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1、Module 3 Period 1 新课教学过程一 外研版选修 6Module 3 Period 1IntroductionStep 1.In this part, the teacher can let the Ss answer the following two questions in order to introduce the new module.1. What do you think of friendship?2. How can you make good friends?Ask every student to choose the statements they ag

2、ree on.Step 2.Ask the Ss to learn the new words in the following ways. Here take chat and relationship for example.The first method: explain the meaning of the word.What is chat? When you talk about unimportant things in a friendly way, you chat. People often chat about daily happenings. Do you thin

3、k so? Who chat more in out daily life, men or women? What is relationship? If you and your friend are very good to each other, your relationship called friendship. Do you have friendship with your classmates?The second method: according to the circumstances to learn word.Chat: In my spare time, I so

4、metimes chat about interesting things with my friends, such as films we have seen, sport games we have watched. What do you chat about? Are you interested in pop stars? Do you chat about them?Relationship: XXX is my good friend. We have good relationship between us. This good relationship is friends

5、hip. It is very important to both of us. With this friendship we can help each other in our lessons. We benefit from our friendship. Do you have good relationship with your classmates?Step 3.Ask every two Ss to match A with B to make complete sentences. Then ask some Ss to read their sentences to al

6、l the Ss.Ask every group of Ss to set off activity and then choose the Ss who talk best in their group. And then ask the best student in every group to talk to all the Ss.ReadingStep 1.Tell the Ss that we have learned about the importance of the relation between persons. And all of us should keep go

7、od interpersonal relationship to the others. Now we will learn a story about Roy.Ask every two Ss to read some passages and guess the main idea of the text and then communicate with each other.Read the whole text and ask every student to answer the questions according to the information. Now listen

8、to the tape and check their answers. The teacher asks the Ss more questions about the text.Step 2. Ask the Ss to read the text again and organize the Ss to explain the words and phrases in English in order to draw the Ss attention to the words.Ask the Ss to do the exercises by themselves and the tea

9、cher check and correct the answers.Ask the Ss to read the text quickly and then do exercises in Activity5, then the teacher check and correct the answers to all the Ss.Step 3. Important words or phrases1. He was standing in the centre of a group of boys, and he was telling a joke.Here tell a joke is

10、 a phrase; its meaning is to tell funny stories to somebody说笑话e.g. 他经常给孩子们讲笑话所以孩子们都很喜欢他.He often tells a joke to the children, so all of them like him.In addition, we can use tell in many other phrases. For example: tell a story 讲故事;tell the truth 说出真相;tell a lie 撒谎;tell the differenee between the t

11、wo说出两者的区别;tell its own tale不说自明;tell tales揭人隐私,搬弄是 非2. When he reaehed the final line, every one burst out laughing.Here burst out is a phrase; its meaning is sudde nly beg in doing s忽然开始做某事burst out laugh ing 忽然大笑起来;it can be tran slated into burst into laughtere.g. 看到妈妈那孩子忽然嚎啕大哭起来.The child burst

12、out crying/burst into crying at the sight of his mother.3. But just under a year ago, Roys father was knocked over by a car.Here knock over is a phrase; its meaning is sb. by striki ng him撞倒某人e.g. 昨天晚上当他散步时被一辆车撞倒了.When he was walking in the street, he was knocked over by a car last night.Here tell t

13、he Ss some more phrases about knock.knock sb. on the hea(打某人的头;knock one s head against the dB头撞至U 门上; knock sth. i n/into sth.将某物打进某物4. At that moment, the door swung open.Here swi ng is a verb; its meaning is move to and fro while hanging or supporte 前后 摆动,摇摆.e.g. 他走路时摆动着手臂.His arms swung as he wa

14、lked.In addition, the word swing has other meanings. For example(1) 急转身;急旋转;急回头e.g. 当那人试图使快艇转弯时,方向盘脱手了As the man tried to swing the speed-boat round, the steering-wheel came away in his hands.(2) 剧变,骤变e.g. 他转喜为悲.He swung from happiness to rears.5. My mouth fell open and I just looked at him.Here the word fall is a link verb; its meaning is become 变得. And it is followed by prep.e.g. 短缺(某物) fall short (of sth.) 睡着 fall asleep


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