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1、最新2015-2016学年新目标人教版PEP初中八年级英语上册教案全册外国语学校“三三式有效课堂”模式优质教案 八年级上Unit1英语课堂教学设计 ,听说课, What did you go on vacation? 1课时 课题 课时 Grammar focus-Section B(1e) 章节 主备人 1.Describe the place you went on vacation 教学内概述 2.Talk about past events. 3.How to use who.what.where in the past tense. 容分析 1. New words and expr

2、ession:dislike enough hungry hill wait building bicycle 知识点 decide paragliding try trader wonder top umbrella wet below bored 2.Sentences: Where did she go on vacation, She went to the mountains . 1.How to use past tense to describe the past events. 重点 2,Master the new words,expressions and the patt

3、ern drills. 3.How to use the knowledge freely. 1.The use of the past tense.do-did.go-went.feed-fed.study-studied. 难点 环节 主要内容 学情分析 1.This unit is closely related 1.为何教,教学目标Teaching aims : 课前三问 to students daily lives, (1).Master the new words, expressions and pattern so the students are drills. inter

4、ested in it very (2).Use the knowledge to describe past events. much. 2.教给谁,明晰对象Teaching subjects: Most students have the ability to study by Class 11, Class12. themselves, but it still needs 3.怎样教,研究内容How to teach. improving. Self-studying and cooperative learning. 第一段,教学导入 创设情境 1, 复习巩固上节课知识,以小组为单位

5、提问或检测, (1).Go over the past tense: 1 do-did.go-went.feed-fed.study-studied. sing-sang.study-studied.have-had.swim-swam. fly-flew.lose-lost. Hear-heard.run-ran (2).Go over the expressions, Stayed at home, Went to mountains, went to New York City 6. Went to the beach, visited my uncle, visited museums

6、, went to summer camp (3). Where did she go on vacation, 2, 新旧知识联系,导入新课,板书课题, Ask and answer: Where did you do on vacation? Lead ing in the new lessons: Where did you go on vacation ? Section A 3, 出示本节课学习主题和目标 ).New words ,expressions and sentences: anyone anywhere wonderful decide difference below.

7、 . Where did you go on vacation? I went to the mountains, I stayed at home ,I visited my uncle. (2).Use the knowledge describe the past event 第二段,学习新知 合作探究 1, 分组展示上节课布置的预习成果 Master the following contents: ,出示自学互助提纲) New words ,自学互互查, 1、anyone ,教师点拨、释疑, 2、most 3.nothing 4.decide 5,paragliding 6.build

8、ing 7,trader 8,difference 9.top 10.below 11.enough 12,hungry 13,hill 14.dislike 15.wet Past tense do ,go ,camp ,study , feed ,tell ,stay, watch. Expressions 1.待在家里 2,去爬山 3,去夏令营 2.去海滩 3.5.去参观博物馆 4.去纽约市 5.中央公园 6.特别的东西 7.有趣的事情 8.为考试而学习 9.和某人一块出去 10.黄果树瀑布 11.好久不见 12.照一些照片 13.大部分时间 14.玩的愉快 15.去购物 16.在农村

9、17.好像很无聊 18.没有太多可以做的 19.为你自己 2, 老师有针对性地讲解 Sentences:Where did you go on vacation? I went -. 1). Do exercise 1a. (学生先独立完成,然后师友互助, (2). Do 1b. (教师释疑, (3).Role play 1c. (4).Do 2a. (5).Listen and do 2b. (6). Do 2c. Make a dialogue . ,Ask and answer) (7). Learn 2d Listen to the tape and answer questions.

10、 Listen and repeat. Read together. Read by yourself and find out the main points Read again and find out the difficult points Recite the passage Role play the passage (8).Language points,anyone anything someone nobody something special everything 3, 设置课堂练习,组内讨论、说明,跨组质疑、评价, 2. 我去了纽约市。 I _ _ New York

11、City. 3. 你和什么人别一起去的吗, _ _ go out with _, 4. 不,没有别人在这儿。每个人都在度假。 No. _ _ was here. _ was on _. 第三段,总结归纳 延伸迁移 1, 总结或拓展、延伸本节课所学知识 1. New words: . dislike enough hungry hill wait building bicycle decide paragliding try trader wonder top umbrella wet below bored Expressions: 1. 大部分时间 2. 感觉像 3. 喝茶 4. 继续 5.

12、 一些重要的东西 6. 一碗 7. 大部分时间 8. 第二天 9. 出去 10. 相当多 11. 想知道 Sentences: 1, 我感觉我们班每年有相当多的活动。 2, 我感觉我是一只小蜜蜂。 3, 她想知道能否看到下面的东西。 4, 那商人好像饿了。 5, 好久不见。 6, 我不得不待在家里为考试而学习。 7, 我们大部分时间在图书馆里读书。 2, 组内或全班分享本节课学习收获和感受 Where did you go on vacation? Did you do anything special? I went to New York City. Did you go anywhere

13、 interesting? Where did she go on vacation, most of the time She went to the mountains. 3,分层分组布置作业,巩固旧知、预习新知, Write about where you went on vacation? Did you have a good time ? Why or Why not? 附,课后三思 1,思想有高度吗,教育境界 2.知识丰富了吗,教育素养 3.统帅课堂全局了吗,教育技巧 板书设计 Grammar focus-Secrion B(1e) Did you go out with any

14、one? No. No one was here. Everyone was on vacation. Did you buy anything special? Yes, I bought something for my father. No, I bought nothing. How was the food? Everything tastes good 八年级上Unit1英语课堂教学设计 ,阅读课, What did you go on vacation? 1课时 课题 课时 Section B(2A-3B) 章节 主备人 1.Describe the place you went

15、 on vacation 教学内概述 2.Talk about past events. . New words and Sentences: . dislike enough hungry hill wait building bicycle 容分析 知识点 decide paragliding try trader wonder top umbrella wet below bored Did Jane have a good time on Monday? What about on Tuesday? 1.How to use past tense to describe the pas

16、t events. 重点 2.Master the new words,expressions and the pattern drills. 3.How to use the knowledge freely 1.The use of the past tense.do-did.go-went.feed-fed.study-studied. 难点 环节 主要内容 学情分析 20.This unit is closely 1.为何教,教学目标Teaching aims : 课前三问 related to students daily lives, so the (1).Master the n

17、ew words, expressions and pattern students are drills. interested in it very (2).Use the knowledge to describe past events. much. 2.教给谁,明晰对象Teaching subjects: Most students have the Class 11, Class12. ability to study by themselves, but it still needs 3.怎样教,研究内容How to teach. improving. Self-studying

18、 and cooperative learning. 第一段,教学导入 创设情境 4, 复习巩固上节课知识,以小组为单位提问或检测, (1).Go over the past tense: do-did, have-had,see-saw. feed-fed, go-went, be-waswere,swim-swam. (2).Go over the new words: anyone anywhere wonderful decide difference below. (3). Ask and answer: What did you do yesterday? 1大部分时间 2.感觉像

19、 3.喝茶 4.继续 5.一些重要的东西 6.一碗 5, 新旧知识联系,导入新课,板书课题, Ask and answer: Where did you do on vacation? Lead ing in the new lessons: Where did you go on vacation ? Section B(2A-3B) 6, 出示本节课学习主题和目标 ).New words ,expressions and sentences: 1.How to use past tense to describe the past events. 2.Master the new word

20、s,expressions and the pattern drills. 3.How to use the knowledge freely. 第二段,学习新知 合作探究 4, 分组展示上节课布置的预习成果 Master the following contents: ,出示自学互助提纲) New words ,自学互互查, 1 Expressions: 1.dislike 1.enough 2.hungry 3.hill 4.5. wait 5.building 6.bicycle 7. decide 8.paragliding 9.try 10.trader 11.wonder 12.t

21、op 13.umbrella 14.wet 15.below 16.bored .待在家里 2,去爬山 3去夏令营 4/去海滩 5.去参观博物馆 6去纽约市 7中央公园 8特别的东西 9有趣的事情 10为考试而学习 11和某人一块出去 12黄果树瀑布 13好久不见 14照一些照片 15大部分时间 16玩的愉快 17去购物 18在农村 19好像很无聊 20没有太多可以做的 21.为你自己 12. 到达槟城 13. 感觉像 14. 喝茶 15. 继续 16. 一些重要的东西 17. 一碗 18. 决定做某事 19. 第二天 20. 出去 21. 相当多 22. 四处走走 23. 因为 24. 上上

22、下下 25. 查明,弄清楚 26. 去度假 27. 为- 买- 28. 你认为-怎么样, 29. 好像- 30. 到达 31. 想知道 5, 老师有针对性地讲解 Sentences:Where did you go on vacation? I went -. 1). Do exercise 1a. (学生先独立完成,然后师友互助, (2). Do 1b. (教师释疑, (3).Role play 1c. (4).Do 2a. (5).Listen and do 2b. (6). Do 2c. Make a dialogue . ,Ask and answer) (7). Learn 2d L

23、isten to the tape and answer questions. Listen and repeat. Read together. Read by yourself and find out the main points Read again and find out the difficult points Recite the passage Role play the passage (9).Language points,anyone anything someone nobody something special everything 6, 设置课堂练习,组内讨论

24、、说明,跨组质疑、评价, Did Jane have a good time on Monday? Read 2b P71. Answer the questions: Did Jane have a good time on Monday? What about on Tuesday? Where did you go? What food did you eat? Did you go with anyone? What did you like best? How was the weather? Did you dislike anything? What did you do eve

25、ry day? How did you feel about the trip? 第三段,总结归纳 延伸迁移 3, 总结或拓展、延伸本节课所学知识 1. 所给动词的适当形式填空。 1. My mother _ (buy) a new schoolbag for me yesterday. 2. When _ you _ (start) to learn English? 3. My aunt _ (take) us to dinner at a restaurant but the food _ (is) not good at all. 4. When I _ (am) in America

26、, I _ (make) a lot of new friends. 5. They _ (have) a great sale last weekend. 4, 组内或全班分享本节课学习收获和感受 Did Jane have a good time on Monday? What about on Tuesday? Where did you go? What food did you eat? Did you go with anyone? What did you like best? How was the weather? Did you dislike anything? What

27、 did you do every day? How did you feel about the trip? 3,分层分组布置作业,巩固旧知、预习新知, Write about where you went on vacation? Did you have a good time ? Why or Why not? 附,课后三思 1,思想有高度吗,教育境界 2.知识丰富了吗,教育素养 3.统帅课堂全局了吗,教育技巧 板书设计 Section B 2 3a-Self check 3a: August, hot and sunny, a Beijing hutong, beautiful, b

28、ought something special, it was interesting, Beijing duck, delicious, tired 3b: Where did you go? What food did you eat? Did you go with anyone? What did you like best? How was the weather? What did you do every day? How did you feel about the trip? 八年级上Unit1英语课堂教学设计 ,听说课, What did you go on vacatio

29、n? 1课时 课题 课时 Section A 章节 主备人 1.Describe the place you went on vacation 教学内概述 2.Talk about past events. 1.New words and expression:anyone anywhere wonderful decide difference 容分析 知识点 below. Pattern drills:Where did you go on vacation ?I went to the mountains. 2.New words and expression:anyone anywhe

30、re wonderful decide difference 重点 below. Pattern drills:Where did you go on vacation ?I went to the mountains. 1.The use of the past tense.do-did.go-went.feed-fed.study-studied. 难点 环节 主要内容 学情分析 22.This unit is closely related 1.为何教,教学目标Teaching aims : 课前三问 to students daily lives, so (1).Master the

31、new words, expressions and pattern the students are interested in drills. it very much. (2).Use the knowledge to describe past events. Most students have the 2.教给谁,明晰对象Teaching subjects: ability to study by themselves, but it still needs Class 11, Class12. improving. 3.怎样教,研究内容How to teach. Self-stu

32、dying and cooperative learning. 第一段,教学导入 创设情境 7, 复习巩固上节课知识,以小组为单位提问或检测, (1).Go over the past tense: do-did, have-had,see-saw. feed-fed, go-went, be-waswere,swim-swam. (4).Go over the new words: anyone anywhere wonderful decide difference below. (5). Ask and answer: What did you do yesterday? 8, 新旧知识

33、联系,导入新课,板书课题, Ask and answer: Where did you do on vacation? Lead ing in the new lessons: Where did you go on vacation ? Section A 9, 出示本节课学习主题和目标 ).New words ,expressions and sentences: anyone anywhere wonderful decide difference below. . Where did you go on vacation? I went to the mountains, I stay

34、ed at home ,I visited my uncle. (2).Use the knowledge describe the past event 第二段,学习新知 合作探究 7, 分组展示上节课布置的预习成果 Master the following contents: ,出示自学互助提纲) New words ,自学互互查, 1、 anyone ,教师点拨、释疑, 2、most 3.nothing 4.decide 5,paragliding 6.building 7,trader 8,difference 9.top 10.below 11.enough 12,hungry 13

35、,hill 14.dislike 15.wet Past tense do ,go ,camp ,study , feed ,tell ,stay, watch. Expressions 1.待在家里 2,去爬山 3,去夏令营 23.去海滩 24.5.去参观博物馆 25.去纽约市 26.中央公园 27.特别的东西 28.有趣的事情 29.为考试而学习 30.和某人一块出去 31.黄果树瀑布 32.好久不见 33.照一些照片 34.大部分时间 35.玩的愉快 36.去购物 37.在农村 38.好像很无聊 39.没有太多可以做的 40.为你自己 8, 老师有针对性地讲解 Sentences:Whe

36、re did you go on vacation? I went -. 1). Do exercise 1a. (学生先独立完成,然后师友互助, (2). Do 1b. (教师释疑, (3).Role play 1c. (4).Do 2a. (5).Listen and do 2b. (6). Do 2c. Make a dialogue . ,Ask and answer) (7). Learn 2d Listen to the tape and answer questions. Listen and repeat. Read together. Read by yourself and

37、 find out the main points Read again and find out the difficult points Recite the passage Role play the passage (10).Languge points,anyone anything someone nobody something special everything 9, 设置课堂练习,组内讨论、说明,跨组质疑、评价, 学生阅读Grammar Focus中的句子,然后做填空练习。 1. 你去了什么地方去度假, _ _ you go on _? 2. 我去了纽约市。 I _ _ N

38、ew York City. 3. 你和什么人别一起去的吗, _ _ go out with _, 4. 不,没有别人在这儿。每个人都在度假。 No. _ _ was here. _ was on _. 第三段,总结归纳 延伸迁移 5, 总结或拓展、延伸本节课所学知识 1. some, any, no, every与-one, -thing可以组成八个不定代词,他们分别是, someone, _ _ _ _ _ _。 2. 带some的复合不定代词常用于肯定句中,带 any的复合不定代词常用于否定句或一般疑问句中。例如, 我想吃点东西。 Id like _ to eat. 今天有人给我打电话吗,

39、 Did _ call me today? 3. 当形容词修饰不定代词时,应放在其后面。例如,这本书里有什么新东西吗, Is there _ _ in this book? 今天没有什么特别的事。 Theres _ _ today. 4. 由some, any, no, every构成的复合不定代词作主语时,都作单数看待,其谓语动词用单数第三人称形式。例如, Something is wrong with my watch. Well, everyone wants to win. Nobody knows what the future will be like. There is some

40、thing for everyone at Greenwood Park. 6, 组内或全班分享本节课学习收获和感受 Where did you go on vacation? Did you do anything special? I went to New York City. Did you go anywhere interesting? Where did she go on vacation, most of the time She went to the mountains. 3,分层分组布置作业,巩固旧知、预习新知, Write about where you went o

41、n vacation? Did you have a good time ? Why or Why not? 附,课后三思 1,思想有高度吗,教育境界 2.知识丰富了吗,教育素养 3.统帅课堂全局了吗,教育技巧 板书设计 Where did you go on vacation? Section A 1 (1a-2d) anyone, someone, everyone, something, anything, everything yourself, myself Where did you go on vacation? Did you do anything special? I we

42、nt to New York City. Did you go anywhere interesting? Where did she go on vacation, most of the time She went to the mountains. 八年级上Unit2课堂教学设计 (听说课, How often do you exercise? 1课时 课题 课时 Section A 章节 主备人 1.Describe something about How often do you exercise? 教学内概述 2.Talk about what do you usually do

43、on weekends? 3.New words and expression:housework. Hardly. Hardly ever. Program. Full. 容分析 知识点 Swing. Swing dance. At least. Junk food 4.Pattern drills:1.What do you usually do on weekends? 5.-I always exercise 2.How often do you go to the movies? 3.Do you go shopping? 1.How to use how often ,whats

44、your favorite,what kind of.? 重点 2.Master the new words,expressions and the pattern drills. How to use the knowledge freely. 1.The use of the how often? 不定代词 难点 环节 主要内容 学情分析 41.This unit is closely related 1、为何教,呈现理念,与时俱进,、目标,体现“三课前三问 to students daily lives,so the 维”,(1).Master the new words, expres

45、sions and pattern students are interested in it drills.(2).Use the knowledge to describe past events. very much. 2、教给谁,明晰对象,学习主体,、类别,知识层2.Most students have the ability to study by 次,Class3 and,Class4. themselves, but it still needs improving. 3、怎样教,研究内容,本刚合一,、方法,有效创新,Self-studying and cooperative learning. 第一段,教学导入 创设情境 10, 复习巩固上节课知识,以小组为单位提问或检测, (1).Go over the how 的相关搭配: how do you how long .how far. how can ihow is.how are. 6.Go over the new words: housework. Hardly. Hardly ever. Program. Full. Swing. Swing dance. At


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