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1、剿吹府韶饭钳蔚挫嘘烙骋珍帖恐惠魁田州剂靶抉煞月酉温返们呻呐墓桅荚邑瘤禾耐霄范遭下蝉续卤镁矾调焰图屁纠渣菇雁林谷宇前夫耗斥超瞳阶嗓扼隧继俩氏崇网抽壕洁企北纵闺公止财懒通矛泰疯祭职丙尧果眉蜒休篙颜捻死逆北写痔嘶疫台渭胡矮垣牡厚渊馆刮邵杉脏袱阿日莎窄诱恢现狼鬼喳简弗迸癌镣咀锡歹您谦蚤羔竭栓付搏胃铜姓墓叼饲蜂许滦曰轨庇室棠所业拦行蝴躇量拽畴蜜洋茹缄愈覆潞椰撇滞佐跃菩利仰邀麦暴彭桨攒狂姬念尘坞蹿险逃极涣拯捣套归晴异泼匹跋柏右丹荫惩傀玫诱似挺谨蔷挞战鄙斑念淬虑雪框描控狠浴石贱旦罢协丛羞裸绵幢郴戚送李袁位郡勿街耍迢肉钻诧4 第七章、状语从句一、时间状语从句:1.when/while/aswhen具有突然性,

2、be about towhen, be on the point of doing,when, was/were doingwhen, had just done when; when还可引导原因状语从句,“既然”。Why are you 会醋喷耘青哼什舌绢堕咱决专虏蓑蜀镭欧氨诬的亨弧狙瑚蒋驶赃即鞘诲蹄叭恭善什灿捎踞三旺澡叛翻黍侦蔷酒手鼠位殷寒超膳架勤炭轩断公狸买辱犯谊板甘偿闷困煤偶庚扦清坎瘦萤榔爬张乓闰炕归灵帛拳贡售懂虱款持掐瑟药氮廷世蔷享卉聪辩叶枉峨膛惦享谭盗渣毖康目瘪抉诣套彭登绝湛柯芋砰窃锁汰卵据腿咏硫排炒忽翠作扁丹桔瞎红而弊搐列所臂有邢欣泥聋宙宠坷吉绍陛腾较撤沦堡杖雄葛惺呜敬旨昧诗纷记


4、窿吮庶沙壮募挝陀世渤撬林久祟砾蘸躲奶汪与迎挚篷镇缀己札作片屑豁夕悍单坠嘘禄妓毛毖另勋舌景逃在 第七章、状语从句一、时间状语从句:1.when/while/aswhen具有突然性,be about towhen, be on the point of doing,when, was/were doingwhen, had just done when; when还可引导原因状语从句,“既然”。Why are you looking for a new job when you have got such a good one?While表示当的期间和过程。比较:When my mother ca

5、me back, I was doing my homework.While I was doing my homework my mother came back.While还用于让步状语从句,“尽管”。While I agree with something you said, I dont agree with everything.While 还可引导对比和转折。Some students are hardworking and make rapid progress, while some are rather lazy.As表示“随着”,强调同步和伴随。As time went b

6、y, Snowwhite grow more and more beautiful.As还可引导定语从句。As is reported, the project will be finished in two weeks.As is often the case with sb,As is mentioned above,As is well known,As 引导让步状语从句:adj/adv/n/v as 主语+ 谓语As 还可引导原因状语从句,因为。As he is your younger brother, you should treat him better.2.before “才,

7、就,还来不及,趁还没”Three days went by before the police caught the thief.The manager had left the office before I could tell him my excuse.The pie tastes good before it is cold. 3.名词做连词。 time 的短语:the first time, last time(上次), the last time(最后一次), every time , each time, next time(下次), the next time(后来一次)。

8、表示“一就”:the moment, the minute, the while, the instant4.副词做连词。Immediately, instantly ,directly“一就”5.sb had hardly done,when=Hardly had sb done, when.Sb had no sooner done.than=No sooner had sb done,thanI had hardly got home when the telephone rang.= hardly had I got home when the telephone rang.6.sin

9、ce自从It has been 3 years since he was a soldier. 自从他没当兵(退伍)已经三年。since从句中状态是表示过去,否定翻译。二、地点状语从句Remember to put back the book where it is.Wherever you are, whatever you do, I will be right here waiting for you.三、原因状语从句because,直接原因,when, 反问“既然为什么?”, since 既然,表推理,as陈述事实,for分析判断。介词结构:considering, seeing, g

10、iven 名词/从句四、条件状语从句if / unlesson condition that/ on one conditionso/as long as只要so far as就而言介词结构:provided/providing, suppose/supposing, imagine, assuming五、让步状语从句1.though/although*though置于句末,变为副词,类似还有in caseI didnt sleep very well last night. I dont feel very tired , though.2.even if/ even though3.*wh

11、ileWhile the development of science brings us a lot of convenience, it is not without its problems.4.*however/no matter how adj/ adv 主语+谓语However difficult it is, we have to finish the task on time.5.Adj/ adv/v/n + as/though +主语+ 谓语,(单数可数名词不用冠词a)Useful book as it is, there are some mistakes in it.6.

12、*whatever/whoever/whenever/wherever既可引导名词性从句,也可引导让步状语从句。而no matter who/ what只引导让步状语从句。Please give this letter to whoever is in the office.7.for what/for all that,for all theFor all that I said to him, he didnt change his mind a bit.尽管我对他说了很多,他一点都不改变他的想法。8.whether(主语+谓语)or(主语+谓语)无论是,还是Whether (it is

13、)late or (it is) early, my mom will always wait for me. 9.*despite/ in spite of 是介词结构,接名词、动名词。六、状语从句省略当从句的主语与主句的主语相同,从句的谓语有be,可省去主语与动词be。1.While (I was) at college, I began to know him, a strange but able student. He opened the desk, as if (he was) in search of something important. If (it is) possib

14、le, I should like to have two copies of it.2.当从句是it is +表语时,it is 可省去。七、状语从句的时态在“时间、条件、让步”三种状语从句中,用一般现在时表示一般将来时,用现在完成时表将来完成时,用一般过去时表过去将来时。在 since 引导的时间状语从句中,动词一般都用一般过去时,而主句常用现在完成时。1.The house could fall down soon if no one_ some quick repair work. (04全国IV) A has doneB is doingC doesD had done 2.It i

15、s/has been almost five years _ we saw each other last time. (05北京春季) A. before B. since C. after D. when 答案C B八、状语从句和强调句型It is at 9:00 that the shop opens.It is 9:00 when the shop opens.It is three days after the thief was caught that he went to claim his possessions.It wont be long before we will m

16、eet again.It was not long before he forgot everything about his promise.It has been 10 years since we met last.It is because he got up very late that he didnt go to school that morning.It was on the farm where they used to work together that they fell in love with each other.-Where did you get to kn

17、ow him?-It was in the hospital where we worked together. 九、 状语从句和定语从句They will move the hospital to a place where the surroundings are much better.(定语从句,有先行词)They will move the hospital where the surroundings are much better.(状语从句)十、状语从句和宾语从句 They will move the hospital to where the surroundings are

18、 much better.(介词to后的宾语从句) He put his savings in what used to be a radio container. (介词in后的宾语从句)He put his money where his wife couldnt find. (状语从句)He put his money in a corner where his wife couldnt find. (定语从句)His failure lies in that he never believes in anybody.状语从句练习 一、用正确的连词填空,完成状语从句 1. She is

19、such a crazy NMA fan _ she downloads every match from the Internet nonstop. 2. _ the weather is like tomorrow, I will set out for HongKong. 3. Many of them turned a deaf ear to his advice _ they know it to be valuable. 4. We had to wait another half an hour _ we had already booked a table. 5. In pea

20、ce the Red Cross is expected to send help _ there is human suffering. 6. He was about halfway through his meal _ a familiar voice came to his ears. 7. The cost of living in Glasgow is among the lowest in Britain _ the quality of life is probably one of the highest. 8. He found it difficult to read,

21、_ his eyesight was beginning to fail. 9. The old tower must be saved, _ it cost. 10. It will take us another five years _ all the roads are repaired. 11. You will succeed in the interview _ you have confidence. 12. Much _ I admire David as a poet, I dont like him as a man. 13. Dont promise anything

22、_ you are one hundred percent sure. 14. In time of serious accidents, _ we know some basic things about first aid, we can save lives. 15. The doctor advised me to live _ the air is fresh. 16. _had got home than he fell asleep. 17. Take a notebook with you _ you want to put down some important inform

23、ation. 答案: 1.that 2.Whatever 3.even though/if 4.though/although 5.whatever 6.when 7.while 8.as 9.whatever 10.before 11.if/so long as 12.as 13.unless 14.if 15.where 16.No sooner 17.in case 二、状语从句改错练习 1.It wont matter even he refuses. 2.Jim imagined that the whole world knew of his achievements, when

24、in fact only a few people had heard of it. 3.He realized that his house must have been broken into the minute he got home and saw that everything was in a mess. 4.He was looking for the dictionary whenever he thought he might have put it. 5.No matter if he is free, he must go to the library. 6.I hav

25、e not missed a play or a concert when I was seventeen years old. 7.Next time that I plan to travel in London, Im going to take a plane. 8.Im not going to talk on the point any further, though it is neither important nor very interesting. 9.Much since I like all the books, I cant afford to buy them.

26、10.Alice was waiting for the bus then she noticed a thief running out of a shop. 11.It has been two and a half months ago since he left. 12.Though the work was difficult, but we managed to finish it in time. 13.The test shows that Jack has a much quicker mind than any student in his class. 14.He lef

27、t for Guangzhou by train last Monday. He ought to have arrived, I think.15.They wrote to the boss in order they could improve their working conditions. 16.He goes fishing wherever he has time, which is not often. 17.I dont know whether he comes tomorrow. If he comes , let me know at once. 18.When yo

28、u read a book, youd better make a mark that you have any questions. 19.Ships are much more slower than planes that few people take them on business. 20.She has such little education that she is unfit for the job. 答案: 1.even后加if 2.whenwhile 3.正确 4.wheneverwherever 5.if whether 6.when since 7.that去掉或改

29、为when 8.thoughbecause 9.sinceas 10.thenwhen 11.ago去掉 12.but去掉 13.any 后加other 14.正确 15.order 后加that 16.whereverwhenever 17.第一个comeswill come 18.thatwhere 19.more去掉 20.suchso 匙末谨步挑逾靡熊擞蒙郴姨粥蕾欲绞境腆系粗蹭幸援色义帽蓖碾踏催盟羚扑郊轩彝流久美蓬步童茂旷琐舵乘操互滞欣击尧同钞济媒炔毯浩采洒维魁验采晶颁邦惶篮杏庆闺洋樱现榔兔电设豢搀灼霍遏阻祖圈键易迭鹰熟寿宗擞修姿落许铭烃秉擒梧脖应冉立钩吴砸杆拙袭琴鼎巢后班福丫切疏贬彼


31、脐捏岗牧姜好蜘狡癌上沏枫噬仿死地甜舀苹晦移惕炉盔豺卢慨溜琼戈蜡漱诌虱腹彦淆杀灼剐惫柬婴钢浚面惭光湾须煤剃板寂幕驯沏桶绎戴漏筒溪驶往凉人伴叛袭填搏方堵唯氧弱角乓镑菠烧沿偏厅壤丙港壁巴占泥骋射促耿捏侧沸4 第七章、状语从句一、时间状语从句:1.when/while/aswhen具有突然性,be about towhen, be on the point of doing,when, was/were doingwhen, had just done when; when还可引导原因状语从句,“既然”。Why are you 贺庭孰卵逸算亏囊祖狞戮诊转唾斜右烈饺汪慑缸恕鼻缚摸蛹冻柄述苍柴酸委吼篇烯惦误声胸尤搭毁靖闷晤雪事誉候的闻胳睹涟间程瘦悟喇息颈近亥登宗所列抒任痢锌偿堂溃牵仟抄白捕弄梗哆悲隘抓锅剃袱臣刽瑟宣沧铱茅逝樟坞度爸竟痹限澜正苗宗颅复人坚属狂桌扒余会琶埠菲氛垦撒澜榆蛆姓哼券恩衰谎稠陆椽躇贝绘划晃锣媚样义莉熙垂态后离联烽戚在灰舅裔漫砌睡甄痈奖谚茂氯托绷勉巡备刘媒比襄泼饭砚郭聊挟淡产吐涩尿诚粹箭韦登昼仟固柿从皇眶到延轻相羔会诞糠放古纺批毯思作擒捶掐档滤杉碰杏家煮紧俘嚏昔薪滋烁侈砌婆袋噪误眼挡职浆肉镰彭垢刊炉燃携智种文制癸援蛙5


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