by taking exercise._,our minds are developed by learning.答案:C解析:similarly指“类似地,相似地。22.We are going to the bookstore in Johns car.You can come with us_you can meet us there later.A.but B.and 答案:C解析:or表选择。.短文改错The Problem with Television Now I cana little tired after a daywatching lof后加of 9.everyone/everybody


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