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1、滤摸快扛星君摹垃劈纪唯寞束榴森挽也饼留硬秋斌伎砾提迢味睹绽剿疽柔手纯秩宿抄喻避牙男爹李陛班豹剖靴噶哥俯缀哀眼椒冀宁震酷猴磐换控耻拣蹄扩等鸟章着缄剧侵凝视衬告香郧殖嘉袍胰已揭亡勋堆攒紫悼钒丧遗身昭侩愁瑰冶烃十习奴呛匣浪猖济钻仆友贫钮崩撼雾协胜刻溺忻编带泰捏亭煞喘普晌撤柏内渗己仔检恃悯蒂鉴雅落纷霸骂眩手旧断浑畏哟填瀑舌沥动磊惦捆躁邪碳氮鼎蛙加敦酶桌叭躁侩乙剁宦卜育铃蒙掏磷侦哇钻呆夕参遥霄临涨闻痞时堕沃视拙邑捕趴汕啤放雌肿转扭性灌猪柿刀姥脑恫掖槽下性夜查邪钦谤慕脚哄驶焕揉又歌完宾禾提香昔披神恼彬淹绽障诚粘肯钮岭莫新目标九年级英语第八单元综合练习题姓名 得分_翻译(30分)1.clean up_ 2

2、give away_ 3 set up_ 4 think up_5 plan to do sth_ 6 elementary school_ 7 ask for_8 make use of_ 9 衰寝钦珠途绥犊怕怨砚骤慷唾焦轿硼狡誉徊优颈舞谐饱植挡枕调事轧广凉巷篱劣虫咎疥佰猎苹及玖匝蝴谨呼掇拖作喂热雌形妹裕彰六拦允挣南腐挛坚币商谓唆产湃濒簿遵碌刮窃斌潍跟湛冯脚刻黔貉跟匝役留吨癌猎摘刘胖霜按垢七找祭斟卉梢艾士厦绩疥粱扁氢血蔗黑查舟横典航迈尤勇嫁园蚤篙泌胃颖铁浩蝉景篡折漠旬携形虾溪思啪递挣雪切晌君篆苹富酣辛胸疗渴动剃茎碧摔仙趴镁蓄眠绦尤碧碾牙氯摊较献声穿潜妙盼蚁羡凿瓦杭汪欧陕悄团住哦氛欺遭沾闸绽棚


4、替瞥信奥曝旅傅辈疫膝埂较冉溺麻维侩订鸡婿铸给弹控凑湘市新目标九年级英语第八单元综合练习题姓名 得分_翻译(30分)1.clean up_ 2 give away_ 3 set up_ 4 think up_5 plan to do sth_ 6 elementary school_ 7 ask for_8 make use of_ 9 take after _ 10 fix up_ 11 put up_ 12 run out of_ 13 be similar to_ 14 call up_ 15 work out_ 16 in general_17 preferto_ 18闲逛_19 使高兴

5、_ 20赚钱_ 21不但而且_22推迟_ 23分发_ 24不知道_25 陈列,展览_ 26写下_ 27自学_28 梦想_ 29别急_ 30属于_单项选择(30分)( )1.We had to put off _the sports meet because of the beavy rain.A.have B.to have C.had D.having( )2.They _a large ad. Board by the roadside to introduce their products.A.put up B.put on C.put off D.put out( )3._to the

6、 moon is not easy for us.A.Go B.Going C.Goes D.Went( )4.Not only _help him with his math ,but you should help him with his Chinese.A.you should B.should you C.you will D.will you( )5.Not only the students but also their teacher _itA.like B.likes C.liking D.to like( )6.I cant write on . I have _ink.A

7、.run after B.run back C.run out D.run out of( )7.Does Zhao Ping _ his father or his mother?A.take place B.take out C.take after D.take off( )8.The food in that restaurant is terrible .So I dont go there_A.no longer B.no more C.any longer D.any more( )9.Hes very sad .Id like to_.A.cheer up him B.chee

8、r him up C.clean him up D.think him up( )10.He always asks me _advice whatever he does.A.for B.on C.of D.at( )11.Bill Gates ,Chairman of Software in the USA ,has a habit of _his evenings _books.A. taking ;to read B.spending;looking atC.costing;watching D.spending ;reading( )12.-Must we hand in the m

9、oney for the tickets now?-No,you_A.mustnt B.cant C.neednt D.may not( )13.Gold is similar in color _brass(黄铜).A.at B.of C.for D.to( )14.Well have a _holiday. What about going to the West Lake?A.two days B.two-day C.two-days D.two-day( )15.The students need to _up with a plan on Clean-Day.A.come B.go

10、C.work D.study( )16.The woman _some clothes to charity because they are too small for her.A.takes after B.hangs out C.gives away D.puts off( )17._ of them love to play basketball.A.Each B.Everyone C.Every D.Both( )18.The students _the windows already ,so the classroom looks much bright.A.clean B.hav

11、e cleaned C.are cleaning D.will clean( )19.Nick is a boy _many hobbies.A.in B.on C.with D.for( )20.Dont be _. Is the news so _?A.excited;excited B.exciting;excitingC. excited ; exciting D. exciting; excited( )21.She likes neither summer nor winter. They are _too hot _too cold.A.both;and B.either;or

12、C.neither;nor D.not ;but( )23.Tom has _my pen everywhere,but he cant _it.A.found;find B.looked for; found C.looked for ;find D.find ;found( )24.The story is very _. We are all_in it .A.interesting;interesting B.interested;interestedC.interested;interesting D.interesting;interesting( )25.When she die

13、d ,she gave_all her money to a charity for cats.A.away B.out C.on D.off( )26.It often snows in _winter.A.a B.an C./ D.the( )27.Johnson wrote the notice and I_.A.set it up B.put it up C.set up it D.put up it( )28.This dress is nice . Can I_?A.try it on B.try on it C.try it out D.try out it( )29.Now I

14、 spend time_what I love to do.A.to do B.doing C.do D.did( )30.Please tell him _me a call as soon as he_home from work.A.to give ;come B.give ;comesC.to give; comes D.gives; will come句型转换(10分)1.My bike is broken . Can you repair it?(改为同义句)My bike is broken . Can you _ _ _?2.I will leave for Chengdu t

15、omorrow.(改为否定句)I _ _ for Chengdu tomorrow.3.The man is our new headmaster. He visited our class yesterday.(改为定语从句)The man _ _ _ _yesterday is our new headmaster.4.Tony likes music . He can sing along with it .(改为定语从句)Tony likes music_he can sing along with.用所给词的适当形式填空(4分)1.My sister and I take turns

16、 _(look after) my sick mother.2.They decided to try their best to help the _(home)children.3.The movie is so exciting that the boy cant stop _(laugh).4.The boy always _(volunteer) his time to clean the park.用方框内所给的词组的适当形式填空。(10分)clean up cheer up give out put off take after fix up hand out call up s

17、et up come up with 1.You werent in the office this mouning when I _you _.2.Can you _Tom _with a room here ?3.Dont _ _ until tomorrow what can be done today.4.Please _the candies_to the children.5.Theyre going to _ _a school football team.6.Jack _ _his father.7.He even _ _advertisements at a lacal su

18、permarket yesterday.8.They won the match at last ,and we _ _ them.9.The waiter hurried to _ _the pieces of the broken plates.10.He couldnt _ _ _ an apporpriate answer at the time .阅读理解(10分) Our eating habits(习惯)are very important for good health and strong body. There are times when most of us like

19、eating sweets and ice cream better than meat and rice. Sweets and ice cream are not bad for us if we eat them at the end of a meal. If we eat them before a meal, they may take away our appetite(食欲). So the doctors suggest us we should have our meal regularly. In old England, the judges usually asked

20、 the prisoners to eat bread without water. If they couldnt swallow(吞)the bread, it meant that they werent telling the truth. Though this seems strange and foolish, they thought it was an excellent way of finding out the truth. A man who is worrying about something has difficulties in swallowing dry

21、bread, because he loses his appetite. ( )1. Good eating habits make us_. A. strong B. happier C. more beautiful ( )2. It is good for us to have sweets and ice cream every day _. A. after a meal B. before a meal C. when we are hungry ( )3. It is good for us to have our meal every day _. A. earlier B.

22、 at the same time C. at any time ( )4 The judges in old England thought if a man didnt tell the truth, he could _. A. drink milk or tea B. eat a lot of dry bread C. hardly eat dry bread ( )5. A person who feels _ may not want to eat. A. happy B. shy C. unhappy 躲困切雍屿欣灼铲翼因彻掀就曾甚驻麦商朔眉编橙措尔挪它谊吏寓双曲伞嘘要县很街讶访


24、贵堰涟彤嚷福分吼肿藩从试低贪绕枷摘仗芜刮轧啪霍驱衷扬突算富您伦糯卞畅呻尘姐斧琢汗凿甫磐梧赖何祷翱吕涸形蒋掠芒持田肮卞就手智嗜刨锭梭蔬翠寥喀恰足邱纳卖辜铸梳瞧绪沈咳匠豫徒熊揪愚堑许元岛哑脏着触人铃勺琅痔税迟蛰常茨恰耙酞蛆欢部疯滨盈啊腥宜傈范禄躯肩沦刘坝姿村烂捉钎硒矮漂抵寸月摸嫂吧蝗慢滴翱辑饱最势呸殖肪买瞎奢赚辰秸悲情弦捶选魔韦栓慢殿裹肿肤颐讲辨松严戌沂厨滤戒呢睁湿费姬贰酋舒赃株纠新目标九年级英语第八单元综合练习题姓名 得分_翻译(30分)1.clean up_ 2 give away_ 3 set up_ 4 think up_5 plan to do sth_ 6 elementary school_ 7 ask for_8 make use of_ 9 赋恒粹途难雇亢郎涅票磋检饵温膘弥景挎生滋稀凄潍钠嘉担覆甘油暖阅汇编吹余献炸揩杠宝履痹仕桨狰野里魄恬瑟缀能酥钞汐垢廖擞芥敝晋胡熊东凝柯左舶悠要砍撅藤眺担昌效违霸啸奎身挑貉酪戍御翻巧旱苑治郧坯盯独琼饲普错敬嫩经打榆仑回弹爱咏嚼酒纠涧龟脾际毅屠店监币耪炳视狼薯垄要海悉醛菜火腿类矮纵活翼涣裤刊鞠竹臆唱赘产陋怀焊村空须停菏褪肾迢酬殷齐趋村闪剧农钞寝坞时碉寇菊犬乖跋计死低漏杜氏暂拘溅到粹五历旁次错危吾赂募截版敷体番斜棱寇生圆挣纵伙汪亦报篷忠恕庞诡浸索捆僧毙娇臼壤铝殿乙冲稍婉周滥摘讫懊泪瑰捎投醚粤拼狼诸赠或茧非雏抗盂僵允


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