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1、手术( operation/procedure )名称翻译全集之三虾蟆肿切开术Incision of ranula虾蟆肿切除术Excision of ranula舌部份楔状切除术Partial/wedge glossectomy舌修补术Repair of tongue injury or wound颚扁桃摘出术Resection of Platine tonsil舌扁桃切除术Lingual tonsillectomy咽扁桃切除术Adenoid tonsillectomy冷冻扁桃腺手术Cryotherapy for tonsillar深颈部切开引流术Deep neck incision &

2、; drainage下颔腺切除术Ablation of submaxillary gland口腔黏膜切片Biopsy of oral mucosa口腔或口咽肿瘤切除,并颈淋巴腺根除术Oral tumor or oropharynx excision with radical neck dissection 舌癌摘出术,包括淋巴节切除及颈部清除术Tongue cancer excision with lymphadenectomy & radical neck dissection 舌骨上区清除术Suprahyoid dissection 耳下腺肿瘤切除术Excision of paro

3、tid tumor舌半切除术Hemiglossectomy舌全切除术Total glossectomy内上颔动脉结扎Ligation of internal maxillary artery 腮腺切除术,全叶摘除Parotidectomy , total lobectomy 腮腺切除术,切除Parotidectomy , excision 口腔底部整体切除术Commando op. 口腔复合性切除术Composite resection for oral cancer食道肌切开术Esophageal myomectomy食道憩窒切除术Excision of esophageal diverti

4、culum食道内腔置管术Endoesophageal intubation食道胃底改道术Esophagofundostomy bypass食道胃底吻合术Esophagofundostomy食道胃改道术Esophagogastrostomy bypass抗胃食道逆流术Blesy's mark iv anti-reflex procedure逆行食道扩张术retrograde)Retrograde esophageal dilatation ( esophagectasia, 食道、胃瘘管缝合术Esophagogastric fistula closure食道切除术Esophagectom

5、y食道切除再造术Esophagectomy & reconstruction食道切开术Esophagotomy食道瘤及囊肿切除术Excision of esophageal cyst & tumor食道再造术以胃管重建Esophageal reconstruction with gastric tube 食道再造术以大肠重建Esophageal reconstruction with colon 食道再造术以小肠重建Esophagel reconstruction with small intestine食道裂伤修补术Repair of esophageal laceratio

6、n一般性食道癌摘除术(含淋巴节清扫)Simple excision of esophageal cancer , with lymphadenectomy 复杂性食道癌摘除术(含淋巴节清扫)Complicated excision of esophageal cancer , with lymphadenectomy 食道静脉瘤曲张结扎,经胸或经腹Ligation of esophageal varices , transthoracic or transabdominal 食道静脉瘤曲张结扎, 脾脏切除并近心端胃血管去除经胸 Devascularization procedure trans

7、thoracic食道静脉瘤曲张结扎, 脾脏切除并近心端胃血管去除经腹胃食道内管留置(胃贲门癌或食道癌)Esophagogastric stent for esophagus or cardia portion cancer 胃切开术 探查性Gastrotomy exploration胃切开术 异物移除Gastrotomy removal of foreign body胃切开术 溃疡缝合及止血Gastrotomy with suture repair of bleeding ulcer 幽门肌肉切开术( Fredet-Ramstedt 型手术)Pyloromyotomy , Fredet-Ram

8、stedt 胃溃疡或肿瘤的局部切除Local excision , ulcer or tumor胃全部切除术Gastrectomy, total & angreconstruction 胃造瘘术及幽门成形术Gastrostomy & pyloroplasty 次全或半胃切除术及胃十二指肠吻合术无迷走神经切除Subtotal gastrectomy or hemigastrectomy with gastro-duodenostomy withoutvagotomy次全或半胃切除术及胃空肠吻合术无迷走神经切除Subtotal gastrectomy or hemigastrect

9、omy with gastrojejunostomy without vagotomy 次全或半胃切除术及胃空肠吻合术 Roux-en-Y 型无迷走神经切除補英文次全或半胃切除术 伴有迷走神经切除Gastrectomy, subtotal or hemigastrectomy with vagotomy 迷走神经切断术加幽门成形术Vagotomy and pyloroplasty幽门成形术Pyloroplasty胃十二指肠造口吻合术Gastro-duodenostomy胃空肠造口吻合术Gastrojejunostomy胃小肠造口吻合术Gastroenterostomy 胃空肠造口吻合术(伴有迷

10、走神经切断术)Gastrojejunostomy with vagotomy 胃造口术暂时性Gastrostomy ( plastic tube) 十二指肠缝合术(十二指肠溃疡穿孔的缝合) Duodenorrhpahy , suture of perforated ulcer 胃缝合术(胃溃疡穿孔及胃部伤口的缝合)Gastrorrhaphy , suture or repair wound , injury perforated ulcer of stomach胃十二指肠造口再修正并或不并迷走神经切除Revision of gastroduodenostomy with or without

11、vagotomy胃切除后因出血而再剖开Re-exploration for postgastrectomy bleeding 胃造口闭口Closure of gastrostomy 十二指肠造口术Duodenostomy 十二指肠肿瘤切除Excision of duodenum tumor 十二指肠憩室切除或内翻Excision or inversion of duodenal diverticulum 十二指肠瘘管闭合Closure of duodenal fistula 十二指肠阻塞Duodenal obstruction 高度选择性迷走神经切断术Highly selective vago

12、tomy 迷走神经切断术Vagotomy 胃贲门及食道切除再造术Proximal gastrectomy & esophagectomy & reconstruction胃全部切除术并行脾或部份胰切除Gastrectomy, total , with splenectomy or partital pancreatectomy全胃切除及淋巴清除及肠胃重建any type )Total gastrectomy , with LN dissection , with reconstruction 95% 胃切除及淋巴清除及肠胃重建 次全胃切除及淋巴清除及肠胃重建 胃空肠造口再修正R

13、evision of gastrojejunostomy残留胃窦切除术Resection of retained antrum , postgastrectomy 胃隔间手术 -垂直及圈带式胃整型术Gastric partition , vertical banded gastroplasty 经十二指肠括约肌成形术Transduodenal sphinteroplasty胃折迭术Plication of stomach胃固定术(胃扭结)Gastropexy for gastric volvulus 消化道华达壶腹切开术 EPT ( endoscopic papillectomy ) 腹腔镜胃

14、隔间手术Laparoscopic gastric partition肠粘连分离术Enterolysis , freeing adhesion肠粘连分离术 并行肠减压Enterolysis with bowel decompression 肠粘连分离术 并有肠切除及吻合Enterolysis with resection & anastomosis of intestine 肠外置术( Mikulicz 切除)Exteriorization of intestine , Mikulicz resection 肠套迭之还原Reduction of intussusception 肠套迭还原

15、及肠切除和吻合Reduction of intussusception with bowel resection & anastomosis 肠套迭还原及肠造口或结肠造口Reduction of intussusception with enterostomy or colostomy 良性肠病灶切除术Excision , Benign bowel lesion 迈克氏憩室切除术Meckel's diverticulectomy 小肠切除术加吻合术Resection of small bowel , with anastomosis 结肠部分切除术加吻合术Colectomy ,

16、 partial , with anastomosis根治性半结肠切除术加吻合术,升结肠Colectomy , radical hemicolectomy with anastomosis , ascending colon降结肠或乙状结肠切除术加吻合术Left hemicolectomy or sigmoid colectomy 降结肠或乙状结肠切除术并行吻合术及淋巴节清扫Left hemicolectomy or sigmoid colectomy with anastomosis with lymph node 结肠全切或次全切除术Colectomy , total or subtota

17、l 结肠全切除术并行直肠切除术及回肠造口Colectomy , total with proctectomy , with ileostomy 单纯性结肠造口或肠造口矫正Revision of colostomy or enterostomy simple , superficial. 复杂性(进入腹腔) 结肠造口或肠造口矫正Revision of colostomy or enterostomy complicated , deep. 肠反逆流合术Antireflex produce in the intestine 蹄形小肠或结肠造瘘管关闭Closure of enterostomy or

18、 Colostomy ( loop or double-barrel ) 肠造口术(包括结肠、空肠、永久性小肠)Enterostomy ( including colostomy 、 Jujunostomy 、 permanent enterostomy) 小肠瘘管关闭术 小肠与皮肤Closure of intestinal fistula Enterocutaneous小肠瘘管关闭术 小肠与结肠(或与小肠)Closure of intestinal fistulaentero-colic or entero-entero小肠瘘管关闭术 其它器官或包括合并症Closure of intesti

19、nal fistula fistula of bowel with other organs or complicated 结肠瘘管关闭术 结肠与皮肤Closure of colon fistula colocutaneous结肠瘘管关闭术 胃与结肠(不包括胃切除)Closure of colon fistula gastroclic without gastrectomy 结肠瘘管关闭术 胃与结肠(包括胃切除)Closure of colon fistula gastroclic with gastrectomy 结肠瘘管关闭术 结肠与其它器官或合并症Closure of colon fis

20、tula fistula of colon with other organs or complicated 肠吻合术 小肠与小肠(十二指肠)吻合术Anastomosis of bowel entero-enterostomy or duodeno-enterostomy 肠吻合术 回肠与结肠吻合术,有间路法Anastomosis of bowel Anastomosis of bowel , ileo-colostomy , with bypass 肠吻合术 由小肠闭锁或狭窄引起Anastomosis of bowel for intestinal atresia or stenosis 小

21、肠穿孔缝补术Repair of intestinal perforation 肠系膜之缝合及修补Suture and repair of mesentery 小肠瘜肉切除术Resection of intestinal polyp小肠折瘘术Intestinal plication , Noble type 管肠造口或管盲肠造口Tube enterostomy or tube cecostomy 肠吻合处切除,吻合重建术Take down of anastomosis, revision of ileo-colostomy and reconstruction 回肠尿液引流袋修正术Revisio

22、n of ileasl conduit 经由剖腹术行小肠或结肠造瘘管关闭及吻合Closure of enterostomy or colostomy anastomosis , by laparotomy 阑尾脓疡之引流Drainage of appendiceal abscess transabdominal阑尾切除术Appendectomy阑尾瘘管关闭Closure of appendiceal fistula 单纯性直肠周围脓疡之切开引流Incision and drainage for perirectal or perianal abscess 复杂性直肠周围脓疡之切开引流(包括福尼

23、尔氏肌膜炎坏死)highIncision and drainage for Complicated perirectal abscess( ischiorectal , intersphincteric , deep postanal, supralevator abscess , Fournier's gangrene)直肠活体组织切片Rectal incisional biopsy直肠裂伤或损伤之修补Repair of rectal laceration or injury直肠固定术Thiersh or Delorme , Rectopexy by stitches fixatio

24、n 根治性直肠切除术 (含骨盆腔淋巴腺切除术)Radical protectomy with pelvic lymph node dissectionHartmann 氏直肠手术Harmann operation 经直肠大肠息肉切除术Transrectal colonic Polypectomy 直肠脱出根治手术(经会阴接近及吻合)Rectal procidentia , perineal approach , with resection& anastomosis 直肠脱出手术(腹部接近)Rectal procidentia , abdominal approach 荐骨与尾骨肿瘤切

25、除,良性Excision , sacrococcygeal tumor , benign 直肠上皮绒毛腺肿广泛性切除术或癌症局部切除Extensive excision of sacrococcygeal rectal villous adenoma or malignancy 直肠狭窄整形术Rectoplasty for stricture or stenosis复原性直肠切除以及直肠、肛门吻合术Restorative proctectomy with colo-anal anastomosis复原性大肠直肠切除回肠储存袋以及回肠肛门吻合术Restorative proctocolectom

26、y , pelvic ileal pouch with ileoanal anastomosis 直肠膀胱瘘管切除术Closure fistula , reco-vesical 直肠癌腹部会阴联合切除术Combined abdomino perineal resection for rectal cancer 乙状结肠及直肠切除后 Pull through 方法行直肠肛门吻合术 Proctosigmoidectomy with pull through colon anal anastomosis 乙状结肠及直肠切除后 Pull through 方法行结肠造袋及结肠袋肛门吻合术 Proctos

27、igmoidectomy with pull through colon anal anastomosis , reconstruction with colonic pouch经尾骨由直肠后部切开行良性病灶切除方法Posterior proctotomy , transacrococcygeal excision of benign lesion. 经尾骨由直肠后部切开行直肠癌切除方法Posterior proctotomy , transacrococcygeal resection of malignant tumor 皮下瘘管切开术或切除术Fistulotomy or fistulec

28、tomy , simple , subcutaneous 肛门括约肌切开术Sphincterotomy , anal 肛门裂缝切除术或溃疡切除术fissurectomy or ulcerectomy , anal隐窝切除术 单一Cryptectomy single隐窝切除术 多数Cryptectomy multiple外痔完全切除术Hemorrhoidectomy , external内外痔部份切除术Hemorrhoidectomy , partial , internal & external肛门乳突切除术 单一Papillectomy anal single肛门乳突切除术 多数Pa

29、pillectomy anal multiple内外痔完全切除术Hemorrhoidectomy , internal & external 肛门瘘切除或切开术并痔疮切除Anal fistulectomy or fistulotomy with hemorrhoidectomy 外痔血栓切除Thrombectomy , external hemorrhoid 肛门狭窄整形术Anoplasty for stricture or imperforate 肛门括约肌失禁整形术Sphincteroplasty for anal incontinenceAPR 术后 Karlex 海棉除去术Re

30、moval of Karlex sponge s/p APR 结肠肛门止血术Check anal or colon bleeding内痔结扎Internal hemorrhoid ligation 肛门重建或整形术以 S 形蒂状移植Anal reconstruction or anoplasty with S-pedicle graft 提肛肌折迭术Levator plication procedure 复杂性皮下瘘管切开术或切除术Fistulotomy or fistulectomy , complicated , subcutaneous 楔状活体切片(剖腹探查术)Wedge biopsy

31、 of liver , laparotomy 肝部分切除术Partial hepatectomy肝区域切除术 一区域Segemental hepatectomy one segement肝区域切除术 二区域Segemental hepatectomy two segements 肝区域切除术 三区域Segemental hepatectomy three segements肝囊肿或肝脓疡引流或造袋术Drainage or marsupialization of cyst or abscess of liver 缝肝术(肝损伤缝合,小于 5 公分)Hepatorrhaphy, suture of

32、 liver wound < 5cm 缝肝术及总胆管或胆囊之引流术Hepatorrhaphy, with common duct or gallbladder drainage 缝肝术(复杂肝损伤之缝合或大于5 公分)Hepatorrhaphy, suture of liver wound , complicated or >5cm 肝动脉结扎Hepatic artery ligation for liver bleeding肝肠吻合Hepato-Enterostomy ( Longmire Op. )肝门静脉分流术Portocavo shunt ( H-graft )Warren

33、 氏分流术Warren's shunt右肝叶切除术Total right lobectomy左肝叶切除术Total left lobectomy扩大右肝叶切除术Extended right lobectomy扩大左肝叶切除术Extended left lobectomy切肝取石术Hepaticotomy or hepaticostomy , Removal of Calculus 肝脏移植Liver ( Hepatic ) transplantation尸体捐肝摘取Cadaveric liver harvest ( donor hepatectomy ) 活体捐肝摘取Partial h

34、epatectomy for livingrelated liver transplantation 胆囊造瘘术Cholecystostomy 胆管截石术(经十二指肠)Cholecystolithotomy ( transduodenal) 胆囊切除术Cholecystectomy 胆囊切除术及术中胆管摄影Cholecystectomy and cholangiography 腹腔镜胆囊切除术Laparoscopic cholecystectomy 总胆管空肠吻合术CholedochojejunostomyROUX-EN-Y 总肝管肠吻合术ROUX-EN-Yhepaticojejunostom

35、y 胆囊消化管吻合术Cholecystoenterostomy 总胆管全切除术Total excision of common bile duct 总胆管切开及 T 形管引流 Choledochotomy with T-tube drainage 总胆管切开摘石术及 T 形管引流 Choledocholithotomy with T-tube drainage 胆管成形术Choledochoplasty 胆道组织检查切片术Biopsy of biliary tract 总胆管十二指肠吻合术Choledochoduodenostomy 肝外胆管成形术Plasty of extrahepatic

36、bile duct 肝瘘管缝合术Closure of biliary fistula 胰脏脓疡或胰炎引流术Drainage of pancreatic abscess or cyst or pancreatitis胰组织检查切片Pancreas incisional biopsy 胰脏肿瘤或囊肿切除或摘除术Excision or enucleation of pancreatic tumor or cyst 胰脏尾端部分切除术Distal partial pancreatectomy 胰脏尾端部分切除术 -脾脏保留 補英文胰脏体部分切除术Body partial pancreatectomy胰

37、脏体部分切除术 -脾脏保留補英文胰瘘切除术Pencreatic fistulectomy 胰囊肿至肠胃道之内部直接引流吻合术Anastomosis of pancreatic cyst to GI tract direct internal drainage 胰囊肿至肠胃道之 Y 型内部吻合术Roux-en-Y )Anastomosis of pancreatic cyst to GI tract directinternal drainage 胰脏结石去除术Removal pancreatic calculus胰脏次全切除术Pancreatectomy subtotal胰脏全切除术Total

38、 pancreatectomy ( 95%)Whipple 氏胰、十二指肠切除术Pancreatico-duodenectomy, Whipple type , with reconstructionWhipple 氏胰、十二指肠切除术 幽门保留式pylorus sparing whipplePancreatico-duodenectomy, Whipple type , with reconstruction op)胰脏空肠吻合术Pancreatico-Jejunostomy胰囊肿造袋术Marsupialization of pancreatic cyst腹壁脓疡引流术Drainage of

39、 abdominal wall abscess腹腔脓疡灌洗腹壁肿瘤切除术 良性Excision of abdominal wall tumor benign腹壁肿瘤切除术 恶性Excision of abdominal wall tumor malignant腹壁疝气修补术 并肠切除Repair of ventral hernia with bowel resection腹壁疝气修补术 无肠切除Repair of ventral hernia without bowel resection腹壁疝气修补术嵌顿性,无肠切除腹壁疝气修补术复发性 无肠切除鼠蹊疝气修补术 并肠切除Repair of i

40、nguinal hernia with bowel resection 鼠蹊疝气修补术 无肠切除Repair of inguinal hernia without bowel resection 鼠蹊疝气修补术 ,嵌顿性, 无肠切除 鼠蹊疝气修补术 ,复发性, 无肠切除 股疝气修补术 无肠切除 腰椎疝气修补术Repair of lumbar hernia 腹腔镜疝气修补术Herniorraphy 腹腔内脓疡引流术治疗急性穿孔性腹膜炎Drainage of intraabdominal abscess for acute perforation peritonitis 膈下脓疡引流术Draina

41、ge of subphrenic abscess 骨盆腔脓疡引流术 经腹Drainage of pelvic abscess transabdominal 骨盆腔脓疡引流术 经肛门Drainage of pelvic abscess transanal 剖腹探查术Exploratory laparotomy腹腔良性肿瘤切除术Excision of intraabdominal tumor , benign 后腹腔良性肿瘤切除术Excision of retroperitoneal tumor , benign 腹腔内异物却除术Removal of intraabdominal foreign

42、body 后腹腔剖腹探查术Retroperitoneal exploratory laparotomy 腹腔恶性肿瘤切除术Excision of intraabdominal tumor , malignant 后腹腔恶性肿瘤切除术并后腹腔淋巴腺摘除术Excision of retroperitoneal tumor , malignant with retroperitoneal lymphadenectomy 腹腔静脉分流术Peritoneo-Venous shunt 脐尿管或瘘管切除术与部分胆囊切除术Excision of Urachal duct or fistula with par

43、tial cholecystectomy 腹壁损伤修复术 简单Repair of abdominal wall injury simple with/without reconstruction 腹壁损伤修复术 广泛性Repair of abdominal wall injury extensive with reconstruction or prosthesis 腹壁缝合裂开剜脏术,第二次缝合Suture of abdominal wall for evisceration of dehiscence for secondary closure骨盆腔恶性肿瘤消灭术Debulking operation for pelvic cancer


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