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1、最新资料欢迎阅读1 2020(春夏)智慧树,知到国际结算章节测试完整答案第一章单元测试 1、单选题: What service isn”t provided by SWIFT? 选项: A:interbank file transfer B:message transmission C:financial businesses D:financial application 答案: 【financial businesses】 2、多选题: What is the advantage of SWIFT services? 选项: A:fast B:cheap C:reliable D:secu

2、re 答案: 【fast;cheap;reliable;secure】 3、单选题: What”s not a correct statement about SWIFT? 选项:最新资料欢迎阅读2 A:The headquarter of SWIFT is at Brussels. B:It is a computerized international telecommunications system. C:The most important service provided by SWIFT is interbank file transfer. D:Messages are sta

3、ndardized formatted. 答案: 【The most important service provided by SWIFT is interbank file transfer.】 4、单选题: What” s not a correct statement about international settlements? 选项: A:The banks are the center in the course of settlements. B:It is financial activities. C:settlements among countries D:Cash

4、transfer is the main method. 答案: 【Cash transfer is the main method.】 5、多选题: What services can SWIFT provide? 选项: A:financial application B:interbank file transfer 最新资料欢迎阅读3 C:policy cooperation D:financial businesses 答案: 【financial application;interbank file transfer】 6、单选题: Transfer payments are pa

5、yments by ( ). 选项: A:silver B:gold C:cash D:financial instruments 答案: 【financial instruments】 7、多选题: Cash payments include payments by ( ). 选项: A:gold B:silver C:check D:cash 答案: 【gold;silver;cash】 8、多选题: International settlements serve for ( ). 选项:最新资料欢迎阅读4 A:financial transactions B:payments betwe

6、en governments C:goods trade D:service trade 答案: 【financial transactions;payments between governments;goods trade;service trade】 9、判断题: SWIFT: society for worldwide interbank financial telecommunications, a computerized international telecommunications system that, through standardized formatted mes

7、sages, rapidly processes and transmits financial transactions and information among its members around the world. 选项: A:对 B:错答案: 【对】 10、判断题: International payments or international settlements are financial activities conducted among different countries in which payments are effected or funds are tr

8、ansferred from one country to another in order to settle accounts, debts, etc., 最新资料欢迎阅读5 emerged in the course of political, economic or cultural contacts among them. 选项: A:对 B:错答案: 【对】第二章 单元测试 1、多选题: What services are provided by correspondent bank ( ). 选项: A:Collecting checks, drafts, and other c

9、redit instruments. B:Making credit investigation of firms that borrow in the open market. C:Providing banks with funds/loans in case of need. D:Providing banks with foreign exchange facilities, including commercial and traveler”s checks. 答 案 : 【 Collecting checks, drafts, and other credit instrument

10、s.;Making credit investigation of firms that borrow in the open market.;Providing banks with funds/loans in case of need.;Providing banks with foreign exchange facilities, including commercial and traveler”s checks. 】 2、单选题:最新资料欢迎阅读6 What is a correct statement about vostro account? 选项: A:It”s our b

11、ank”s account in the book of an overseas bank denominated in foreign currency. B:It”s a due to account. C:It”s purpose is to facilitate international payments and settlements abroad. D:It”s a due from account. 答案: 【It ”s a due to account.】 3、单选题: Which system adopts a netting payment system? ( ) 选项:

12、 A:Chaps B:Target C:Fedware D:Chips 答案: 【Chips】 4、判断题: Fedware is a system of RTGS. 选项: A:对 B:错最新资料欢迎阅读7 答案: 【对】 5、判断题: Chips is a system of RTGS. 选项: A:错 B:对答案: 【错】 6、多选题: What is the advantage of netting payment system? 选项: A:less settlement risks B:more powerful processing capacities C:efficient

13、D:secure 答案: 【more powerful processing capacities;efficient】 7、判断题: Vostro account is a due to account. 选项: A:对 B:错答案: 【对】 8、多选题:最新资料欢迎阅读8 What is a correct statement about Chips? 选项: A:It” s acronym for Clearing House Interbank Payment System. B:It”s member banks are commercial banks in New York. C

14、:It”s a netting system. D:It” s operated by the New York Clearing House Association. 答案: 【It ”s acronym for Clearing House Interbank Payment System.;It” s member banks are commercial banks in New York.;It”s a netting system.;It” s operated by the New York Clearing House Association.】 9、判断题: Fedware is operated by Fed reserve system. 选项: A:错 B:对答案: 【对】 10、判断题: RTGS means each payment order is settled immediately upon its entry into the system in its entire (gross) amount. 选项: A:错最新资料欢迎阅读9 B:对答案: 【对】


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