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1、人教版新版小学英语六年级下册期末试卷kapong78 凯鹏出品必属精品 人教版新版小学英语六年级下册期末试卷 姓名:_ 分数:_ 听力部分 ?. 看图、 听录音,标出朗读顺序号。(10%) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ?. 听录音,选择与听到句子意义相近的句子。(5%) ( )1.A.My mother was at home yesterday. B.My mother was out yesterday. C.My mother was at school yesterday. ( )2.A.Peter is reading an Eng

2、lish book. B.Peter enjoys reading books. C.Peter likes these books. ( )3.A.My hobby is collecting stamps. B.His hobby is collecting toy cars. C.Peter is good at playing tennis. ( )4.Today there arent any dinosaurs. B.Today there are a few dinosaurs. C.Today there are many dinosaurs. ( )5.A.She is go

3、ing to go to Australia by ship. B. She is going to go to Australia by train. C. She is going to go to England by plane. ?. 听录音,根据听到的问句选择合适答案。(5%) ( )1.A.It is wonderful! B.It was fantastic! C.It is exciting! thstth( )2.A.On Septenmber 10. B.On May 1. C.On March 12. ( )3.A.It is in Shanghai. B.It is

4、in Tianjin. C.It is in Beijing. ( )4.A.Tower Bridge. B.Disneyland. C.Niagara Falls. ( )5.A.I learned a lot from textbooks. B.I can make a cake. C.I learn to interview people. ?. 听录音,填写句中所缺单词。(5%) 1. Last week, We learned about some _ animals. 2. We shouldnt _ too much water. 3. On the _ of the resta

5、urant is a cake shop. 4. Excuse me, how can I get to the City _? 5. They _ the Tower Bridge in London in August,2005. ?. 听录音,根据短文内容选择正确答案。(5%) ( )1.Lisa is an _ girl. 第 1 页 共 7 页 kapong78 凯鹏出品必属精品 A.English B.China C.American ( )2.Lisa spent the Spring Festival in _ last year. A.Beijing B.Sanya C.Ha

6、rbin ( )3.Lisa ate _ on the eve of Sring Festival. A.noodles B.jiaozi C.fruits ( )4.Whats lisas father? Hes _. A.a worker B.a driver C.a doctor ( )5.They think Chinese people are very _. A.friendly B.funny C.lovely 笔试部分 一、请选用should或shouldnt填空。(5%) 1.The pupils _ hand in their homework on time. 2.You

7、 _ make a mess in your room. 3.We _ take good care of young children. 4.They _ use too many plastic things. 5.The students _ turn off the lights when they leave the classroom. 二、用所给词的正确形式填空。(10%) 1.My aunt _ (go) home with her friends last night. 2.We were all _(excite) when we heard the news. 3.My

8、little sister always _(read) English in the morning. 4.December is the _(twelve) month of the year. 5.Are there any _(woman doctor) in Beijing Hospital. 6.Peter is a careless boy,but he enjoys _(help) others. 7.They live in different _(city). 8.Mary will _(visit) the Ming Tombs next week. 9.Look!The

9、 children are _(swim) in the lake. 10.Tom and Jim are very _(interest) in reading stories. 三、选择填空。(15%) ( )1.Lucy was born _ the same day _ Lily. A.on/as B.in/as C.at/as ( )2.There is _ English film in _ cinema tomorrow evening. A.the/a B.an/the C.a/the ( )3.The teacher tells the students _ football

10、 in the street. A.play B.to play C.not to play ( )4.Dont _ the bus until it stops. A.get on B.get off C.get up ( )5._ beautiful the flowers are! A.What B.What a C.How ( )6.-Would you like to come to my birthday party?-_. A.Id like B.Id love C.Id love to ( )7.My father usually _ out for a walk after

11、supper. A.going B.goes C.to go ( )8.September is the _ month of the year. 第 2 页 共 7 页 kapong78 凯鹏出品必属精品 A.ninth B.nine C.nineth ( )9.Li Yan went to Dalian _ during her holidays last year. A.at ship B.by ship C.in ship ( )10.-_ will you have a meeting?-Next Sunday. A.When B.Where C.Why ( )11.My paren

12、ts are very pleased _ my students in the school. A.at B.with C.to ( )12.I can see a bird _ the tree.There are some apples _ the tree,too. A.in/on B.on/on C.on/in ( )13.Different people have different _. A.hobby B.the hobby C.hobbies ( )14.-Which city is the capital of England?-_. A.Paris B.Washingto

13、n C.London ( )15.Is there a bookshop near _ home? A.Kates B.Kates C.Kates 四、句型变换。(5%) 1.We did experiments last Saturday.(否定句) We _ _ experiments last Saturday. 2.Which is the way to the Water Park?(同义句) _ can I _ to the Water Park? 3.Mary likes listening to music.(一般疑问句) _ Mary _ listening to music

14、? 4.There are seven days in a week.(就划线部分提问) _ _ days are there in a week? 5.China,south,in,Sanya,the,is,of(?)(连词组句) _ 五、(A)读对话,根据所给单词的首个字母补全单词。(5%) Miss Liu:Hello!Will you tell me something about your s 1 in primary school? Gao Wei:I came to school when I w 2 seven.I learn a lot in primary school.

15、The teacher taught us how to learn to know. Miss Liu:Really?Can you tell me about l 3 to know? Gao Wei:I learned a lot from o 4 textbooks.But that is not the only way. Our teachers taught us how to learn more from real life. I learned a lot from TV programmes,r 5 and newspapers. Miss Liu:Oh,thats go

16、od.I believe you have made great progress. 1._ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._ (B)选择适当的词填空。(5%) Beautiful mountains save clothes down Look at our blue planet.There are plains, 6 ,rivers,lakes and oceans on it.There are all kinds of trees,flowers and grass on it.There are all kinds of animals living together with us

17、.Dont you want to keep our planet 7 ?But sometimes we do bad things to it.We waste too much water.We cut 8 too many trees.We hunt too many wild animals for food or 9 We shouldnt do these things.We should 10 our planet,because we have only one planet. 第 3 页 共 7 页 kapong78 凯鹏出品必属精品 6._ 7._ 8._ 9._ 10.

18、_ 六、完形填空。(10%) thToday is 1 16.Its Lindas birthday.Lily,Tom,John and Lucy come to 2 home .They are going to 3 Lindas birthday.They give their presents to Linda and Linda 4 very happy. The birthday party 5 .First,they light the candles 6 the cake and sing the birthday song.Linda 7 a wish and blows ou

19、t the candles. 8 that,Linda cuts the cake and gives each one a 9 .The children also 10 fruit and candies.They enjoy themselves. ( )1.A.June B.Sunday C.summer ( )2.A.their B.her C.your ( )3.A.welcome B.gather C.celebrate ( )4.A.is B.was C.are ( )5.A.start B.begins C.ends ( )6.A.at B.in C.on ( )7.A.ma

20、kes B.making C.to make ( )8.A.Before B.Behind C.After ( )9.A.few B.little C.piece ( )10.A.has B.have C.are 七、阅读理解。(10%) (A) Mr. White lives in a very tall building.He lives on the sixteenth floor.Every day,he takes a lift up and down. One Saturday afternoon,he went shopping with his little son and b

21、ought many things.They drove back and carried all the things up to the lift.Suddenly(突然) they saw a piece of paper on the wall.It said,“Dear sirs,theres something wrong with the lift.Please use the stairs now.”The son took a bag ran upstairs quickly.But Mr. White walked and walked. At last,they stoo

22、d in front of their door feeling very tired.Mr. White began to look for the keys,but he could not find them.Suddenly he shouted in a loud voice,“Oh,no!Ive left my keys in the car.” ( )1.Mr.White lives on the _ floor. ththth A.14 B.15 C.16 ( )2.Does he take a lift every day? A.Yes,he does. B.No,he do

23、esnt. C.I dont known. ( )3.Did they buy many things? A.Yes,they were. B.Yes,they did. C.No,they didnt. ( )4.Why didnt they use the lift?Because _. A.they wanted to exercise their body B.they like walking upstairs C.theres something wrong with the lift ( )5.-Where were the keys?-They were _. A.in the

24、 car B.in the pocket C.at home (B) Peking Man at Zhoukoudian is near Beijing.The bones(骨头) of Peking Man were found(被发现) there.They lived about 300,000 to 500,000 years ago.His head was like a monkeys.They did not know how to build houses.They lived in the caves 第 4 页 共 7 页 kapong78 凯鹏出品必属精品 of moun

25、tains for food.They used the furs of the animals for clothes. They did not know how to write but they could draw.They drew the pictures on the stone walls of their caves. In the last few years,many caves where Peking Man lived have been found.The pictures are still there.They show(展示) how the animal

26、s and Peking Man lived in those early day.They tell us things about Peking Man that we never hnew before. 根据短文判断正误,用(?)或()表示。 ( )1.Before man knew how to build houses,Peking Man lived in the cave Because the caves could stop the wind and keep warm. ( )2.Peking Man hunted animals for food and clothes

27、. ( )3.The Peking Man wrote the words on the stone walls their caves. ( )4.In the last years,we havent found any caves for Peking Man. ( )5.The pictures show how the animals and Peking Man lived in those early days. 八、书面表达。(5%)Tree Planting Day,suuny,Class 3 Grade 5,go to plant trees,dig holes,put t

28、he trees into the holes,get water,water the trees,plant many trees,be happy 3月12日是植树节,天气晴朗,五年级3班的学生去植树。同学们,请仔细观察以上图片及中英文提示,以第三人称形式(一般过去时)写一篇有关植树的短文。(50单词左右)。 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 第 5 页 共 7 页 kapong78 凯鹏出品必属精品 第二学期期末考试. 小学六年级英语试卷参考答案 听力稿 ?. 看图、 听录音,标出朗读顺序号。(每小题读两遍) 1. The pupils went to plant trees la

29、st Friday. 2. Dinosaurs lived millions of years ago. They were huge animals. 3. I am going to visit the Great Wall next year. 4. Would you like to see the Temple of Heaven? 5. I would like to go to the Sydney Opera House. 6. Peking Man used stones to kill animals for food. 7. The animal is very big

30、and it has a long nose. 8. We like Sanya very much. There are many coconut trees and flowers there. 9. Where were you born? I was born in Hangzhou. 10. The animal is fat and brown. It cant climb up a tree. ?. 听录音,选择与听到句子意义相近的句子。(每小题读两遍) 1. My mother was not at home yesterday. 2. Peter is interested

31、in reading books. 3. I like collecting stamps. 4. Today there are no dinosaurs. 5. She is going to go to take a plane to England . ?. 听录音,根据听到的问句选择合适答案。(每小题读两遍) 1. How was your holiday? 2. When is Teachers Day? 3. Where is the Forbidden City? 4. What is the greatest theme park in the world? 5. How d

32、id you learn in primary school? ?. 听录音,填写句中所缺单词。(每小题读两遍) 1. Last week, We learned about some interesting animals. 2. We shouldnt waste too much water. 3. On the left of the restaurant is a cake shop. 4. Excuse me, how can I get to the City Library? 5. They visited the Tower Bridge in London in Augus

33、t,2005. ?. 听录音,根据短文内容选择正确答案。(短文读三遍) I have a good friend. Her name is Lisa. She isnt Chinese, but American. She likes studying in China. She likes Chinese food very much. She spent the Spring Festival in Beijing last year. She was very happy. She Watched TV on the eve of the Spring Festival. She ate

34、 jiaozi that night. Her father is a doctor and her mother is a nurse. They work in the same hospital. They love China very much. 53.264.1生活中的数3 P24-29They think Chinese people are very friendly. 2、在教师的组织和指导下,通过自己的主动探索获得数学知识,初步发展创新意识和实践能力。第 6 页 共 7 页 kapong78 (1)相交: 直线与圆有两个公共点时,叫做直线和圆相交,这时直线叫做圆的割线.凯鹏

35、出品必属精品 参考答案 一、听力部分(30%) ?. (2 ) (7) (5) (10) (3) (4 ) (9) (6) (8) (1) .每小题1分,共10分 ?. 15 B B A A C .每小题1分,共5分 即;?. 15 B A C B A . .每小题1分,共5分 (二)空间与图形?. 15 interesting waste left Library visited每小题1分,共5分 3、通过教科书里了解更多的有关数学的知识,体会数学是人类在长期生活和劳动中逐渐形成的方法、理论,是人类文明的结晶,体会数学与人类历史的发展是息息相关。?. 15 C A B C A.每小题1分,共

36、5分 二、笔试部分(70%) 点在圆外 dr.?. 15 should, shouldnt, should, shouldnt, should .每小题1分,共5分166.116.17期末总复习?. 1. went 2. excited 3. reads 4. twelfth 5. women doctors 6. helping 7. cities 8. visit 9. swimming 10. interested 每小题1分,共10分 ?. 15 A B C B C 610 C B A B A 1115 B A C C B . 每小题1分,共15分 94.234.29加与减(二)4 P

37、49-56?. 1. We didnt do experiments last Saturday. 2. How can I get to the Water Park? 3. Does Mary like listening to music ? 4. How many days are there in a week? 5. Is Sanya in the south of China? .每小题1分,共5分 ?. (A) 15 studies, was, learning, our, radios (B) 610 mountains, beautiful, down, clothes, save .每小题1分,共10分 2、会数,会读,会写100以内的数,在具体情境中把握数的相对大小关系,能够运用数进行表达和交流,体会数与日常生活的密切联系。?. 15 A B C A B 610 C A C C B .每小题1分,共10分 ?. (A) 15 C A B C A (B) 15 (?) (?) () () (?) .每小题1分,共10分 ?. 书面表达(5%)(略) 请按三档评分 一档 45分 二档 23分 三档 2分以下 第 7 页 共 7 页


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