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1、人教版六年级英语上册期末测验 第四单元测验卷A. looks the same B. look like C. look the same 商都县世纪小学六年级英语上册期末测验 unit4测验卷 ( )6. My father newspaper every day. A. reads B. looks C. watches 一、选出画线部分字母或字母组合读音与其它三项不同的一项(5分) ( )7. Does he math. ( )1. A. shirt B. skate C. sheep D. ship A. you B. your C. she ( )2. A. skirt B. bir

2、d C. live D. dirty ( )8. Alice says is coming to China soon. ( )3. A. she B. bed C. let D. desk A. I B. she C. her ( )4. A. pear B. learn C. bear D. wear ( )9. I often watch “The cat and the mouse” TV. ( )5. A. ride B. bike C. dive D. pig A. on B. at C. of 二、根据所给汉语意思写出英语单词(15分) ( )10. Whats Johns ho

3、bby? . 1.爱好 2.骑自行车 3.跳水 A. I like drawing B. He likes drawing C. He like drawing 4.小提琴 5.集邮 6.笔友 ( )11. What about this afternoon. 7.双胞胎 8.居住 9.电视台记者 A. swim B. to swim C. swimming 10.教 11.手表 12.不同的 ( )12. Alice and her sister look the same, but they like things. 13.看起来一样 14.澳大利来 15.生病住院 A. same B.

4、/ C. different 三、按要求改写单词(15分) ( )13. Tom and his brother twins. 1. dive(现在分词) 2. play(现在分词) 3. draw(现在分词) A. am B. is C. are 4. swim(现在分词) 5. open(现在分词) 6. listen(现在分词) ( )14. My pen pal lives China. 7. read(三单) 8. like(三单) 9. teach(三单) A. on B. in C. at 10.do(三单) 11. study(三单) 12. try(三单) ( )15. I

5、dont like playing football basketball. 13. pen pal(同义词) 14. same(反义词) 15. you(宾格) A. or B. and C. either 四、选择(30分) 五、情景选择(5分) ( )1. I like football. ( )1. 当你想知道对方的爱好时你怎么问。 A. play B. playing C. playing the A. Whats your hobby? B. What do you do? ( )2. I have a book. ( )2. 当你询问朋友,他的妈妈是否教英语时,你怎么问。 A.

6、am not B. do not C. does not A. Does your mother teach English? B. Does your mother like English? ( )3. My mother is a teacher. She math. ( )3. 有人问你的爱好时,如果你的爱好是跳水,你该怎么说。 A. teach B. teacher C. teaches A. I like to dive. B. I like diving. ( )4. John playing football, but he watching it on TV. ( )4. 当

7、你遇到一对双胞胎时,你很想说。 A. likes; likes B. doesnt like; likes C. not likes; likes A. They look the same. B. He looks like me. 学校 年级 班 姓名 考号 ( )5. His two brothers . 第1页共4页 第2页共4页 -密-封-线- - -密-封-线- - ( )5. 当你想告诉大家,你的妈妈在医院工作时,你怎么说。 1. I go to school by bike. But my brother (go)on foot. A. My mother works in h

8、ospital. B. My mother works in the hospital. 2. Does your pen pal like (draw) pictures? 六、按要求改写句子(5分) 3. What about (swim) this afternoon? 1. The boy likes diving. (对画线部分提问) 4. Lets (go) together. 5. Mr. Green (live) in Australia. 2. Ann goes to school on foot every day. (同义句) 九、阅读理解。(5分) 三角形内心的性质:三

9、角形的内心到三边的距离相等. (三角形的内切圆作法尺规作图)Chen Jie is very happy to have two new pen pals. They are Jim and Kim. Jim and Kim 3. His father likes reading newspapers. (改为一般疑问句,并作出肯、否定回答) live in the USA, but they live in different cities. Jim is short and Kim is tall. Jim likes playing basketball. Kim likes playi

10、ng basketball, too. They usually play basketball on 4. Her mother goes to work by car. (对画线部分提问) 9.直角三角形变焦关系:weekends. Jim likes singing, but Kim doesnt like it. He likes drawing. Chen Jie likes 11.弧长及扇形的面积drawing, too. Chen Jie and her pen pals write e-mails every week. Chen Jie usually writes ) 5.

11、 I play the violin every day. (用she替换e-mails on Friday evening. ( )1. Jim and Kim are Chen Jies . (3) 扇形的面积公式:扇形的面积 (R表示圆的半径, n表示弧所对的圆心角的度数)七、连词成句并翻译(10分) A. brothers B. classmates C. pen pals ( )2. Jim is shorter than . 1. hobby your is sisters what (?) 三、教学内容及教材分析:A. Chen Jie B. Kim C. his pen pal

12、s ( )3. Jim and Kim like . A. playing basketball B. singing C. drawing ( )4. Who likes drawing? 2. us can with he go (?) 定理:在同圆或等圆中,相等的圆心角所对的弧相等、所对的弦相等、所对的弦心距相等。A. Chen Jie and Jim B. Chen Jie and Kim C. Jim and Kim ( )5. usually writes e-mails on Friday evening. A. Chen Jie B. Jim C. Kim 3. am I to

13、 happy pal new a have pen (.) 十、写作(5分) 二特殊角的三角函数值请以“My friend / My pen pal”为题写一篇作文,介绍他/她的爱好、有关特征、职业、出行方式等。 4. twins Alice sister and her are(.) 要求: 3、第五单元“加与减(二)”,第六单元“加与减(三)” 在“加与减”的学习中,结合生活情境,学生将经历从具体情境中抽象出加减法算式的过程,进一步体会加减法的意义;探索并掌握100以内加减法(包括不进位、不退位与进位、退位)和连加、连减、加减混合的计算方法,并能正确计算;能根据具体问题,估计运算的结果;初步学会应用加减法解决生活中简单问题,感受加减法与日常生活的密切联系。1、不少于60字。 2、语句通顺、书写工整。 6.方向角:指北或指南方向线与目标方向线所成的小于90的水平角,叫做方向角。如图4,OA、OB、OC、OD的方向角分别是;北偏东30,南偏东45(东南方向)、南偏西为60,北偏西60。5. soon Alice China says to her coming family is (.) 八、用所给动词的适当形式填空(5分) 三三角函数的计算第3页共4页 第4页共4页


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