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1、八年级英语下册 Unit8导学案(无答案)人教新目标版Unit 8 Why dont you get her a scarf? 一、自学辅助材料,课前必读: 1. Why dont you do sth.? 这是给别人提建议,建议某人做什么事情的句型。 如: Why dont we come more often? 咱们为什么不经常来这里呢? Why dont you buy a book for your father? 给你爸爸买本书怎么样, 这个句子还可以写成Why not do? 如: Why not get her a camera? 为什么不给她买个相机呢, 这个句型还有发出礼貌地

2、邀请的用法。 如: Why dont you have a drink of tea? 请喝茶。= Why not have a drink of tea? 2. How/What about? 表示“怎么样/好吗,” 这个句型是询问听话这一方对某事物的看法或者意见。about是个介词,它后面要接名词或者doing。 如: How about his playing football? 他足球踢得怎么样, What about swimming with us? 和我们一起游泳怎么样, How about her English? 她的英语怎样, 3. tooto,这个短语虽然是肯定的形式,但

3、是表达的是否定的意思:“太以至于(不能)”。 如: He is too old to work. 他太老了,不能工作了。 The box is too heavy for the little girl to carry. 这箱子太重,小女孩搬不动。 如在too前面或者后面有否定词not,则整个句子表达肯定。 如: This question is not too difficult to answer. 这道题不太难回答。 He is too clever not to see that. 他很聪明,不会不懂这一点。 4. spendon在上花(时间或金钱) 如: He spends a l

4、ot of money on books. 他花许多钱买书。 spend(in) doing sth.花(时间或金钱等)做某事。 如: The government will spend money looking after the patients. 政府要花钱去照料那些病人 英语中表“花费”的词语: (l)spend的主语必须是“人”,宾语可以是钱、精力、时间等。 如: He spends much money on books(他平时将很多钱用在买书上。 He spent a lot of money(in)buying a new car(他花很多钱买了一辆新车。 (2)cost的主

5、语必须是“物”或“事”,表示“费用”、“耗费”,后接life,money,health,time等,侧重于“花费”的代价。 如: The book cost him one dollar(这本书用了他一美元。 It costs you 12 pounds to go to London by ship(乘船到伦敦要用12英镑。 (3)take表示“花费”时,其主语一般是“一件事”,有时主语也可以是人,它说明事情完成“花费了”。 如: 1 用心 爱心 专心 It took me ten minutes to go to the post office(到邮局用用了我十分钟时间。 It takes

6、 a lot of money to buy a house as big as that(买一座像那样的房子要花很多钱。 (4)pay的基本意思是“支付”,作为及物动词,宾语可以是“人”、“钱”, 如: He paid the taxi and hurried to the station(他付了出租车的钱,急忙向车站赶去。 They had to pay two hundred francs(他得付一百法郎。 Well pay you in a few days(几天后我会给你钱。 (5)pay for的宾语为“物”、“事”,for表示支付的原因。 如: Youll have to pay

7、 me ten dollars a week for your meals(你得每周付给我十美元饭钱。 注意: 下面两句中 pay for的意义不同。 Of course we have to pay for what we buy(当然我们买东西得付钱。 Dont worry about money;Ill pay for you(别担心钱,我会替你付的 5. Why dont you get her a scarf? Why dont you,V原,意思是“你为什么不,”相当于Why not ,V原,此句用来提出建议。 (1)Why dont you go there with us? ,

8、Why not go there with us? (2)Why _ go swimming? A. dont B. not you C. not to D. dont you 6. How about a scarf? How /What about? 意为“怎样/如何,”用于征求意见或提出建议,后接名词或动名词或代词。 (1)买些鲜花怎么样, How /What about _some flowers? (2)来杯茶怎么样, What about a cup of tea? 7. What should I get my sister? “What should I,V原”意为“我该呢,”

9、,用来征求建议。should 是情态动词,后接动词原形。 (1)What should I get my mom for her birthday? (2)What should we do next? (3)What should he do to improve English? 8.A scarf is not interesting enough. The boy is not friendly enough. 这两句中的enough 是副词,用在了形容词之后。 9. Dogs are too difficult to take care of. 此句中的too to 意为“太而不能”

10、,too后加形容词或副词,to后接动词原形。 (1)The room is too small for us to live in. (2)You spoke too fast for us to follow. (3)The pen is too old to write with. 10. What a lucky guy! 这是一个感叹句。guy是可数名词单数,因此用What a (1)_a sunny day! _ sunny weather! _ sunny the day is! (2)_ beautiful flowers! _ beautiful the flowers are

11、! 2 用心 爱心 专心 (3)_ nice your watch is! _ a nice watch! (4)_ careful you are! (5)_good news! A. What B. How C. What a D. How a 教师寄语:Nothing is difficult if you put your heart into it.世上无难事,只怕有心人。 Section A 课前预习 I.预习目标:学习表达建议的日常交际用语How /What about-? 重点:1.单词photo album personal special 的用法 2重点句型:1). Wha

12、t should I get for sb? 2). How about sth./doing sth? 3).Why dont you ? what should I-? 二、使用方法: 1、先自学课本,自主探索总结,独立完成学案,然后学习小组讨论交流疑难知识,小组进行展示,最后通过当堂检测,巩固知识。 2、运用好双色笔,在课本上划出重点单词,短语和句型,标注出自己不懂的问题。 3、限时自主完成,独立思考,规范书写。 自学:30分钟阅读课文,完成课前预习 正课:10分钟讨论学案上的问题,15分钟讨论点评 ,5分钟背诵知识点,对桌互查 ,10分钟自主运用语言点 ,5分钟课前检测 ,5分钟课后检

13、测。 能力立意:通过基础知识的学习,提高语言的综合运用能力 【预习过程】 1.通过预习掌握下列单词、短语或句子 一条围巾怎么样_他们太廉价了_ 一份年历_ 听起来不错_ 不够有创意_ 没什么意思_ 相册_ 太个性化了_ 照相机_ 2.阅读1b 听力材料,补全对话 A: I need help. What_ I_ my mom_ her birthday? B: _a scarf? A: No,_. B: Hmm. How about a dictionary? A: Thats too boring, too. B: Well, _a camera? A: No way, thats too

14、expensive. B: _some tennis balls? A: Tennis balls? No, theyre_. 3.阅读2a2b听力材料,找出含有“How about ?What about?Why dont you ?Why not?”等提建议的句子,并写在下面: III.主要语言点导学. (1) How/What about? 表示“怎么样/好吗,” 这个句型是询问听话这一方对某事物的看法或者意见。about是个介词,它后面要接名词或者doing。 如:How about_ _他足球踢得怎么样, What about _ _ _ 和我们一起游泳怎么样, (2) Why do

15、nt you ?Why not? 表示“为什么不,”也是向别人提建议的句型,后跟动词原型。 3 用心 爱心 专心 Why dont you ,Why not _ , , ,你为什么不给他买辆自行车呢, ,,、【当堂检测】 一、根据句意及首字母填词(运用本节的单词) 1. Bill Gates and his company work out a lot of p_ computers. 2. I want to buy a photo a_ for my daughter. 3. A reporter made a c_about pollution in yesterdays newspap

16、er. 4 Why dont you buy a c_for yourself?It can take something important. 5 How about a watch ?Thats not s_ enough . 二、( ) 1. Why _ him a gift? -Thats a good a idea. A not buy B dont buy C not you buy D not to buy ( )2.What did you get _ your parents on your _ birthday? A from thirteenth B for thirte

17、enth C from thirteenD for forth ( ) 3. Im sorry I dont have _ so many good things. A money enough buy B enough money buy C enough money to buy D money enough buying Uint 8 Section A .课堂学习 I.学习目标:1.会用本课所学四会单词短语 2. 阅读理解对话、短文并能复述,能用所学词汇、句型进行情景口头表达和书面表达。3 情感策略目标:培养学生礼貌的请求和应答 The first period (SectionA 1

18、a2c) II(课堂学习过程: 一(课前检查:交流检查课前预习情况。生生、师生互动互问探讨解决预习中存在的问题。 1. 大卡片检查单词短语记忆情况 2.一分钟俩俩对话 二(情景导入: 三(自主学习 1. Do 1a,then check in pairs. Talk about the gifts in 1a. describle them using the words in the box. Below. interesting special beautiful cute original creative 2, 1b,Listening. 1)listen to 1b twice, a

19、nd number . 2) Check. First, Check in pairs, then ask one pair to give the answer. 3)Listen to 1b again, repeat 4)Read aloud alone or in pairs for practice. 3. 1c,Pairwork Ask and answer : - A: What should I get for his?her birthday? B: Why dont you get him a/some? / How about.? A: That sounds good.

20、/ No,thats too. 你们可以结合下面所给的礼品问答,也可自选材料。 rings toy pig flowers photo album camera calendar dictionary coat Mobile phone 4.2a listening. 1)listen to 2a twice, and fill in the chart. 2) Check. First, check in pairs, then ask one pair to give the answer. 3)Listen to 2b twice, fill in the chart. 4)Check.

21、 First, check in pairs, then ask one pair to give the answer. 5)Read 2a 2b aloud alone or in pairs for practice. 四(交流展示。 4 用心 爱心 专心 Do 2c , pairwork 五(拓展延伸 :从下表中选出一两组,和你的同伴编写对话。 You dont know where to go for vocation. You are not good at English. How can you Ask for some help. improve it? -Where sho

22、uld I go for vocation? -What should I do to improve my English? -Why dont you go to ? -Why not ? -No, thats too -How about., You argued(争吵)with your best friend. You Do you think students should buy gifts for dont know what to do. Ask your partners for each other? Why or why not? some help. List at

23、least 5 reasons. -I argued with my best friend. What should I do? -Why not? 课后训练案: 单项选择 ( )1. This book is a bit difficult. _ read something easier? A. Why not to B. Why dont C. Why not D. Why not you ( )2.This room is_ to hold 50 people. A. enough big B. big enough C. too big D. big too ( )3. Why n

24、ot_ us? - Because I have a lot of work_. A. to play, to do B. play, to make C. playing with, doing D.play with, to do ( )4. What should I ger my mom_her birthday? A. for B. to C. at D. by ( )5.This is the best book I have_read. A. never B. ever C. often D. Just 各班根据班级情况适当选用【文科爱好者】 六(小结:写下今天的收获 课后反思:

25、 The second period (SectionA 3a-4) 使用方法: 1、先自学课本,自主探索总结,独立完成学案,然后学习小组讨论交流疑难知识,小组进行展示,最后通过当堂检测,巩固知识。 2、运用好双色笔,在课本上划出重点单词,短语和句型,标注出自己不懂的问题。 3、限时自主完成,独立思考,规范书写。 自学:30分钟阅读课文,完成课前预习 正课:10分钟讨论学案上的问题,15分钟讨论点评 ,5分钟背诵知识点,对桌互查 ,10分钟自主运用语言点 ,5分钟课前检测 ,5分钟课后检测。 能力立意:通过基础知识的学习,提高语言的综合运用能力 课堂学习过程: 一(课前检查:交流检查课前预习情

26、况。生生、师生互动互问探讨解决预习中存在的问题。 大卡片检查单词短语记忆情况 5 用心 爱心 专心 二(情景导入: talk about something your parents request the children do in the family. 三(自主学习 1.3a. 1)Read 3a and the coversation on P86 . 2) work in pairs to finish 3a 3) Check in pairs, then call one pair to give the answer. 4) work in pairs to make new

27、conversations. 5) Check. 2. 3b. Pairwork. 1) Talk about the two sentences “Whats the best gift you have ever received? Whats the best gift Joe has ever received?” 简单感知:现在完成时结构have/has+动词的过去分词 2)Do 3b in pairs. 3)Interview your partners with these sentences below. (1) Whats the best gift you have eve

28、r received? (2) Who gave it to you? (3) When did you get it? Gift list Who What From w hom When 3. Do Part4 in pairs, then check. 四. 拓展延伸:Interview your classmates with these sentences below: (1)Whats the best gift you have ever received? (2)Who gave it to you? (3)When did you get it? 五(小结:写下今天的收获:

29、六(课堂小练: ( ) 1.- What should I get my grandma for her birthday? - Why _ you _ a scarf? A. not, buy B. dont, buy C. dont, to buy ( ) 2. Tomorrow is Sunday. How about _ to visit your grandmother? A. go B. going C. to go ( ) 3. People dont need to spend _ money buying gifts. A. too many B. much too C. t

30、oo much ( ) 4. When did you get the gift? _ my _ birthday. A. On, sixth B. In, sixth C. On, six ( ) 5. This room is _ small _ hold these people. A. so, to B. too, that C. too, to 课后训练案: 汉译英: 1.我该给爸爸什么样生日礼物,照相机怎么样,那太贵了 2.为什么你不给妈妈买一条围巾呢,那不够有趣。 6 用心 爱心 专心 完成对话: A: Whats the best Vera has ever ? B: A br

31、acelet . A: When Vera it ? B: his tenth birthday . A: Who it to him ? B: His grandma . A: a lucky guy ! 各班根据班级情况适当选用【文科爱好者】 课堂教学反思 Unit 8 Why dont you get her a scarf? 使用方法: 1、先自学课本,自主探索总结,独立完成学案,然后学习小组讨论交流疑难知识,小组进行展示,最后通过当堂检测,巩固知识。 2、运用好双色笔,在课本上划出重点单词,短语和句型,标注出自己不懂的问题。 3、限时自主完成,独立思考,规范书写。 自学:30分钟阅读

32、课文,完成课前预习 正课:10分钟讨论学案上的问题,15分钟讨论点评 ,5分钟背诵知识点,对桌互查 ,10分钟自主运用语言点 ,5分钟课前检测 ,5分钟课后检测。 能力立意:通过基础知识的学习,提高语言的综合运用能力 Section B课前预习 I.预习目标:1.初步理解对话、短文大意。2. 理解记忆新词和短语。3. 感知理解新语法。 II.【预习过程】 1.阅读2a, 2b掌握下列单词、短语或句子 1)not friendly enough 2).too boring 3).take care of 4). I dont agree. 5)a 6-year-old child 6) clea

33、rn up 2.阅读2a,2b 听力材料,补全对话 A girl wants to get a pet. How about a goldfish? Fish are easy to _. But they are too_. What about a snake. Snakes are_, but they are too_. Does she like a cat? No. Cats arent_. How about a dog? Dogs _pets. But she doesnt like a dog with long_, because she hates to _ dog ha

34、ir every day. She likes a hamster. The hamster looks nice, he seems_, and he has_. 3.阅读3a,判断对错。 1)Connie of North London has a pot-bellied pig named David Smith.( ) 2) Life with a pig is always ferfcet. ( ) 3) When the pot-bellied pig was small, she eats a little. ( ) 4) Now the pot-bellied pig is t

35、oo big to sleep in the house. ( ) 5) Pigs need lots of love. ( ) III.主要语言点导学. 1、enough的用法: 形容词 + enough enough + 名词 eg.: Thats not special enough. 那不够特别 7 用心 爱心 专心 Thats not creative enough. 那没什么创意。 They dont get enough gifts. 他们没有得到足够的礼物。 I dont have enough time to spend with her. 我没有足够的时间和她在一起。 此外

36、,enough还可以说: Its enough to make her happy. 这足以让她很高兴。 也可以说:enough for sombody to do sth. Eight hundred yuan is enough for me to buy an MP3 2、too to结构:同样表示程度的一个结构:too to,太而不能(表示否定)to后面必须跟动词原形 eg.: Its too difficult for me to carry the box. Hes too young to go to school. 3、sothat结构:too to结构可用sothat(表示肯

37、定,that后跟从句)来代替“ Hes so young that he cant go to school. eg.: Its so difficult that I cant carry the box. ,,、【预习自测】 ( )1. Mr. Smith _ an hour on this work. A. spent B. took C. used D. paid ( )2-I called you at about half past eight last night,but nobody answered.-Oh,I _ in my office at that time. A.

38、will work B. was working C. worked D. had worked ( )3. The teacher tells the students _ in class. A. dont make faces B. not make faces C. not to make faces D. to not make faces ( )4. -I have finished my homework. -When _ you _ it? A. have;finished B. do;finish C. will; finish D. did;finish Uint 8 Se

39、ction B.课堂学习 使用方法: 1、先自学课本,自主探索总结,独立完成学案,然后学习小组讨论交流疑难知识,小组进行展示,最后通过当堂检测,巩固知识。 2、运用好双色笔,在课本上划出重点单词,短语和句型,标注出自己不懂的问题。 3、限时自主完成,独立思考,规范书写。 自学:30分钟阅读课文,完成课前预习 正课:10分钟讨论学案上的问题,15分钟讨论点评 ,5分钟背诵知识点,对桌互查 ,10分钟自主运用语言点 ,5分钟课后检测。 5分钟课前检测 ,能力立意:通过基础知识的学习,提高语言的综合运用能力 I.学习目标:1.会用本课所学四会单词短语 2. 阅读理解对话、短文并能复述,能用所学词汇、

40、句型进行情景口头表达和书面表达。3 情感策略目标:培养学生礼貌的请求和应答 The first period (SectionB1a-2c) II(课堂学习过程: 一(课前检查:交流检查课前预习情况。生生、师生互动互问探讨解决预习中存在的问题。 1.大卡片检查单词短语记忆情况 2.一分钟俩俩对话 二(情景导入: 三(自主学习 1. Do 1a, talk about the animals in the picture and tell which would be good pets. 2. Do 1b, Work in groups, talk about what the most po

41、pular pet is and what the most unusual pet is. Gvie 8 用心 爱心 专心 your common. 3. listening: listen twice, and complete 2a, 2b. 4. Listen to 2a,2b , and repeat. 5.Read 2a,2b aloud in pairs. 然后检查预习案上关于2a 2b 的练习。 四(交流展示。 Do 2c , pairwork 五(拓展延伸; 做调查,请采访几名同学,并填好下表。然后根据调查的结果,以“The most popular pet”为题写一篇文章。

42、 Name What animal do you want to keep? Why do you want to keep it? Joe a parrot easy to take care of, talk 六(小结:写下今天的收获 课堂小练: 完成句子 1(我打算做一顿特别的饭。 Im going to _. 2(为对于一个六十岁的老奶奶来说,狗是不错的宠物。 I think a dog is _ for _ grandmother. 3(小狗太难照看了。 A baby dog is _ difficult _ take care of. 4(猫是最受欢迎的宠物。 Cats are _

43、 pets. 鹉很容易照看而且还说话。Parrots are easy to _ and they talk. 5(鹦6.这个礼物不够特别。This gift is _ special _. 7.你为什么不买几盘CD呢,_ buy some CDs? 8.妈妈在我过第八个生日时给我买了一辆自行车。 Mom _ me a bicycle _ 9.我应该给我的朋友买什么作为生日礼物呢, What _ I _ my friend _ his birthday 课后训练案: ( ) 1.- What should I get my grandma for her birthday? - Why _ y

44、ou _ a scarf? A. not, buy B. dont, buy C. dont, to buy ( ) 2. Tomorrow is Sunday. How about _ to visit your grandmother? A. go B. going C. to go ( ) 3. People dont need to spend _ money buying gifts. A. too many B. much too C. too much ( ) 4. When did you get the gift? _ my _ birthday. A. On, sixth B. In, sixth C. On, six ( ) 5. This room is _ small _ hold these people. A. so, to B. too, that C. too, to 各班根据班级情况适当选用【文科爱好者】 课后反思: 9 用心 爱心 专心 Uint 8 Section B.课堂学习 I.学习目标:1.会用本课所学四会单词短语 2. 阅读理


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