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1、省市- 七年级英语9月月考试题无答案 人教新目标版听力局部25分一、听句子,选出句子中所包含的信息。每个句子读二遍。10分 1. A. morning B. afternoon C. evening 2. A. nice B. fine C. good 3. A. Alice B. Bill C. Cindy 4. A. his B. your C. my 5. A. friend B. telephone C. family二、听句子,选择适宜的答语。每个句子读二遍。15分 6. A. Good morning B. Good afternoon C. Good evening 7. A.

2、Thanks B. Hello C. Nice to meet you,too! 8. A. How are you? B. Fine,thanks. And you?C. Good 9. A. Welcome to China. B. Yes C. Thanks 10. A. Im fine B. How do you do? C. How are you?笔试局部125分一、写出26个英文字母的大小写。10分二、按照要求完成以下各题。10分1、family 大写_ 2、TELEPHONE 小写_3、what is缩写_ 4、I am缩写_ 5、its(完全形式)_ 6、Oo (同音词) _

3、7、Uu (同音词) _ 8、Hi 同义词_ 9、Rr (同音词) _ 10、GOOD小写_三、观察以下名字,根据字母排列顺序将它们放在正确的位置上。10分Frank Alice Tony Dale Tom Bob Eric Mike Jenny Cindy 1._ 四、写出以下缩略形式所代表的汉语意思或根据汉语意思写出缩略形式。10分1.UFO_ 2.kg_ _ 4.CD_ 5.中央电视台 _ 6.英国播送公司 _ 9.PK_ 10.L_五、单项选择题。(15分)( )1. 英文字母一共有_个。( )2.衣服、鞋帽标签上的S代表_。( )3. What _ is it? A. color B

4、. names C. red D. write( )4. This is _ orange, that is_ pen.A. a, a B. an, an C. a, an D. an, a ( )5. Spell _ , please. M-A-P.A. this B. that C. it D. I( )6. How are you? Im OK, _.A. thank B. thanks you C. thanks D. fine( )7. Whats this? _A. This is a map. B. It a map. C. Its a map. D. Im a map.( )8

5、. Good afternoon, Grace. _A. I am OK. B. How are you? C. Good morning! D. Good afternoon.( )9.书写时占三格的字母是_.A. a B. g C. b D. f( )10.当你想向你认识的人打招呼,你可以说:_.A. Hi! B. Hello! C. Good morning / afternoon / evening! D. A, B and C( )11. Whats this_ English?A. in B. it C. on D. at( )12. 与字母U含有相同音素的字母是_.A. H B.

6、 Q C. V D. Y( )13.以下三组字母中没有按字母表顺序排列的是_。A. BFI B. KMO C. EQI D. bdq( )14. 可以单独成词且无论何处都要大写的字母是_。A. I B. A C. S D. E( )15.以下句子中大小写及标点符号完全正确的选项是_。A. Hi, Eric! B. this is a map. C. What is this. D. Whats this in english?六、完型填空。10分A: Hello, Eric. B: 1 , Helen.A: Whats this 2 English, Eric? B: 3 a UFO.A: 4

7、 color is it? B:Oh, its black 5 white. Whats this?A: Its 6 orange. B: Orange? Please 7 it.A: O-R-A-N-G-E, orange. B: What 8 is it?A: It is 9 . B: OK. 10 you!( )1.A Hello B. Fine C. OK D. Yes( )2.A. an B. a C. in D. on( )3.A. This is B. Its C. Its D. Thiss( )4.A. What B. Whats C. It D. Its( )5 A. and

8、 B. or C. yet D. but( )6.A. a B. an C. the D. two( )7.A. read B. listen C. write D. spell( )8.A. color B. colors C. orange D. /( )9.A. blue B. black C. white D. orange( )10.A. Are B. Thank C. Thanks D. Please七、从B栏中找出与A栏相应的内容,并将字母代号填入题前的括号内。10分A B( ) 1. Good afternoon. A. Hi, Wang Ling.( ) 2. Hello,

9、Alice. B. Im fine, thanks.( ) 3. How are you? C. Hello, Dale!( ) 4. Hi, Frank! D. Good evening!( ) 5. Good evening! E. Good afternoon!( ) 6. Good morning, Cindy! F. How do you do?( ) 7. Whats this in English? G. PEN.( ) 8. Spell it, please. H. Its red.( ) 9. What color is it? I. Its an orange.( )10.

10、 How do you do ? J. Good morning, Eric.八、完成对话,一空一词。10分Li Lei: Hello, Bob! 1 are you? Bob: Im 2 , thank you. How 3 you?Li Lei: Im fine, too. 4 this in English? Bob: Oh, its 5 jacket.Li Lei: What 6 is it? Bob: Its red.Li Lei: Whats this 7 English? Bob: Its 8 orange.Li Lei: 9 it, please. Bob: O-R-A-N-G

11、-E.Li Lei: 10 you.1. _ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._ _ 8._ 9._ 10._ 九、根据首字母完成对话。10分A: Hello, Dale! Good m_1_! B: Good morning, Eric!A: H_2_ are you? B: Im f_3_, t_4_ you. How are you?A: Im O_5_.1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _ 十、翻译句子,一空一词。10分1、这张地图是黄色的。 The is .2、这是一只黄黑相间的小狗。This is a and dog.3、我是Cindy。 Cindy. 4、我很好,谢谢。

12、fine, . 5、这个用英语怎么说? this in ? 6、早上好,艾伦。 ,Alan.7、这是英国播送公司。 BBC.8、鲍勃,请拼写一下你的名字。 your name, Bob.9、你的被子是什么颜色? is your quilt?10、我的钢笔是红色的。My is .十一、用冠词a/ an或Be动词am / is / are 填空。10分1、 Whats this in English ? Its _ pen.2、 Is that _ orange? No, it isnt.3、 It is _ ruler.4、 This is _ key.5 、Frank _ OK.6、 Eric

13、 _ a boy.7、 How _ you?8、 How _ Helen?9、 I _ a boy.10、You _ good.十二、书面表达。Alice与Frank相见,他们互相问候,并指着一只蓝色的钢笔问是什么,怎么拼写的,是什么颜色。请编写一段对话。(10分)Alice: Frank: Alice: Frank: Alice: Frank:_ _ _ Alice:_ _Frank: Alice: Frank: 考后反思:以下问题可供参考1、我是否在完成作业或练习之前进行了复习? 2、我是否掌握了字母及单词的拼读规那么? 3、我能否把学过的英语句子运用到实际情景中去? 4、我是否坚持了每天至少20分钟的朗读? 5、我是否在讨论之前先进行了独立思考? 6、在讨论合作过程中我乐于帮助别人吗?7、我是否在的指导了掌握了学习英语的方法?8、我做得最好的方面是什么?9、我还需要进一步提高的方面是什么?


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