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1、人教版高中英语必修3 UNIT4 主语从句教案人教版高中英语必修3 Unit 4 主语从句教案 Teaching Module 3 Contents Unit 4 Learning about language (Grammar) By the end of this class students should 1. know what subject clause is Teaching 2. know what they should pay attention to when speaking and Aims using subject clauses. 3. realize that

2、 learning English songs can help them learn English grammar. Important 1. Understand what subject clause is. Points 2. Know conjunctions that are used in subject clause. Difficult How to use subject clause Points Teaching Aids Multi-media, Blackboard, Chalks. Module 3 Unit 4 Learning about language

3、(Grammar) I.Warming Up Self-introduction Teaching What I want to tell you is that my family name is Ye(叶). Process Questions that students may wonder 1. Who is she? 2. How old is she? 3. Where is she from? 4. Whats her hobby? What makes you want to know something about me is your curiosity. Talk abo

4、ut hobbies and lead to the following sentences 1.What I want to tell you is that my family name is Ye(叶). 2. What makes you want to know something about me is your curiosity. 3. That Chinese badminton players won the Thomas Cup made Mr. Lin excited. 4. That his team lost the game made James disappoi

5、nted. “girl” is in fact a 5. What surprises us is that such a beautiful handsome boy. 6. How Xu Jinglei writes so many attractive stories is a puzzle. Teaching Ask students to tell the role of the italic words of each sentence. Process Rule1:A sentence which is used as a subject is called subject cl

6、ause. II. Grammar teaching Step1 Give students some pictures and ask them to describe it by using a subject clause. 1.报道称很多房子在地震中被毁坏。 That a lot of buildings are destroyed in the earthquake is reported. 2. 是否还有幸存者,我们不知道。 Whether there are survivors is still a question. 3. 不知道有多少人遇难。 How many people

7、have been killed is unknown. 2 4.无论谁在地震中受到伤害都需要我们的帮助与爱。 Whoever were attacked by the earthquake need our help and love Step 2 Ask students to look at the first six sentences and judge whether the italic part is a question or a statement. Rule2: Subject clause should be in statement.主语从句要用陈述句语序 1. a.

8、 Where will the meeting be held is not decided. ( F ) b. Where the meeting will be held is not decided. ( T ) 2. a. Whether he has passed the exam is still unknown. ( T ) b. Whether has he passed the exam is still unknown.( F ) Step 3 Ask students to tell conjunctions that are used in subject clause

9、. Teaching There are three types. Process 1.连词that、 whether :(“if” can not be used here) E.g. 1) Whether hell come here isnt clear. 2) That price will go up is certain. 2. 连接代词who, whom, whose, what, which, whoever, whatever, whichever等 E.g. 1) What she did is not yet known. 2) Whatever he did is ri

10、ght. 3. 连接副词 where, when, how, why等 E.g. 1) How the pyramid was built is still a mystery. 2) When he will be back depends on the weather. 3 Step 4 Ask students to look at the following sentences and find the subject of each sentence. 1. That the earth moves around the sun is well-known. 2. Whether h

11、e will hold a birthday party has not been decided. 3. That I didnt go to Shanghai to visit the World Exposition was a pity for me. Then teacher will use a picture to describe the subjects of the above sentences. (heavy head and light body) Why not use “it” as a subject? Ask students to change the fo

12、llowing sentences by using “it”. Teaching 1.That the earth moves around the sun is well-known. Process It is well-known that the earth moves around the sun. 2. That I didnt go to Shanghai to visit World Exposition was a pity for me. It was a pity for me that I didnt go to Shanghai to visit the World

13、 Exposition. 3. Whether the plan can be put into practice remains to be seen. It remains to be seen whether the plan can be put into practice. 4. Whether he will hold a birthday party has not been decided. It has not been decided whether he will hold a birthday party. Rule 4: Use “it” as a subject 1

14、. It +be动词+表语+主语从句 4 2. It +不及物动词+主语从句 seem, happen, appear, remain 3. It +及物动词的被动语态+主语从句 said, known, believed, hoped, reported III. Review the grammar As long as you love me Although loneliness has always been a friend of mine Im leaving my life in your hands People say ? Im crazy and I am blind (

15、Object clause) Risking it all in a glance Teaching ? How you got my blind is still a mystery ? Subject clause Process I cant get you out of my head Dont care ? what is written in your history (Object clause) As long as youre here with me I dont care ? who you are (Object clause) Where youre from 最大值

16、或最小值:当a0,且x0时函数有最小值,最小值是0;当a0,且x0时函数有最大值,最大值是0。What you did 8、从作业上严格要求学生,不但书写工整,且准确率高。对每天的作业老师要及时批改,并让学生养成改错的好习惯。As long as you love me 若a0,则当x时,y随x的增大而减小。Who you are Where youre from 推论1 经过圆心且垂直于切线的直线必经过切点.Dont care ? what you did (Object clause) As long as you love me 5 Every little thing ?that yo

17、u have said and done (Attributive clause) (2)抛物线的描述:开口方向、对称性、y随x的变化情况、抛物线的最高(或最低)点、抛物线与x轴的交点。Feels like its deep within me Doesnt really matter if youre on the run (三)实践活动It seems like were meant to be 5.圆周角和圆心角的关系:Students should first fill in the blanks when listening to the song. Then tell which

18、kind of clause of these six sentences. 面对新的社会要求,教师与学生应首先走了社会的前边,因此我们应该以新课标要求为指挥棒,采用所有可行的措施,尽量体现以人为本,培养学生创新,开放的思维方式。另一方面注意处理好内容与思想的衔接,内容要在学生上学期的水平之上发展并为以后学习打下基础,思想上注意新思维与我国传统的教学思想结合Teaching Homework: Process 1. Learn to sing English songs. 2. Finish the exercises. 如果圆的半径为r,点到圆心的距离为d,则Reflection 同心圆:圆心相同,半径不等的两个圆叫做同心圆。6


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