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1、人教版语文七年级上册生字词拼音与释义 2人教版语文七年级上册生字词拼音与释义 第 一 课 痴想(ch xing):呆呆地想 隐秘(yn m):隐蔽,不外露。 铁青(ti qng):青黑色,多形容人恐惧、盛怒或患病时发青的脸色。 凝成(nng chng):凝聚而成。 诱惑(yu hu):吸引、招引。 喧腾(xun tng):喧闹沸腾。 一瞬间(y shn jin):一眨眼之间。 第 二 课 训诫(xn ji):告诫,教导。 耸立(sng l):高高地直立。 迂回(y hu):曲折回旋。 凝视(nng sh):聚精会神地看。 啜泣(chu q):抽噎,抽抽搭搭地哭。 纳罕(n hn):诧异,惊奇。

2、 瘦骨嶙峋(shu g ln xn):形容人十分瘦。 心惊肉跳(xn jng ru tio):形容担心祸患临头,非常害怕不安。 头晕目眩(tu yn m xun):头发晕,眼发花, 感village temples Central Office every day, carry out their duties. Correspondence relating to education by the Chief of the first section marked my draft statement. Worked after a few months, Ive been buried i

3、n the official program, very rigid monotony of clerical career, flavourless. 1939 of 7 August between, County, and Secretary to I with to Office meeting, for Government established one years to work reported, for time rush, prior not for full prepared, had to in way by rank Ann Mr described one year

4、s to about people, and fiscal, and built, and taught, and insurance five aspects important matters, I accordingly detailed narrative finishing written, completed Wujiang Government established one years to of work report. Turn back and forth month Shan Road, apart from the Secretary, Mr rank foot di

5、sease immobility, bamboo car instead of walking outside, square foot (except for myself and 4 guards), the wuxing, peace, SI an, Guangde, doorway swing, Zhang Zhu to the destination-wearing Bu. At diwei to the important towns of troops is difficult to access, we have to change angles, Shan rugged tr

6、ails, Sun and rain on the way, hardship exceptions, if the patriotic and passions of the war, than the successful completion of tasks. An old frail, rank, long-distance Lawton regrets, admirable! In November 1939, I was admitted to the Faculty of law, College of law and politics in Shanghai, but res

7、igned from the post office, bid farewell to this short and memorable life. (J) the siazhen boat buried Japanese morning of October 18, 1937, siazhen sick to shun Tang Qiao-cutters, 1 from Nanxun town jiaxing to Japanese boats, caught dragging behind 3 small boats, loaded with military goods. Siazhen

8、 too late to escape, jumped ashore Japan catch up with the boat, forcing him to row a boat. Meanwhile caught the migrants village Zhang Shun. Siazhen was sick for a long time, 到一切都在旋转。 小心翼翼(xio xn y y):本是严肃恭敬的意思。现形容谨慎小心,一点不敢疏忽。 第三课 零落(lng lu):指凋谢;脱落。 断续(dun x):时而中断,时而继续。 收敛(shu lin):检点行为,约束身心。 宽恕 (k

9、un sh):宽容,饶恕 卑微(bi wi):低微;渺小。 一丝不苟(y s b gu):形容办事认真,连最细微的地方也不马虎。 第 四 课 终极(zhng j):最终;末了;最后。 迸溅(bng jin):向四处外溅。 繁密(fn m):繁多,密集。 伫立(zh l):长时间地站着。 凝望(nng wng)目不转睛地看:注目远望。 伶仃(lng dng)孤独;没有依靠。 稀零(x lng)事物出现得少。 忍俊不禁(rn jn b jn):忍不住笑。不禁:不能自制。 仙露琼浆(xin l qing jing):形容鲜美的酒或好village temples Central Office eve

10、ry day, carry out their duties. Correspondence relating to education by the Chief of the first section marked my draft statement. Worked after a few months, Ive been buried in the official program, very rigid monotony of clerical career, flavourless. 1939 of 7 August between, County, and Secretary t

11、o I with to Office meeting, for Government established one years to work reported, for time rush, prior not for full prepared, had to in way by rank Ann Mr described one years to about people, and fiscal, and built, and taught, and insurance five aspects important matters, I accordingly detailed nar

12、rative finishing written, completed Wujiang Government established one years to of work report. Turn back and forth month Shan Road, apart from the Secretary, Mr rank foot disease immobility, bamboo car instead of walking outside, square foot (except for myself and 4 guards), the wuxing, peace, SI a

13、n, Guangde, doorway swing, Zhang Zhu to the destination-wearing Bu. At diwei to the important towns of troops is difficult to access, we have to change angles, Shan rugged trails, Sun and rain on the way, hardship exceptions, if the patriotic and passions of the war, than the successful completion o

14、f tasks. An old frail, rank, long-distance Lawton regrets, admirable! In November 1939, I was admitted to the Faculty of law, College of law and politics in Shanghai, but resigned from the post office, bid farewell to this short and memorable life. (J) the siazhen boat buried Japanese morning of Oct

15、ober 18, 1937, siazhen sick to shun Tang Qiao-cutters, 1 from Nanxun town jiaxing to Japanese boats, caught dragging behind 3 small boats, loaded with military goods. Siazhen too late to escape, jumped ashore Japan catch up with the boat, forcing him to row a boat. Meanwhile caught the migrants vill

16、age Zhang Shun. Siazhen was sick for a long time, 喝的汁液。比喻美好的饮品。琼浆:比喻仙人饮的美酒。 蜂围蝶阵(fng wi di zhn):这里形容蜜蜂蝴蝶的数量多。 盘虬卧龙(pn qi w lng): 形容树木枝干盘旋的样子,弯弯曲曲。 第 六课 饥寒(j hn):饥饿和寒冷,多用于缺吃少穿的困难情况。 离乱(l lun):战争、自然灾害等造成的亲人分离、社会混乱的现象。 缀连 (zhu lin):连结。 远行(yun xng):行走远路,前往某地。 倔强 (ju jing):(性情)刚强不屈。 玷污(din w):弄脏;污损。比喻名誉受

17、污损玷污了一个人的名誉。 怨恨(yun hn):强烈不满或仇恨。 扒窃(p qi):从别人身上偷窃(财物)。 诅咒 (z zhu):原指祈求鬼神加祸于所恨的人;现指咒骂。 浓阴(nng yn):茂密的树阴。 海天相吻(hi tin xing wn):海面与天空互相连village temples Central Office every day, carry out their duties. Correspondence relating to education by the Chief of the first section marked my draft statement. Wor

18、ked after a few months, Ive been buried in the official program, very rigid monotony of clerical career, flavourless. 1939 of 7 August between, County, and Secretary to I with to Office meeting, for Government established one years to work reported, for time rush, prior not for full prepared, had to

19、 in way by rank Ann Mr described one years to about people, and fiscal, and built, and taught, and insurance five aspects important matters, I accordingly detailed narrative finishing written, completed Wujiang Government established one years to of work report. Turn back and forth month Shan Road,

20、apart from the Secretary, Mr rank foot disease immobility, bamboo car instead of walking outside, square foot (except for myself and 4 guards), the wuxing, peace, SI an, Guangde, doorway swing, Zhang Zhu to the destination-wearing Bu. At diwei to the important towns of troops is difficult to access,

21、 we have to change angles, Shan rugged trails, Sun and rain on the way, hardship exceptions, if the patriotic and passions of the war, than the successful completion of tasks. An old frail, rank, long-distance Lawton regrets, admirable! In November 1939, I was admitted to the Faculty of law, College

22、 of law and politics in Shanghai, but resigned from the post office, bid farewell to this short and memorable life. (J) the siazhen boat buried Japanese morning of October 18, 1937, siazhen sick to shun Tang Qiao-cutters, 1 from Nanxun town jiaxing to Japanese boats, caught dragging behind 3 small b

23、oats, loaded with military goods. Siazhen too late to escape, jumped ashore Japan catch up with the boat, forcing him to row a boat. Meanwhile caught the migrants village Zhang Shun. Siazhen was sick for a long time, 接,合为一体。 浪子回头(lng z hu tu):比喻不务正业的人改邪归正。 碌 碌终生 (l l zhng shng):形容忙碌的一生之中没有什么大的事业成就,平

24、平淡淡的过了一生。 绝处逢生 (ju ch fng shng):形容在走投无路的情况下又找到生路。 可望不可即(k wng b k j):只能远远望见而不能接近。常比喻目前还不能实现的事物。 第 七 课 贪婪(tn ln):贪得无厌,不知足。 堕落du lu 点缀(din zhu):加以衬托或装饰,使原有事物更加美好。 冉冉(rn rn):慢慢地。 苦熬(k o):忍受着痛苦度过(日子)。 雏形 (ch xng):初具规模、尚未定型的形式 。 丰硕(fng shu):丰满,肥胖。 稀疏 (x sh):稀少,不繁多。 累累(li li):指多;重叠;联贯成串。(辨:硕果累累,不能读作shugul

25、ili) 低回(d hu):徘徊;留恋;流连;回转起伏。 village temples Central Office every day, carry out their duties. Correspondence relating to education by the Chief of the first section marked my draft statement. Worked after a few months, Ive been buried in the official program, very rigid monotony of clerical career,

26、 flavourless. 1939 of 7 August between, County, and Secretary to I with to Office meeting, for Government established one years to work reported, for time rush, prior not for full prepared, had to in way by rank Ann Mr described one years to about people, and fiscal, and built, and taught, and insur

27、ance five aspects important matters, I accordingly detailed narrative finishing written, completed Wujiang Government established one years to of work report. Turn back and forth month Shan Road, apart from the Secretary, Mr rank foot disease immobility, bamboo car instead of walking outside, square

28、 foot (except for myself and 4 guards), the wuxing, peace, SI an, Guangde, doorway swing, Zhang Zhu to the destination-wearing Bu. At diwei to the important towns of troops is difficult to access, we have to change angles, Shan rugged trails, Sun and rain on the way, hardship exceptions, if the patr

29、iotic and passions of the war, than the successful completion of tasks. An old frail, rank, long-distance Lawton regrets, admirable! In November 1939, I was admitted to the Faculty of law, College of law and politics in Shanghai, but resigned from the post office, bid farewell to this short and memo

30、rable life. (J) the siazhen boat buried Japanese morning of October 18, 1937, siazhen sick to shun Tang Qiao-cutters, 1 from Nanxun town jiaxing to Japanese boats, caught dragging behind 3 small boats, loaded with military goods. Siazhen too late to escape, jumped ashore Japan catch up with the boat

31、, forcing him to row a boat. Meanwhile caught the migrants village Zhang Shun. Siazhen was sick for a long time, 沉甸甸(chn din din):形容物体因重量过重,像要下坠的样子。 眼巴巴(yn b b):形容急切地盼望 繁弦急管(fn xin j gun):各种各样欢快的音乐声 。 红灯绿酒(hng dng l ji):形容繁华热闹的夜生活。 玲珑剔透 (lng lng t tu):.形容器物精致通明。 具体而微(j t r wi):(款式、模样、格局等)大体具备,而形状或规模

32、较小。 多姿多彩(du z du ci):丰富多彩,形容颜色多样。 不可磨灭(b k m mi):会因时间的推移而消失。指事迹言论等将始终保留在人们的记忆中。 回味无穷(hu wi w qing):吃过东西后余味无穷,比喻事后越想越觉得意味深长。 第 八 课 慧心(hu xn):佛教指能感悟至理的心智,今泛指聪慧之心。 嬉戏(x x):游戏;玩耍。 风韵(fng yn):风度;韵致。 闲适(xin sh):清闲安适。 village temples Central Office every day, carry out their duties. Correspondence relating

33、 to education by the Chief of the first section marked my draft statement. Worked after a few months, Ive been buried in the official program, very rigid monotony of clerical career, flavourless. 1939 of 7 August between, County, and Secretary to I with to Office meeting, for Government established

34、one years to work reported, for time rush, prior not for full prepared, had to in way by rank Ann Mr described one years to about people, and fiscal, and built, and taught, and insurance five aspects important matters, I accordingly detailed narrative finishing written, completed Wujiang Government

35、established one years to of work report. Turn back and forth month Shan Road, apart from the Secretary, Mr rank foot disease immobility, bamboo car instead of walking outside, square foot (except for myself and 4 guards), the wuxing, peace, SI an, Guangde, doorway swing, Zhang Zhu to the destination

36、-wearing Bu. At diwei to the important towns of troops is difficult to access, we have to change angles, Shan rugged trails, Sun and rain on the way, hardship exceptions, if the patriotic and passions of the war, than the successful completion of tasks. An old frail, rank, long-distance Lawton regre

37、ts, admirable! In November 1939, I was admitted to the Faculty of law, College of law and politics in Shanghai, but resigned from the post office, bid farewell to this short and memorable life. (J) the siazhen boat buried Japanese morning of October 18, 1937, siazhen sick to shun Tang Qiao-cutters,

38、1 from Nanxun town jiaxing to Japanese boats, caught dragging behind 3 small boats, loaded with military goods. Siazhen too late to escape, jumped ashore Japan catch up with the boat, forcing him to row a boat. Meanwhile caught the migrants village Zhang Shun. Siazhen was sick for a long time, 禀告(bn

39、g go):旧指把事情报告上级或长辈。 厄运( yn):艰难困苦的遭遇。 行乞(xng q ):乞讨。 正色 (zhng s):谓神色庄重、态度严肃。 落难 (lu nn):遭到不幸;遭遇灾祸。 归属 (gu sh):归附,从属。 流落(li lu):漂泊外地,穷困失意。 无忧无虑(w yu w l):没有一点忧愁和顾虑。 心旷神怡(xn kung shn y):心境开阔,精神愉快。 阴晴圆缺(yn qng yun qu):描述月亮各种状态的词语,常用来比喻人生无常。 举世无双(j sh w shung ):全世界找不到第二个。 心痛如割(xn tng r g ):心痛得像刀割一样,比喻非常伤

40、心痛苦。 险象迭生(xin xing di shng ):危险的事情一个接一个的发生。 得失之患(d sh zh hun ):生怕失去个人利益的忧虑心情,指一个人比较在意个人的得失. 多愁善感 (du chu shn gn):经常发愁和伤感。形village temples Central Office every day, carry out their duties. Correspondence relating to education by the Chief of the first section marked my draft statement. Worked after a

41、 few months, Ive been buried in the official program, very rigid monotony of clerical career, flavourless. 1939 of 7 August between, County, and Secretary to I with to Office meeting, for Government established one years to work reported, for time rush, prior not for full prepared, had to in way by

42、rank Ann Mr described one years to about people, and fiscal, and built, and taught, and insurance five aspects important matters, I accordingly detailed narrative finishing written, completed Wujiang Government established one years to of work report. Turn back and forth month Shan Road, apart from

43、the Secretary, Mr rank foot disease immobility, bamboo car instead of walking outside, square foot (except for myself and 4 guards), the wuxing, peace, SI an, Guangde, doorway swing, Zhang Zhu to the destination-wearing Bu. At diwei to the important towns of troops is difficult to access, we have to

44、 change angles, Shan rugged trails, Sun and rain on the way, hardship exceptions, if the patriotic and passions of the war, than the successful completion of tasks. An old frail, rank, long-distance Lawton regrets, admirable! In November 1939, I was admitted to the Faculty of law, College of law and

45、 politics in Shanghai, but resigned from the post office, bid farewell to this short and memorable life. (J) the siazhen boat buried Japanese morning of October 18, 1937, siazhen sick to shun Tang Qiao-cutters, 1 from Nanxun town jiaxing to Japanese boats, caught dragging behind 3 small boats, loade

46、d with military goods. Siazhen too late to escape, jumped ashore Japan catch up with the boat, forcing him to row a boat. Meanwhile caught the migrants village Zhang Shun. Siazhen was sick for a long time, 容人思想空虚,感情脆弱。 天灾人祸(tin zi rn hu):自然的灾害和人为的祸患。 突如其来(t r q li):出乎意料地突然发生。 异国他乡(y gu t xing):多指国外或

47、,非自己祖国的地方。 第 九课 执着(zh zhu):泛指固执或拘泥,亦指对某种事物追求不舍。 鞭策(bin c):督促;激励。 盛名(shng mng):很高的名望 报酬(bo chu):因使用别人的劳动力或物件等而付给别人的钱或实物。 奢望(sh wng):过高的希望。 蹂躏(ru ln):侵扰;侵略。 呵责(h z):大声斥责 懊恼(o no):烦恼。 沉醉(chn zu):比喻沉浸在某事物或某境界中 迷醉(m zu):迷恋,陶醉。 猝然长逝(c rn chng sh):突然去世。指出乎意料地突然逝去。 问心无愧(wn xn w ku):扪心自问,毫无惭愧。 village temple

48、s Central Office every day, carry out their duties. Correspondence relating to education by the Chief of the first section marked my draft statement. Worked after a few months, Ive been buried in the official program, very rigid monotony of clerical career, flavourless. 1939 of 7 August between, County, and Secretary to I with to Office meeting, for G


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