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1、本文格式为Word版,下载可任意编辑辩论演讲稿:论王者荣耀大火之后的利与弊_辩论演讲稿A popular Chinese mobile game, “King of Glory,” has come under fire for allegedly promoting an inaccurate representation of ancient Chinese history.最近大热手游王者荣耀因没有准确表述中国历史而受到指责。State media outlet Guangming Daily published an article on March 28 blaming the ga

2、me for “distorting history.” The article claimed that, despite using many famous names from Chinese history, King of Glory completely misrepresented the figures true stories and status.3月28日国有媒体光明日报刊登了一篇文章,指责王者荣耀“歪曲历史”。文章称,尽管王者荣耀使用了中国历许多人物,但是却完全歪曲了这些人物的真实事迹和身份。According to the newspaper, famous poet

3、 Li Bai from the Tang Dynasty became an assassin, while noted doctor Bian Que from the Spring and Autumn Period was cast as an expert on poison. More than 60 characters in the game were based on characters from history, including many from the classic novel “Romance of the Three Kingdoms.”据报道,在王者荣耀中

4、唐朝诗人李白变成了刺客、春秋名医扁鹊变成了下毒高手。该款游戏中60多个角色都来自历史人物,其中还包括许多三国演义中的经典人物。“They not only travel through time and space to fight together, the characters in the game take on historical figures names with no connection at all to their experiences in history,” the newspaper argued, adding that this characteristic

5、 could easily confuse young players. Some 54 percent of the games players are aged between 11 and 20, the newspaper added, citing data from the game.该篇报道表示:“这些人物不仅穿越时间空间一起战斗,而且虽然他们顶着历史人物的名字,但是和他们在历的真实经历一点关系也没有,”称这些特点很容易使低龄玩家感到混淆。该篇报道引用王者荣耀公布的数据指出,54%的游戏玩家年龄在11到20岁之间。“King of Glory” is a multiplayer

6、online battle arena (MOBA) game designed by Tencent Games. It was launched in 20xx. In 20xx, the total revenue of the game reached 6.8 billion RMB, some 17.7 percent of the total revenue for mobile gaming in China.王者荣耀是腾讯设计的一款多人在线战术竞技游戏(MOBA),于20xx年首次上线。20xx年,这款游戏的营收达到了68亿人民币,占据了中国手游市场全部营收的17.7%。The

7、 Guangming Daily article was met with significant support and approval. Some people pointed to online search results for the historical figures, which increasingly yield information about the characters in the game rather than the real luminaries.光明日报这篇文章得到了极大的支持和认可。一些人指出,如果在网上搜索这些历史人物,出来的信息越来越多是关于游

8、戏中的人物,而不是真正的历史。However, some hit back at the accusation, arguing that games are supposed to be creative, and that “King of Glory” doesnt purport to be set in any specific historical period.但是一些人则对这一批评予以了反击,认为游戏就应该创新,而且王者荣耀并不以任何特定历史时期为背景。“I am aware that there are many young players, some even in pri

9、mary school. Some might be affected by the game in certain ways, but it can do a lot of good if students become interested in the characters and do more research to that end,” one “King of Glory” player, who requested anonymity, told the Peoples Daily Online.一位不愿透露姓名的王者荣耀玩家对人民日报表示称:“我知道这款游戏有许多低龄玩家,有

10、些甚至是小学生。有些人可能会在某些方面受到这款游戏的影响,但是这款游戏也可以带来很多好处如果学生对这些人物感兴趣的话,他们就会做更多的搜索和调查。” 王者荣耀,很是霸气的名字。论这个游戏为什么这么火,因为相比英雄联盟,它容易下载,容易上手,随时随地都可以开黑,另外,游戏包含多种模式,从简单到复杂,从人机作战到人人作战。可以说,这样一个包含全面,简单方便的手游,能火成这样不足为奇。我们先谈游戏带给我们什么好处,首先,这是我们的一种娱乐方式,上班族和上学族,工作和学习累了的时候,抽出十分钟到半个小时就能玩上一把,合理的运用,可以起到释放压力的效果。其次,这个游戏中最有意思的模式就是团队作战,下班放

11、学的时候,可以约上舍友,好友,同事一起开黑,增进友谊。再者,适度玩游戏,可以提高反应速度和协调能力。 玩游戏,好处多多,但是,前提是适度游戏。接下来,我们谈谈它带来的弊端。前面讲到玩这款游戏的人群从小学生到中老年,问题就在于,祖国的花朵还处在心里成长阶段,没有多少自控力,试想,每天孩子的思想和时间都浪费在游戏上,花朵很快就会凋零,其次,由于游戏的方便快捷,对网的要求也不高,那么就有很多人,打开手机就想打开游戏,误事误时,影响人们的工作学习,再者,学生,同事之间讨论的话题大部分都在游戏上,那么使得大部分友谊建立在游戏上,可谓不堪一击。 总的来说,无论是王者荣耀,还是其他任何游戏,合理利用,如果自控力不好,就卸载了吧。第 4 页 共 4 页


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