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1、全国各地高三英语试题分类汇编代词【第一次质检】18. Look at the price of the book! It is practically the same as _ of a good dictionary. A. one B. this C. that 【答案】C【师大附中一模】30. When _ comes to codes of ethics, I think everyone should strictly obey them. A. that B. this C. it D. one【答案】C【解析】考查代词的用法。解题关键:掌握短语it comes to sth意为

2、:谈到。的时候。【泗县双语摸底】34. I get the bicycle for _.My friend gave it to me when she bought a new one. A. everythingB. somethingC. nothingD. anything 【答案】C【七中入学测试】13. To save class time, our teacher has _ students do half of the exercises in class and complete the other half for our homework.A. weB. usC. ou

3、rD. ours【答案】B【 第一次考试】6.-Can you come on Monday or Tuesday? -I'm afraid _ day is possible.A. either B. neither C. some D. any【答案】B【 第一次考试】8 .The doctor thought _would be good for you to have a holiday.A. this B. that C. it D. one【答案】C【7月月考】31. Some Australian Aborigines still live in a similar wa

4、y to their ancestors, while _ live in cities, towns and the country in the same way _ their fellow Australians. A. others, likeB. others, asC. the others, likeD. the others, as【答案】B【卫辉一中第一次月考】24. I like such houses with beautiful gardens in front, but I don't have enough money to buy . A. itB. o

5、neC. thatD. this 【答案】B【黄州区一中模拟二】6.Professor Zhang handed out the textbooks to all the students,except who had already taken them.A、these B、ones C、the ones D、the others解析 C 考查代词的用法。who had already taken them是定语从句,修饰空格处的代词,由此可判断选C,the ones相当于those。【黄州区一中模拟一】9、Whos knocking at the door? Maybe wanting t

6、o sell some new products.A、everyboby B、anybody C、somebody D、noboby解析 C 考查代词的用法。根据问句可知对方问的是谁在敲门,答语的意思是“也许是某个想出售某种新产品的人所以用somebody,表示“某个人。【黄州区一中模拟一】19、Which of the three optional courses did you like best,Joe?To tell you the truth, I didnt like of them.A、either B、both C、any D、neither解析 C 因为上文提到的是“三门选修

7、课,所以A、B、D都不对,因为它们都是表示两者关系的。【黄州区一中模拟四】14.The exam was easy, wasn't it?Yes, but I dont think could pass it.A. somebody B. anybody C. nobody D. everybody解析 D everybody同表否认意义的词连用时,表达的是局部否认的意义。下句意同“考试是容易。但是我想并非每个人都能通过。 【黄州区一中模拟四】18.Barack Obamas victory is a historic victory and that promised change

8、and overcame centuries of prejudice.A. one B. it C. the one D. that 解析 A one代替前面的a historic victory,即“不定冠词+名词。【黄州区一中模拟三m afraid I have to go out now.If phones, tell Ill be back later.A、anyone; them B、someone; it C、everyone; them D、anyone; it7.A解析句意:我现在得出去一会。如果有人打 来,就说我要过一会儿才回来。“有人为泛指,可用anyone或someon

9、e表示;不定代词someone,anyone,no one,everyone等在后文用they或them指代。【湖南八中第一次月考】32. Europeans made _ clear that they did not want to take the Roma as neighbors.A. so B. very C. it D. that【答案】C【白鹭洲第一次月考】22. - Mary has a very low opinion of George . - It cant be any worse than _ of her. A.his B.he C. him D. he does

10、 【答案】A【五校8月模拟】34. We all agree that it is good to help those in need, but when _ comes to giving away our money, things become strange. A. that B. this C. it D. one【答案】C【16中9月月考】8. I knew that _ would ever discourage him; he would never give up wanting to be a director. A. something B. anything C. e

11、verything D. nothing 8. D考查不定代词的用法。句意为“我知道没有什么能够阻止他;他决不会放弃做一名导演的念头。根据后面“never give up可知前面相应地也要用否认性的不定代词nothing。【 渭阳入学模测】21It is said that Jack is very rich and is always changing his private cars. What is he?_, I am not sure.ASomebody of a manager BSomething of a managerCAnyone of a manager DAnythin

12、g of a manager21. B“类似经理之类的职业【 渭阳入学模测】22Some warned that the step the US government has taken to cope with the current crisis is _ much risk.Aone of Bthe one of Cthe one Dthat one22. A考查代词。句意:有人警告说美国政府为应对当前危机所采取的这一步是充满危险的一步,用one表示泛指。【摸底测试】2Do you think _ possible to master a foreign language without

13、 any memory work?Ait Bthis Cthat Dhow【答案】A【摸底测试】10There is coffee and tea; you can have_Aall Bit Ceither Deach【答案】C【模拟一】14. If you want to change for a double room, you will have to pay _ $11. A. other B. more C. each D. another【答案】D【第一次统练】28. Before _ was standing a terrible man, Miss Linda could d

14、o nothing _immediately.A. she; but cry B. her; but cry C. herself; except crying D. she; but to cry 【答案】B【第一次统练】34. - Ones weeks time has been wasted. - I cant believe we did all that work for _. A. something B. none C. nothing D. anything【答案】C【万州第一次月考】29. What did the young man come to your company

15、 for? - He wanted a job, _ he had never experienced before.A. whatB. the oneC. thatD. one【答案】D【万州第一次月考】30. My daughter thought she was_ when I asked him for the advice on the new plan.A. something B. anything C. somebody D. anybody 【答案】C【第一次月考】25. They also said her work was equal to _ of a student

16、who had completed four years of collegeAit     Bthat   Cthis       Done【答案】B【外国语第一次月考】26 _ in the regulations that you should not tell other people the password of your e-mail accountA What is requiredB What requiresC It is requiredD It requires【答案】C【外国语第一次月考】31 I dont think _ possible to travel around the world without any modern equipmentA thisB thatC itsD it【答案】D【十校期初考】36. After watching the movie Inception盗梦空间, I bought some DVD copies of the film, but now is left. A. no oneB. nothingC. noneD. neither【答案】C


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