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1、Book1 Module2高塘石小学 易华平Team备课年级组三年级Designer执笔易华平Module / Topic模块及话题Book 1 Module 2Unit单元Module 2Title题目My BodyPeriod课时2nd Type of lesson课型复习巩固课教学内容分析这个单元是三年级非常重要的一个环节,主要介绍身体部位和相关的指令短语。如:Wash your/Brush your/Clean your/Raise your 教学对象分析三年(1)班的同学整体水平还是挺不错的,但是个别同学开口表达的机会比较少,所以这个复习课主要让他们口头的单词复习,逐渐发展到句子表达

2、,到最后的听力和写的输出。Objectives:教学目标(一) 知识目标:1. 能听,说,读、写本单元的四会词:hand/hair/face/ear/eye/head/nose/mouth/arm/leg/foot 三会词:wash/brush/clean/raise2.复习巩固句型:1.Wash your. 2.Brush your. 3.Clean your. OK/All right. 4.Raise your.(二)语言技能目标: 熟练运用身体部位名词、表示指令性的语言以及表示介绍的句型,并进行交际性的语言对话。 (三) 文化意识目标 1)让学生知道讲卫生、懂礼仪也是对别人的尊重。2)

3、懂得一些手势代表的意义。教学重点复习巩固句型及其回答:1.Wash your. 2.Brush your. 3.Clean your. OK/All right. 4.Raise your.教学难点学生能根据指令准确快速地做出反应,并在现实的生活中给出适当的建议。Teaching Aids / Media主要教学媒体 PPT,单词卡片,句型卡片Teaching Procedures 教学过程Teaching activity & Steps of the activity Students activities学生活动Purpose设计意图Warming up1. Divide the cla

4、ss into four groups.Wash, wash, wash, go ,go, go.Brush, brush, brush, huh, huh, huh.Clean, clean, clean, yeah, yeah, yeah.Raise, raise, raise, hi, hi, hi.2. Chant Wash, wash, wash your face. OK, OK , OK. Brush, brush, brush your hair. All right, all right, all right. Clean, clean, clean your teeth.

5、OK, OK, OK. Raise, raise, raise your hand. All right, all right, all right.Say out the slogans.Say out the chant. 把单词融入到口号当众,形成学习小组的气氛。复习已学句型RevisionandDrillingDevelopment and Consolidation1.Review the body words2.Review the sentence patterns by playing the game “Simon says” (1) T says and Ss do. (2

6、) S says Ss do.3. T shows an example and Ss do it. Ss practice in groups. Group members PK group members. GTSH Primary School is going to choose one group of the emissary of civilizations(文明小组).Everyone should take part in the match which includes three rounds.Round One: Lets act。Review the words by

7、 playing games.TPR gamesT says out the orders and Ss do it.One, two , three, wash your hand.One, two, three, brush your hair.One, two, three, clean your ear.One, two, three, raise your hand.Round Two: Lets write and read。Listen to the video and finish the worksheet.Round Three: Lets listen and sugge

8、st。 Create some situations that need suggestions.Choose the winning group.Watch the ppt and spell the wordsPlay the game “Simon says”Practice in pairs and take part in the pk matchTake part in Round One Take part in Round TwoTake part in Round Three复习身体部位单词组内操练通过过关的形式达到终点,获得文明小组称号。Conclusion1.Wash your.2.Brush your. 3.Clean your. . OK/All right 4.Raise your.认真回忆并整顿思路,记住今天所学的单词及句型。总结这堂课所学内容,加强印象。Homework1. 用Wash/Brush/Clean/ Raise your.(各造三个句子并写中文)。2. 背诵四个句子和黑色单词。Designing onthe blackboardPPT Module Two My Body1.Wash your.2.Brush your. 3.Clean your. OK/All right. 4.Raise your.


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