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1、UNIT 3 WILL YOU DO ME A FA VOUR Lesson 9 教案 1 一、 教学目标 1、 知识目标: 熟练掌握单词及词组 pen, knife, eraser, cray on, scissors, glue stick, paper, use, please, ruler, pen cil, schoolbag, shop. 2、 能力目标: The stude nts are required to be able to speak and use these new words freely in daily life. The teacher should as

2、 much as he/she can en courage the stude nts to speak En glish in daily life. 3、 情感目标:The teacher should create a condition where the students can enjoy themselves much while they are lear ning En glish. In other words, lear ning En glish should be fun, not a bori ng job. 4、 过程与方法: 通过唱英语歌曲、游戏、表演、单词卡

3、等形式多样的活动让学生掌握本课的单词和句子。 二、 教学重点 3、 1.学习并掌握词汇: pen, knife, eraser, cray on, scissors, glue stick, paper, use, please, ruler, pen cil, schoolbag, shop. 2.学习本节课的重点语句 :Will you do me a favour ? Sure. Here you are. / Sorry. I am us ing it. 三、 教学难点 学习本节课的重点语句 :Will you do me a favour? Sure. Here you are. /

4、 Sorry. I am using it.并引导学生们进行巩固和拓展训练。 四、 教学过程 Step1 Greet in g: T: Class begi ns. S: Good morning / Good after noon teacher. T: Good morni ng / Good after noon childre n. S: Sit dow n, please. Step 2 Prese ntati on: 4、 弓 I 入并讲解新单词 pen, knife, eraser, crayon, scissors, glue stick, paper, ruler, penc

5、il, schoolbag, shop. Teach the word pen” 出示一张骑钢笔的图片。 T:同学们,这是什么? S:钢笔。 T : Right,钢笔。(出示单词 pen,领读几遍,然后抽查学生读,且加以纠正其发音。 ) 5、 出示 knife, eraser, crayon, scissors, glue stick, paper, ruler, pencil, schoolbag, shop. 等图片。 老师带领学生认读和理解所有生词,并熟练运用新学句型。 Step 3 Practice: 让同学们对句子 Can I use your ,please? Sure. Here you are. / Sorry. I am using it. 进行操练。 Ss1: Can I use your pen cil, please? Ss2: Sure. Here you are. Ss3: Can I use your ruler, please? Ss4: Sorry. I am using it. Step 4 Homework: 试着用今天学过的英语,向你身边的小伙伴们借用文具。


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