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1、6B第三单元测试卷一、听力A、根据所听内容,选择相对应的图片,每小题读两遍()1.A.helpB.health()2. AdietB.die()3.A.nearB.neck()4.A.too manyB.too much()5.A.a littleB.a fewC. healthyC. dentistC.needC. so muchC. a lot ofC、听录音,选出恰当的内容补全句子。()1.I have . Give one to youA.some flowers .B. lots of potatoesC. a lot of flowerss buy some.C. a few or

2、anges2. There ' s in the fridge. LetA.a little juice B. a little orange juice)3. Please have some. They ' re good for you.A. vegetables B. fruit C. meat )4. I drink every day.A.some water B. a lot of water C. a little water)5. Would you like some A. potatoes B. pictures C. tomatoes二、单项选择。()1

3、. She has a lot of rice lunch.A.toB. forC.with()2. I only have a little .A. peaches B. sweets C. juice()3. Would you like some cola? -Yes, please.A. to drink B. drink C. drinking()4. I can see a lot of ?A.foodB. foods C.fruits()5. Milk is good for body.A. you B. us C. your()6. His grandpa eats an eg

4、g.A. at time B. at times C. at a time()7. I like sweet food,but my fatherA. don ' t B. isn ' t C. doesn ' t()8. He needs some help his homework.A. andB. to C. with()9. We shouldn ' t drink cola.A. too many B. too much C. a lot()10. Chinese people often have some and steamed buns for

5、breakfast.A. cereal B.bread C. porridge三、句型转换1, I want some cola.(改成同义句)I some cola2, He does well at home.(对划线部分提问) he at home?3, They did some washing at the weekend.(改成一般疑问句) they washing at the weekend?4, I am crossing the road with other people.(用 just now 改写句子)I the road with other people.5,He

6、 caught a big fish last Sunday.(用 often 改写句子) He often a big fish.四、词汇A、选出恰当的词补全句子。1 .I have some ( fishes, fish) for lunch.2 . (Does,Do) his brothers have any toy cars?3 .There ' s (many, much) food in the fridge.4 .Would you like(a few, a little) juice?5 .Can I have(some, any) ice cream?B、用所给单

7、词的适当形式填空。1.There is not (many) food in the fridge.2.Bobby wants (buy) a big fish.3.You have a (health)diet, It is bad for you.4.She eats some(sweet) food every day.5. If you want to have a body, you should eat(health).五、根据句意及中文提示完成句子,每空一词。1、你姐姐有一个健康的饮食吗?是的。your sister have a diet? Yes,she does.2、刘涛早

8、餐经常吃面包。Liu Tao usually some bread breakfast.3、那些孩子们不喜欢吃蔬菜。The children like vegetables.4、我妈妈在超市买了许多西红柿。My mother buys in the supermarket.5、他爷爷每天只喝一点水。His grandpa only drinks water every day.六、完形填空。Once there was an old man in a town. He always forgot 1 things. So his wife always had tosay to him , &

9、quot;Don't forget this !"One day he went on a long trip (旅行 )alone. Before he 2 home, his wife said, "Now you have all these 3. They are what you need for your trip. Take care of your things duringthe trip." He went to the station,bought a ticket and 4 the train with it.About half

10、 5 hour later, the conductor began to see the tickets. He came to the old man and 6, "Will you please show me your ticket ? " The old man looked for his ticket in all hispockets, but he could not find J . He was very worried. "I can't find my ticket. I really bought a ticket 8 I g

11、ot on the train , " said the old man."I believe (相信) you bought a ticket. All right , you don't have to buy 9 one, " said the conductor kindly. "But how can I know where I'm going ? I can't 10 my station !" the old mansaid sadly.()1.A. a lot ofB. a kind ofC. a pi

12、ece of()2.A. gotB. leftC.went()3.A. thingsB. clothesC.tickets()4.A.had onB. went onC.got on()5.A. aB. anC.the()6.A. sayB. saidC.says()7.A. itB. thisC.ticket()8.A. afterB. stillC.before()9.A. anotherB. the otherC.the others()10. A. forgetB. getC.remember七、阅读理解。A.根据短文内容,完成下列表格。On Monday I'd like b

13、read and milk for breakfast. Chicken and soup for lunch, fish and vegetables for dinner. On Tuesday I'd like noodles for breakfast, beef and eggs for lunch, hot dogs and juice for dinner. On Wednesday I'd like dumplings for breakfast, meat and vegetables for lunch, hamburgers for dinner. OnT

14、hursday I'd like milk and eggs for breakfast, beef and vegetables for lunch, noodles and eggs for dinner.On Friday I'd like eggs and bread for my breakfast, chicken and vegetables for lunch, fish and French fries for dinner. On Saturday I'd like a big dinner. On Sunday I'd like some

15、Chinese food. It's very nice. I love it very much.breakfastlunchdinnerMondaybread and milkTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridayB阅读短文,选择正确答案Everybody wants to be healthy(健康的).You know food is very important (重要的).There aremany healthy foods. You can have more bananas, apples, oranges, tomatoes and carro

16、ts becausefruits and vegetabl es are good for you. But don' t eat too much chocolate. It' s not good for you. Itnot good healthy food. Healthy food can make you grow (成长)and make you strong (强壮的)and happy. Remember there is a saying,“ An apple a day keeps the doctor away. lso ” Sports cankee

17、p you healthy. Get up early and do some sports every day. Don t be lazy! You will be healthyand happy.()1. Which is wrong?A. Everybody wants to be healthy B. Fruits and vegetables are good for you.C. Eating too much chocolate is right.()2. What are vegetables? .A. Apples and pears.B. Chocolate and s

18、weets.C. Tomatoes and carrots.()3. Why are healthy foods good for you? A. They make you happy. B. They make you grow strong.C. They make you grow and make you strong and happy.()4. The word “lazy” means in Chinese.A. 忙碌的B. 懒惰的C. 兴奋的()5. “ An apple a day keeps the doctor away. : _”_meansA. The doctor goes away when he sees an apple.B. The doctor runs away when you give him an apple.C. You eat an apple every day and you can be healthy八,书面表达。My diet要求:书写工整规范,卷面整洁,不少于6 句话。


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