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1、高一英语必修1 Unit 1 Friendship词汇解析辅导Word study1. ignore v.a) take no notice of (sb./sth.) Even the best of men ignored that simple rule.b) refuse to greet or acknowledge sb. on purpose I said hello to her, but she ignored me completely!2. cheat V.a) act in a way that is not honest or fair in order to win

2、 something or to get somethingHe accused her of cheating at cards.b) trick or deceive He tried to cheat the taxman but failed. * cheat at sth.cheat on sb.cheat sb. (out) of sth.: prevent sb. from having sth. esp. in an unfair or a dishonest way He was cheated out of his rightful inheritance. n.a) pe

3、rson who cheats, esp. in a game b) dishonest trick 3. dare vt. & modal v.a) to be brave enough to do something I didnt dare tell Dad that I failed in the physics exam.b) how dare you, he, she, etc (used to express anger about sb.) How dare you suggest that I cheat in the exams!4. advice n. U suggest

4、ions given about what to do or how to behave Theres a booklet giving advice on how to set up your own business.If you take my advice, youll see a doctor. * a piece of advicea word of advice5. situation n.a) the set of things that are happening at a certain time and place I found myself in an embarra

5、ssing situation.b) position of a town, building, etc The parks situation is perfect. save the situation 6. communicate v.a) to make (news, opinions etc) known by speaking, writing, moving your body, or using other signals We can now communicate instantly with people on the other side of the world.b)

6、 to talk about your thoughts and feelings, and help other people to understand themSometimes young people find it difficult to communicate with their parents. communicate with sb./sth.7. trusta) n. U belief that one can rely on the goodness, strength, ability, etc of sb./sth.A good marriage is based

7、 on trust.b) v. to believe that someone is good and honest and will not harm you My sister is a person who trusts the others easily. trust in sb./sth. trust to sth. 8. habit n. something that you do often, almost without thinking about it Hes just eating out of habit, -hes not really hungry.It is al

8、l right to borrow money occasionally, but dont let it become a habit. be in/ fall into /get into the habit of doing sth. 9. reasona) n. the facts about why something happens or why someone does somethingIs there any reason why you cant come to the meeting?b) n. something that makes it right for you

9、to do something There is a good deal of reason in what you say. by reason of sth. He escaped punishment, by reason of his youth, out of reason beyond reason Phrases and Idioms1. add up: calculate the total of (two or more numbers or amounts) 1) Some people can add up quite easily in their heads, but

10、 not all.2) Every time I add these figures up, I get a different answer.3) The various facts in the case just dont add up.2. be concerned about/for: be worried about 1) Please dont be concerned about me.2) He was very concerned about his childrens education.3) He called the police because he was con

11、cerned for his fathers safety.3. Set down: note or record sth. on paper; write sth. down 1) Why dont you set your ideas down on paper?2) Anne set all the events that happened down in her diary.3) Rules have been set down and must be obeyed.4. a Series of: number of things, events, etc; of a similar

12、kind, esp. placed or happening one after another 1) A series of lectures was scheduled for the next weekend.2) We have had a series of stormy days when we were on the island.3) A series of wet days spoiled our vacation.5. Suffer from: feel pain, discomfort, great sorrow, etc 1) Do you suffer from he

13、adaches from time to time?2) She has been suffering from loss of memory after the accident.3) He suffered a great deal from cold and hunger when he was a child.6. in order to do sth.: with the purpose or intention of doing sth. 1) She got to the lecture room early in order to get a good seat.2) In o

14、rder to follow the buffalo, the Indians often had to move their camps.3) He was saving as much as possible in order to pay for his house.7. face to face: very close, directly, meeting someone in the same place 1) She came face to face with the professor as he walked into the lecture hall. 2) I think

15、 we need a face-to-face talk so as to clear the misunderstanding. 3) I have often heard of her. Actually, Ive never met her face to face.Structures and Patterns1. Do you want a friend whom you could tell everything to, like your deepest feelings and thoughts?1) Do you know the boy whom I am speaking

16、 to?2) She brought with her three friends, whom I had met before. 3) I spent hours talking to Sue, whom Id met only once before.2.1 wonder if its because I havent been able to be outdoors for so long that I have grown so crazy about everything to do with nature.1) I wonder if you have seen Bills new

17、 poem called the Red Rose.2) She wondered why Anne had such a down on Helen.3) I wonder if youd give me some advice.A中毒性贫血 D缺铁性贫血3. It was the first time in a year and a half that Id seen the night face to face.答案 C1) It was the third time that I had been to America.3患者,女性,因妊娠39+周,伴下腹痛待产3小时入院。于妊娠8个月

18、做产前检查时,诊断“轻度妊娠高血压综合征”。体格检查:体温36.8、呼吸20次分、脉搏88次分、血压150/100mmHg、皮肤无出血点,心肺无异常。分娩经过:进入第二产程不久,孕妇在用力分娩时有气促,随后不久分娩出一正常男婴,并觉气促加重。呼吸28次分,心悸明显,心率130次分,产道发生大出血,约1200ml以上,且流出血不凝固。血压下降至90/60mnHg。实验室检查:红细胞(RBC)L 50X1012L,血红蛋(Hb)50gL,白细胞(WBC)110X109L,血小板(PLT)45X109/L。尿蛋白(+)、RBC(+)、WBC(+)颗粒管型(+)。凝血酶原时间(PT)25s(正常对照约

19、14s)凝血酶时间(TT)21s(正常对照约12s),纤维蛋白原定量(Fg)098gL血浆鱼精蛋白副凝试验阳性(+)、外周血红细胞碎片6、D二聚体(乳胶法)阳性(+)。产后观察见注射部位有血肿、瘀斑。抽血检验及病理活体检查报告称血中有羊水成分及胎盘组织细胞。2) It was the first time that I talked with a foreigner face to face.3) Do you still remember the last time we met at the airport?C交易性金融资产按照公允价值计量4. But as the moon gave f

20、ar too much light, I didnt dare open a window.1) She speaks French far better than I, so I dont dare talk with her in French.2) The room is far too hot, but I dont dare take off my coat.15下列哪一项不是直接引起DIC出血的原因?(0.461,0.388,03临床)3) There is much less water in the river than usual, so the farmers dont d

21、are use it to water the fields.(1)根据资料(1)至(4),逐项说明甲公司的会计处理是否正确,并说明理由。对于不正确的会计处理,编制更正的会计分录。5. I stayed awake on purpose until half past eleven one evening in order to have a good look at the moon for once by myself.产科检查:宫高33cm,腹围87cm, ROT已入盆,胎心132次/min。1) He stayed single all his life in order to loo

22、k after his disabled sister.2) How does sea water stay clean?3) The weather has stayed warm all week.6. But other students have started gossiping.借:其他业务收入 851) I dont want to end the friendship, but I hate others gossiping.1DIC时血液凝固功能异常表现为2) Anne liked sitting in the open facing the nature.3) Do you enjoy setting down your thoughts and feelings in a diary?贷:以前年度损益调整营业外支出 750


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