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1、Bright, Good to know you! Give to others, and you will receive. You will be given much. It will be poured into your hands more tha n you can hold. You will be give n so much that it will spill into your lap. The way you give to others is the way God wi ll give to you. Brent 这不是一封询盘信, 而是一封客户的谢绝信, 但信中

2、却让我如此的震动人心, 信中表面他对 我广告信的欣赏和鼓励之前,表达了客户希望别的潜在客户收到我这封信都能 向我发出订 单的愿望!而这不是一 般的人所能写出来的信, 细细揣摩,信中每句都像诗句一般的优美, 让人看完流连忘返! 现在我与大家分享我发磁铁广告信的内容: Dear My friend, 1 We were very pleased to obta in your E-mail from the canton fair ,and through your compa nys website,we lear n that you are in terested in magn ets p

3、roducts. I am writ ing to express our wishes to en ter the bus in ess relatio nship with you! Our company is dealing with magnet products,selling of sintered NdFe-B permanent| magn etic materials, ferrite, rubber magnet perma nent magnet and soft magn etic products | EtcWe can provide you the magnet

4、 you require with hight quality and competitive price. We are an ticipat ing to buildi ng long sta nding good bus in ess relati ons with those compa ny | with good reputation,like yours.If you need magnet s recently,please don thesitate to con tact me! Best regards, Bright | 我的这封广告信也没什么多大特别之处, 但有几个地

5、方,自己还是觉得蛮不错的。请让我分 析下看: 1首先是称呼, Dear my friend, 很多人有Dear sir /miss之类的,客户听到都防了,还不如说 my friend,感觉很有亲切感。 2 再看 第一段第一句: We were very pleased to obtain your E-mail from the canton fair (说出了得到对方邮箱和资料的来源, 以表示礼貌, 不显得唐突。紧接着是:and through your companys website,we learn that you are in terested in magn ets produc

6、ts (说出自己经过浏览他们公 司网站得知他们的经营产品和所需产品, 表明我们发这封广告信是很用 心的。):第二句:I am writing to express our wishes to enter the bus in ess relati on ship with you! (开门见山地说出了写邮件的目的) 3接下来第三段是介绍我们公司的一下相关信息。 前面几句没什么好提, 就最后一句: We can provide you the magnet you require with hight quality and competitive price.(这句话能让人产生良好的印象,其实

7、不管我们的公 司该产品是否高质量和具备优势价格,我们都可以这么说,因为这是能 够让客户取得第一印象的好机会,否则就功亏一篑了,即使他们经过了 解我们公司报价后还是觉得价格很高, 也没关系,你至少知道他是需求 这个产品的,留的青山在,不怕没柴烧,只要把他建立客户档案,以后 说不定可以用上。 4 倒数第二段就是表达希望与对方建立良好业务关系的愿望。这其中第 一句自己一直觉得特别满意: We are anticipating to building long sta nding good bus in ess relati ons with those compa ny with good repu

8、tation,like yours.(这其实是在夸对方,你想啊,有谁听到这句话不 会开心的啊,我们夸对方公司名誉好,是一家好公司,对方当然会当仁 不让的了,所以为了表示礼貌,如果有需要我们的产品,一般都会询问 我们的,嘻嘻,这真的够绝吧! 5 最后的结束语没什么, 唯一好说的就是:现在 Best regards 或 Best wishes 是做外贸最受欢迎的敬语,以前这两个结束语只用于朋友之间, 现在通常用于发广告信之中,可以拉近与客户的关系。 看完他的这封回函,我给他回敬了几句: Dear Brent , When i received you E-mail,i supposed it wa

9、s an inquiry ,but to me,it is more precious than an inquiry ,eve n tha n a purchase order. I am so shocke n by your such beautiful words.A nd you are the first one who send me such a E-mail .It is a hopeless un derstateme nt to express my tha nks to you now. Wish you the best of everythi ng in your

10、life and have a prosperous future! Best wishes, Bright 我一直怀着一颗热爱事业的心, 认认真真对待每个客户, 要学会从做朋友开始, 即使他目前 不需要此产品,或他根本就不需要,但,如果你跟他做成了朋友,那么,也许以后,即使他 身边的朋友需要,他也许会把你推荐给他呢! 而我其实也没想太多,只是觉得,做自己喜欢的事情,每天就不会像是在工作,就像有句英 文谚语说的 :It would never be a working dayif you love your job!( 只要热爱自己的岗位, 那每一天都不会像是在工作!)。这句话我一直都很赞成, 也在我身上多次验证了, 就像我现 在,我觉得,我一点都体验不到工作的劳累,而是一种收获与感激 - -献给所有做外贸的和将来想做外贸的朋友,以及身边所有认识我的人,希望你们找到你们 喜欢做的事和热爱你们所做的事。记住:心态决定一切!


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