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1、7B Unit 6 Outdoor fun 知识点讲义 1. outdoor fun 户外活动的乐趣 2. outdoor activities 户外活动 3. hurry up 快点 4. be tired 累了 5. carry it for me 帮我拎它 6. complain too much 抱怨太多 7. that heavy 那么重 8. go camping/cycling/skating/jogging/riding/swimming 去野营/骑车/溜冰/慢跑/骑马/游泳 9. would like to try 想要试一试 10. really want to ride

2、one 真的想要骑一次 11. What about you? 你怎么样? 12. like being outside 喜欢在外面 13. near beautiful lakes and hills 近距离接触美丽的湖泊和丘陵 14. down the rabbit hole 掉进兔子洞 15. one sunny day 在一个晴朗的一天 16. sit by a river 坐在河边 17. look up 抬头看;查字典 18. see a white rabbit in a coat passing by 看见一只穿外套的大白兔经过 19. a white rabbit in a

3、coat 一只穿外套的大白兔 2 see sb doing/do sth 看见某人在干/干了某事 21. pass by 经过 22. pass the exam 通过考试 23. fail (in) the exam 考试不通过 24. take a watch out of its pocket 从它的口袋里拿出一块手表 25. look at the time 看时间 26. How amazing! 多么令人惊奇啊! 27. stand up 站起来 28. run across the field 跑过田野 29. jump down a big hole 跳进一个大洞 30. le

4、t the rabbit get away 让兔子逃脱 3 let/make sb do sth 让/使某人干某事 32. hit the ground 撞到地上 33. find herself al one in a Ion g,low hall 发现她独自在一个长而矮的礼堂 34. find/think +宾语+adj./介词短语 觅侍 . 35. all around 周围,四周 36. be all locked 都是锁着的 37. put the key into the door 把钥匙放进门孔里 38. on the other side 在另一边 39. try to go

5、through the door 试图穿过这个门 40. try to do sth 试图/尽力做某事 41. go through the door/window/forest/tunnel/clouds 42. go across the street/road/river/bridge/field 43. surprise Alice 使 Alice 吃惊 44. practise playing volleyball with his friends 和他的朋友一起练习打排球 45. like shopping 喜欢购物 46. stay at home 呆在家里 47. put up

6、 a tent near a lake 在湖边搭建一个帐篷 48. stay outside all night 整晚呆在外面 49. go on a camping trip 进行一次露营 50. tell people in the West all about kites 告诉西方人所有关于风筝的情况 51. find a new way to make paper 找到一种造纸的新方法 52. use bamboo to make kites 用竹子做风筝 53. make a bird out of wood 用木头做鸟 54. have a long history 有悠久的历史

7、55. begin to do sth. /begin doing sth. 开始做某事 56. in the Warring States period 在战国时期 57. in the Eastern Han dynasty 东汉王朝 58. in the 13th century 在 13 世纪 59. an Italian man called Marco Polo 一个名叫马可波罗的意大利人 60. in the Ming and Qing dynasties 在民清王朝 61. kite flying/ flying kites 放风筝 62. become a very popu

8、lar outdoor activity 成了一个非常流行的户外活动 63. in Shandong Provinee 在山东省 64. become famous for making kites from then on 从那时起制作风筝变得出名 65. have a picnic 野炊 66. be excited at 对感到兴奋 67. remember to take your mobile phone 记得带上你的手机 68. know what to do 知道要做什么 69. go back to the table 回到桌上 70. a little bottle 一个小瓶

9、子 71. a note on the bottle 瓶子上的标签 72. open the bottle 打开瓶子 73. drink a little 喝一点儿 74. taste sweet 尝起来甜 75. drink some more 再多喝点 76. feel a little ill 感到有点儿病了 77. become smaller and smaller 变得越来越小 78. be small eno ugh to go through the door 小得能穿过门 79. decide to enter the garden 决定进入花园 80. walk towards the door 朝着门走去 81. forget about the key 忘记钥匙这件事 82. too small to reach the key 太小了够不着钥匙 83. try to climb up 试着爬上去


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